On November 8, 2013, one of the largest typhoons in recorded history hit landfall at the tiny island of Leyte in the Philippines, leaving behind it, both monumental destruction and a desperate need for help. Over 100,000 homes were destryoed, leaving people without clean water, shelter, electricity and basic necessities of modern civiliaztion.
I have volunteered to work on project Leyte, through the organization All Hands to rebuild from the aftermath of typhoon Yolanda (as it's know to the locals). I will be there for 6 weeks from March 1st through April 14th.
In order to make this a reality I need help from you.
All funds contributed will go directly towards my travel, food, and very basic living expenses (i.e. shelter, bedding, and protective/ work gear).
Thank you for any help you can offer. Let's get me to the Philippines to work!
If you are willing to share this on your personal social media page, let friends and family know as a way to support and get the word out I would be very grateful.