For the first time in English, in one omnibus edition, Soaring Penguin Press will be publishing Régis Loisel's epic series, Peter Pan. This 372-page, full colour hardback will tell the entire story of how Peter, a young boy on the streets of Dickensian London, became Peter Pan.
This omnibus edition collects the complete 6 volume bande dessinee series lovingly created by Loisel from 1990 to 2004. This series has never before been seen in the UK, and has never been collected in English.
To support this exciting publishing venture, Soaring Penguin Press has created this Indiegogo campaign. We’ve developed a few perks to accompany the campaign. Frankly, we’d rather sell the book. If you have a choice between buying one of the lesser perks, and saving your money to buy the book, buy the book.
The creator, Régis Loisel, will be attending the BD & Comics Passion Festival, May 30th to June 2nd, Institute française, London. If you are able to attend, purchase the Pan perk. You get a copy of the book, and a pass for the weekend so you can meet M. Loisel.
If you are unable to attend, then purchase the Peter perk, and we’ll send you a copy of the book as soon as it becomes available.
Soaring Penguin Press has the UK and European English Language Rights only. For that reason, the book cannot be offered outside of the UK or Europe. However, we will be shortly starting a Kickstarter campaign to secure the North American Rights.
The budget for the UK book is set out below. All costs must be met by the sale of the book.
Rights purchase
Royalties advance
This is the total advanced costs for getting this book in print.
To show you why we're so excited about this book, here's the first page of the story. (Click on the image to open a new window with a larger image.)
![Peter Pan Page 1 Peter Pan pg1]()
Every day for the run of this campaign, we'll add another page.