The Story
The Reign of King Dagon saga began in 2009 when a video game monster came to life and discovered it could use the Internet to conquer the Earth. It was defeated when its designer and a mercenary IT Tech joined forces, but it was not killed. Published on Paul Juser's fiction blog, "Laugh at Yourself First," the epic story comes to a close 12/31/14 in a harrowing CHOOSE-YOUR-QUEST. You don't have to wait. In March, the entire story will be available in a series of 3 Kindle ebooks or one print edition. Your donations will be used for production and promotion.
For You
For only $5 you can have your name attached permanently to this exciting story. All donors will have their name listed in a special "thank-you" section. If you can spare $10, your signed copy of the book will arrive a week before the Amazon release date. Dissatisfied with these tiny donations? You can earn a truly special perk. The first $1000 donor gets Paul Juser's beard, an exact replica of the beard he wore in his first feature-length film, "Demon Messenger."
About the Author
Paul Juser is the author of "The Salvation Shark," "Man-In-Sea," and monthly contributor to the legendary "National Police Gazette." His short stories and poems have been published internationally, and he regularly updates his fiction blog, "Laugh at Yourself First," which can be read at