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MEGAFOOT is in a critical stage of development, but the scientists in charge need your assistance.

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MEGAFOOT is in a critical stage of development, but the scientists in charge need your assistance.

MEGAFOOT is in a critical stage of development, but the scientists in charge need your assistance.

MEGAFOOT is in a critical stage of development, but the scientists in charge need your assistance.

MEGAFOOT is in a critical stage of development, but the scientists in charge need your assistance.

Mark Finch
Mark Finch
Mark Finch
Mark Finch
1 Campaign |
New York, United States
$19,545 USD 281 backers
55% of $35,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

If you are reading this, then the Colonel has deemed you worthy enough to be entrusted with the information which we are about to share with you.

The concept – based on an original idea and story by Justin Martell (Producer of Troma's "Return to Nuke 'Em High: Volumes 1 & 2") and with a screenplay by Rolfe Kanefsky (award-winning screenwriter/director of “There’s Nothing Out There,” “The Hazing” and “Nightmare Man"), who is also attached to direct - was to create the ultimate warrior using enhanced chemical and engineering technology. When it was declared that the end product would be used exclusively in conjunction with the U.S. military, Colonel Hankle and his team immediately took control.  A research facility in the backwoods of the American Mid-West was built, and a top-notch group of scientists was dispatched – along with some healthy, willing volunteers – to commence the operation.  Alas, the human subjects proved to be incompatible with the procedure.  All seemed lost… and then we made the most incredible discovery.

A new type of creature. GIGANTANTHROPUS CRYPTICUS, more commonly known as a Sasquatch, or Bigfoot.  We thought it was a mere myth, a projection of Man’s fantastical imagination, but we were wrong.  They exist.

Just the confirmation that these beasts inhabit this world would alone shake the foundation of Science across the globe.  But we could not pass up this amazing opportunity: fate, it seemed, was smiling upon us.  Our endeavors would not be wasted.  These hairy mammals proved to be a far more accurate match to our program than mere humans.  By combining a unique combination of Nature and Cybernetics, we will produce the most dangerous being on the planet.  The quest to create the ultimate warrior shall continue.  Project: MEGAFOOT.

In order to receive the funding we need to complete the Project, we are hoping to film an introduction that showcases the sheer power that MEGAFOOT holds.  For simplicity’s sake, we have decided to call this introduction “The Opening Ten Minutes Of MEGAFOOT.” 

Below is a short excerpt from our conceptual plans for "The Opening Ten Minutes of MEGAFOOT:"

Using these ten minutes, we can show the money-men what MEGAFOOT is capable of: death, destruction and fury.  And this is where you come in...

Every penny we receive will be utilized into creating a cybernetic sasquatch that our military can be proud of, and will cause our enemies to tremble at the sound of its approaching footsteps. Speaking in real-world terms, in order to bring our fans the greatest film about a cybernetic Sasquatch super-soldier ever made, the Megafoot monster F/X must be practical, not CGI.  

We were actually approached by two major companies who wanted to turn MEGAFOOT into a CGI-based scheme.  Money was offered.  Temptations loomed.  But the thought of a computer-generated Megafoot kept us all awake at night.  We couldn't do it.  A CGI Megafoot?  Admittedly, it's the easier option - but we're not here to sell-out.  We're here to make a movie about a cyborg Bigfoot on a blood-soaked rampage.  We're here to splatter the screen with guts and gore and to shake the very foundations of the earth with more hairy fury than you could wave a kidney at.  We owed it to ourselves, and most importantly to our fans, to do this right. 

The majority of the funds you help raise will be used to create a creature sui
t, animatronics, and to hire a stunt actor with suit-movement experience who can bring the creature to life. The movie is Megafoot and the Megafoot creature is the movie. To be done correctly will be costly, but the pay off will be on screen and it will all be because of you! Please find below a preliminary budget-breakdown for "The Opening Ten Minutes of MEGAFOOT:"

Also, the more money that is raised beyond the fundraising goal, the more we will develop the project; possibly expanding it to "The Opening Twenty Minutes of MEGAFOOT" and beyond.

Of course, there is always a little extra if you are willing to grease the wheels. Our staff members believe we have a major merchandising opportunity on our hands and have taken the liberty of mocking up a few promotional items. If you are willing to fund our research, you just may find some of these goodies dropped in your mailbox. You might even get a chance to meet the beast in the flesh.

"The Opening Ten Minutes of MEGAFOOT" will not only be used to raise the money we need to complete the experiment – it will also remain in the final, finished stage of the Project. It will not go to waste, and IT WILL ALL BE THANKS TO YOU!

Become a part of the team and we can share with you our discovery.  Join us and stand alongside the creators of MEGAFOOT as we unleash our vicious creation onto an unsuspecting world.

It's bigger than big... It's

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Choose your Perk


$5 USD
Security Clearance: Civilian. It's only natural for some members of the public to find out about our covert project. People do talk in their sleep after all. Civilians who contribute $5 will gain access to the Director's production journal and will receive a BIG thanks from the Production Team.
12 claimed


$10 USD
Security Clearance: Civilian+. Perhaps the Colonel's wife mentions our experiments at her Bridge club, or while sharing some one-on-one time with her tennis coach? For the more "involved" civilian who contributes $10: a Project MEGAFOOT pin as well as access to the Director's production journal and a BIG thanks from the Production Team.
23 claimed


$25 USD
Security Clearance: Backwoodsman. Considering the location of the experiment, it is a probability - however small - that some of the more "colorful" locals may get involved. Any Backwoodsman who contributes $25 will receive an exclusive download of the Production Storyboards for the opening scene of MEGAFOOT, an MP3 download of the MEGAFOOT Main Theme music, a copy of the feature script sent to them digitally, a Black and White MEGAFOOT "Crew" t-shirt, and all perks in previous tiers.
94 claimed


$50 USD
Security Clearance: Foot Soldier. Aah, Foot Soldiers. Or, as I like to call them, "Gore-Fodder." News of our discoveries will inevitably trickle down the ranks, so I say let them get involved. Any gore-fodders - I mean, Foot Soldiers - who contribute $50 shall receive a full-sized MEGAFOOT poster and a fur sample from the MEGAFOOT beast itself, as well as all perks in previous tiers.
41 claimed


$75 USD
Well, someone has to lead the Foot Soldiers into slaughter - I mean, into battle. Corporals who contribute $75 will receive a signed copy of the finished MEGAFOOT film on a DVD/Blu-ray combo pack (available once the movie is fully completed) as well as all perks from previous tiers.
32 claimed


$100 USD
Security Clearance: Recon Team. It's always a good idea to have a recon team ready in case of any... accidents. Contribute $100 and receive a DVD-R containing the full uncensored footage of pre-Bigfoot human experimentation, a MEGAFOOT movie poster autographed by the Cast and Crew, a digital download video of the finished opening scene, an exclusive download of the Production Storyboards for the full-length feature film, a "MEGAFOOT CROSSING" sign, and all perks in previous tiers.
20 claimed


$150 USD
Security Clearance: Lieutenant Corporals need someone to look up to. And Captains need someone to blame/use as a human shield. Join us as a Lieutenant and not only will you receive all the perks from previous tiers, but also a LIMITED EDITION MEGAFOOT NES GAME! Yes, a NES game on a NES cartridge with a NES box that you can actually play on your old NES system! *Limited to 25 - will only work on NTSC consoles!
18 out of 25 of claimed


$250 USD
Security Clearance: Captain. Any captains you have under your command will obviously need to briefed on the situation at hand. All Captains who contribute $250 will gain access to the exclusive Production Video Journal, access to the digital comic book "The Origin Of Megafoot," and all perks in previous tiers.
1 claimed


$500 USD
Security Clearance: Lab Assistant. It sounds like a lowly position, but our lab assistants are currently witnessing one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs in human history. Contribute $500 and you will receive an autographed piece of MEGAFOOT carnage (e.g. a severed limb or FX piece, signed by the Director) AND you will have YOUR name appear as a backer in the credits of the MEGAFOOT movie, as well as all perks in previous tiers.
5 claimed


$1,000 USD
Security Clearance: Lab Technician Lab Technicians are assuredly hands-on, so they will obviously be privy to all of our secrets. Contribute $1000 and you will visit the set of the movie during production*, get a photograph of yourself with MEGAFOOT, work on the film and receive a MEGAFOOT Production Assistant credit as well as all perks in previous tiers. *Due to the sudden increase of Body Armor Tax we, unfortunately, would be unable to assist with the cost of your travel and lodging.
1 out of 26 of claimed


$5,000 USD
Security Clearance: Executive Scientist Executive Scientists will be working closely with the rest of the MEGAFOOT team at the research facility. Executive Scientists who contribute $5000 will visit the set of the movie during production (DOMESTIC TRAVEL INCLUDED), will get to be a Dead Body in the film and get a special thanks in the end credits, as well as all perks in previous tiers.
0 out of 4 of claimed


$10,000 USD
Security Clearance: XLT-2 I hardly need to explain that those with XLT-2 clearances will gain full Project MEGAFOOT disclosure throughout the experiment's production. Those who contribute $10,000 and attain XLT-2 clearances will visit the set of the movie during production (DOMESTIC TRAVEL AND LODGING INCLUDED) and get to be killed on screen by MEGAFOOT plus "one line of dialogue," as well as receive all perks in previous tiers.
0 out of 2 of claimed


$30,000 USD
Security Clearance: Big Shot Producer Well, even the army and its team of top scientists working on nefarious projects needs a Big Shot Producer. Contribute $30,000 and not only will you get Producer credit, but also the opportunity to travel to the Cannes Film Festival in France with the MEGAFOOT Crew, as well as all perks in previous tiers!
0 out of 1 of claimed
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