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RE-CYCLING - Short animation movie

Ten countries, ten objects, one minute to tell a story. Want to play a game?

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RE-CYCLING - Short animation movie

RE-CYCLING - Short animation movie

RE-CYCLING - Short animation movie

RE-CYCLING - Short animation movie

RE-CYCLING - Short animation movie

Ten countries, ten objects, one minute to tell a story. Want to play a game?

Ten countries, ten objects, one minute to tell a story. Want to play a game?

Ten countries, ten objects, one minute to tell a story. Want to play a game?

Ten countries, ten objects, one minute to tell a story. Want to play a game?

Fosca Pozzar Colinassi
Fosca Pozzar Colinassi
Fosca Pozzar Colinassi
Fosca Pozzar Colinassi
1 Campaign |
Europe, Italy
$4,959 USD $4,959 USD 13 backers
100% of $4,915 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

What the heck is RE-CYCLING?

A unique experiment, an intriguing example of international cooperation, a game.

Ten different artists, from ten different European countries, have been asked to participate in a challenging task: narrating the story of an object they do not know anything about in a ten minutes animation film, drawing directly on the celluloid.

 Our story

On a freezing Wednesday afternoon last winter we were sipping from our hot smoking tea cups, and suddenly a flashy thought popped up into our minds:

“wouldn’t it be amazing if we gathered ten great authors for a brand new, fresh and unique experiment in the adventurous field of ANIMATION MOVIES?”

And then we thought:

“why call it an ‘experiment’, when we can make it way more fun transforming it into a GAME?”.

And, lastly: “Gee, why don’t we make it even more challenging and awesome using the good ol’ celluloid film? It's the 100th anniversary of Norman McLaren's birth after all!”

So that was it: the seed was planted, the idea was born into our mind, and all we had to do was feeding and breeding it. It was all very exciting; we couldn’t wait to see the results of our brainwave!

First, we travelled the seven seas to find the finest, most interesting European artists in the field of animation cinema. We searched carefully: we wanted to work with someone curious, bold, with a buzzing mind and a distinctive style. And there they were, all that we had been looking for:

Špela Čadež (Slovenia)

Rastko Ćirić (Serbia)

Vessela Dantcheva (Bulgaria)

Magda Guidi (Italy)

Joni Männistö (Finland)

Regina Pessoa (Portugal)

Ülo Pikkov (Estonia)

Marina Rosset (Switzerland)

Gábor Ulrich (Hungary)

Petra Zlonoga (Croatia)

For various reasons, these names (see the slideshow at the end) perfectly represented the soul of the film we were trying to create: all of them were fresh, hungry, driven, and all of their styles were unique and remarkable.

We squeezed our minds to extract all the juice and we started cooking up the recipe for our lush game. Step by step, the game phases began to get off to a good start, and our project weighed the anchor:

1.  Each artist had to choose one item related to the everyday life in his or her country and send it to the Re-Cycling Team.

We wanted something symbolic and not at all predictable - like, ehr, a mandolin from Italy or an alphorn from Switzerland. No no no, we wanted something personal, something meaningful and special that had its own peculiar story.

2.  After receiving the ten objects, our team shuffled them, picked them at random and each one was sent to a different artist.

This way, every one of the authors received something chosen and sent by one of his or fellows artists in the first place.

(Watch Joni Männistö having SO much fun with the item he received!)

  1. No information about the original provenience of the items was given to the ones who received them.

The objects were meant to be “mysterious”, as well as their legitimate owners. We wanted the artists to take their imagination wherever they wanted, without being influenced by anything. Plus, the results would have been even more surprising and unpredictable this way (Mistery! Intrigue! Suspense!).

  1. (Fire in the hole, here begins the most exciting part)! Each artist started working on his own film: one minute to narrate the story of the objects that they “adopted”.

So the object lives another life, fills another story, assumes another meaning. Every artist re-invents it, “re-cycles” it.

(A sneak peek of Rastko Ćirić's work. Curious, huh?)

  1. The ten authors drew or scratch their movies directly on the celluloid, using negative or positive film (or both).

Should we talk about the fascination of the celluloid, or explain how it felt to touch with our hands the very metaphor for the history of cinema? Do we need to?

And this brings us pretty much to the present days, after we collected the amazing 1’ movies from all over Europe. The “Re-Cycling” adventure goes on…

What happens next?

Now “Re-Cycling” must go through a post-production stage.

We will cut, assemble, digitalize, and we would like to add an original score, composed by Andrea Martignoni and played by the legendary Zerorchestra from Pordenone.

The final result will be a 10’ short movie, with its own original soundtrack and the opening and ending credits designed by Giulio Calderini and Michele Bernardi.

The aim is to make this film travel: it had begun to wander across Europe before it was even born, when it was just a piece of blank film, so its very nature is to go and discover the world.

We will start our journey from Ljubljana (SLO): we already have a cooperation with Animateka - International Animated Film Festival, which will lend us the screen  for a premiere during its next edition (that will take place from the 8th to the 14th of December, 2014).

Then the film will travel across Friuli Venezia Giulia (ITALY) for the Piccolo Festival Animazione, in Udine (where the viewing will be associated with an exhibition at Visionario), Pordenone, Trieste and Gorizia next winter.

What are our hopes and expectations?

We want it to be cool enough to be presented to a bunch of festivals around Europe and to win all of them!

We want it to be enjoyable enough to make all of you smile and laugh and dream and jump on your seats.

We want it beautiful enough to make all our friends jealous and green with envy forever.


(Wonder what Vessela Dantcheva is cooking up for us...)

What we need the money for:

The money will be used for:

  • The POST-PRODUCTION, and especially the SOUNDTRACK

We will need “a few” extra bucks to rent a recording studio, to buy pizza for musicians and technicians, and to have all the first-class instruments to make our film sound amazing.


Our dream is to buck the film up with a travelling exhibition, that would allow us to tell our entire story, showing the storyboards, the mysterious items, and all the documentation we collected on the way. 

Knowing what went on behind the scenes gives a full and much more engaging idea about the very meaning of the film. 


Wouldn’t it be cool to print a few more copies of the film in DVD or Blu-Ray, spread them anywhere and conquer the universe?


If tea gives us such great ideas, we would need more to have new, brilliant inspirations!



Geniuses at work (watch the slideshow!):

The Re-Cycling Team: 

+ our wonderful producer Paolo Polesello, and executive assistant Fosca Pozzar Colinassi (she is the girl hidden behind the computer screen).

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Currency Conversion $5 USD
€5 EUR
Public thanks on our official Facebook page. + E-card "thank you" note.
2 claimed


Currency Conversion $11 USD
€10 EUR
One random postcard with artworks from the film. + "THE GREATEST VIRTUE" package.
4 claimed


Currency Conversion $33 USD
€30 EUR
Set of ten postcards with artworks from the film. + "THE GREATEST VIRTUE" package.
1 claimed


Currency Conversion $55 USD
€50 EUR
Exclusive digital download of the film. + "GRAPHOMANIA" package.
2 claimed


Currency Conversion $109 USD
€100 EUR
Copy of the DVD signed by our artistic director. + All the previous perks.
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $218 USD
€200 EUR
CUSTOMIZED DVD and BLU-RAY copies of the film with YOUR NAME PRINTED ON THE LABELS! + "P2P" package
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $328 USD
€300 EUR
SIGNED copy of ÜLO PIKKOV's book "Animasophy. Theoretical Writings on the Animated Film". + Copy of the DVD with YOUR NAME PRINTED ON THE LABEL. + "GRAPHOMANIA" package.
0 out of 3 of claimed


Currency Conversion $437 USD
€400 EUR
One single original frame from Joni Männistö's "special film" (an extra created just for you guys!) + DVD and BLU-RAY with your name on the label + "GRAPHOMANIA" package
0 out of 7 of claimed


Currency Conversion $546 USD
€500 EUR
You will actually be in the movie: YOUR NAME WILL BE FEATURED IN THE END CREDITS! + Handwritten "thank you" note from one of the authors picked at random. + Copy of the DVD and BLU-RAY with your name printed on the label. + "GRAPHOMANIA" package.
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $819 USD
€750 EUR
FORMAL INVITATION AND RESERVED SEAT FOR THE MOVIE PREMIERE! (And loads of fun with us after the movie). (Trip and accommodation not included). + "HALL OF FAME" package.
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $1,092 USD
€1,000 EUR
With 1.000€ or more you gain the title of MAIN SUPPORTER: you will feature in the end credits and presented to the premiere with this title. + "PARTY ANIMAL" package
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $2,184 USD
€2,000 EUR
You, and YOU only, will receive TEN original frames taken from Joni Männistö's special film (an extra created on purpose). So you will have in your hands a very relevant piece of his story. + "ONE OF US" package
0 out of 1 of claimed
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