What we want to do:
We are going to produce and distribute a feature length film showcasing some of the world's top, innovative freestyle mountain bikers. All proceeds from the sale of the film will go to Cystic Fibrosis Canada in hopes of one day finding a cure for this progressive, life-shortening disease.
For more information about Cystic Fibrosis visit:
How we're going to do it:
We are building a completely unique slope style course at the Sanctuary of Fun (SOF). The SOF is at the cutting edge of innovation in Freestyle Mountain Biking. Once the course is done, will be flying in our riders and film makers from all over the world to Truro, Nova Scotia. Once there, they will collaborate and shoot one heck of a movie! Once the dust has settled and the shooting is done, the movie will be edited and set for relase via iTunes on November 29th (Caitlin's Birthday)! All proceeds will be going to Cystic Fibrosis Canada.
How can you help:
In order to produce and distribute this feature film, we need funds to help with final building and transportation costs of our riders, videographers, photographers and builders.
Any and all donations will be greatly appreciated.
Let's make this happen!
If you would like to donate products for us you use for perks please contact us.
Special Thanks to:
Jay & Kelly Leil Louis Lhomel Shawn Spencer Faria
Julian Coffey Stephan Belanger
and our generous contributors:
You can donate directly from this page, or contact Matt Macduff at:
Thank you!