Short Summary
We, The Satanic Temple,
an established New York City-based religious organization, seek
to donate a public monument to Oklahoma’s Capitol Preservation
Commission for display upon Oklahoma City’s capitol grounds. As an “homage” to Satan, the purpose of the monument is to complement
and contrast the Ten Commandments monument that already resides on the
North side of the building.
The existing Ten Commandments monument, donated to the Capitol Preservation
Commission in 2009 by Mike Ritze, a representative of the Oklahoma State
Legislature and ordained Southern Baptist Deacon, has raised the ire of
American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) who filed suit in August of 2013, noting that, “the monument
stands alone, with no other monuments or memorials in the immediate
vicinity.” Also of concern to the ACLU is the “self-evidently exclusive”
religious message “that supports and endorses the faiths and creeds of
some churches and sects.” We believe that in being
allowed to place our monument within the proximity of the Ten
Commandments monument, we can appease the ACLU’s concerns.
By accepting
our offer, the good people of Oklahoma City will have the opportunity to
show that they espouse the basic freedoms spelled out in the
Constitution. We imagine that the ACLU will also embrace such a
response. Allowing us to donate a monument would show that the Oklahoma
City Council does not discriminate, and both the religious and
non-religious should be happy with such an outcome. Our mission is to
bring people together by finding common sentiments that create solutions
that everyone can appreciate and enjoy.
We are keenly attune to the need
for a public-friendly design and plan is to make our monument an object
of play for young children. The Satanic Temple is accepting donations toward the production and placement of this historic and important monument to religious diversity.
What We Need & What You Get
We are seeking $20,000 toward the construction and placement of our Satanic monument that will be erected alongside of the 10 Commandments monument at the Oklahoma State Capitol. Donations within certain price brackets earn the donator official Satanic Temple Merchandise gift packages. All funds will go toward the cost of constructing and erecting the monument. Donors must be aware of the possibility that the monument offer may be rejected or refused by the Oklahoma City Council prior to any construction. If Oklahoma City refuses to allow us to donate a monument, all funds will go toward efforts to appeal or contest the rejection, and/or place another Satanic monument in another relevant location.
The Impact
By contributing to The Satanic Temple's monument you will be contributing to the spread of religious diversity and a raising of the public consciousness. A Satanic monument erected in contrast to a 10 Commandments monument will send a clear and distinct message to the world that pluralism is alive and well in the United States.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please share the link to this campaign within your social media.