My name is Ikenna Victor Agina from Nigeria. I am a blogger, motivational speaker and personal development coach. It's my dream to help as many unemployed people start up their own business while also motivating and encouraging them to become better people in life.
Over time, I have received series of emails from frustrated unemployed graduates in Nigeria. One afternoon, I received a shocking text message from a friend which read ' Men I really feel like committing suicide right now. Because I am not connected, I cannot get a job in my country after 10 years of studying abroad! My Mother is dying in the Hospital' .
This message sparked up something in me! I had called him up and talked him out of the idea of committing suicide, after which I encouraged him to leverage on his music hobby. Unemployment is a canker-worm that has eaten deep into our country Nigeria, leaving most graduates hopeless and confused. Thousands to millions of graduates are churned out from our higher institution yearly making it more difficult for everyone to get a job. The only way out is self employment! In order to become self employed, it is important for individuals to learn a skill or vocation. I decided set up a free blog where I write and encourage my readers to start up their own business. I do short audio interviews with successful business people and post on the blog to give my audience an idea of what to do. I also write motivational stories to spark up the creativity in them.
I have decided to upgrade from a free blog to a paid blog. It's going to be a huge app. I intend to do video interviews with successful business people in Nigeria and around the world. I would also do video tutorials on ' how to start specific businesses'. This would require making a video shoot. My audience would be able to learn specific skills from my website and also interact with other like minded visitors. The features of the website would include:
1. Forum: I would integrate a forum ' intending entrepreneurs' can interact with like minded persons to share their bushiness experience. The forum would also include sections for motivational and personal development lectures.
2. Meet a Professional Hangout: Every month, visitors would be able to interact real time with at least 2 business professionals in different areas of business.
2. Online Chat Support: The website would have a real time chat module where I can interact with visitors for instant enquiries.
3. Download Section: Visitors would be able to download video interviews and ebooks, the download section would be separated by categories.
4. Skill/Trade Zone: Visitors with specific skills and services would be able to list their offer or services to get more exposure for their business.
This project would be an ongoing project as their would be need to constantly do video interviews with professionals. Some of the things needed for the project to be successful include:
1. Nikon D5200 video and image camera.
2. Services of a professional website developer.
3. Mobilization cash for transportation.
4. Application development for smartphones and android devices.
Desired Result:
At the end of a one year period, I would have been able to help at least 5000 unemployed Nigerian graduates start-up a business of their own by leveraging on the use of the internet. By so doing, I would be able to reduce the number of unemployed on the streets of the country.
The whole idea behind this is to help as many unemployed graduate start up a small business on an extremely small budget since there are insufficient jobs to accommodate everybody.