The Story
Renewal profiles Vertigo, a world-renowned Jerusalem dance company that builds an eco-arts village to embrace a more sustainable lifestyle. The process of becoming green forces the dancers and their families to reconsider their art, their values, and their place in the Holy Land.
The Mission
After meeting the Vertigo Dance Company while reporting in Israel in 2010, I knew I wanted to make a documentary about their unique approach to art and environmental activism. I built an amazing production team, including dance cinematographer Elad Debi, and we began the journey.
The documentary is intended for film festivals and educational screenings. Renewal provides new perspectives on Israel by showcasing its distinctive dance culture, while investigating sustainable living, providing tangible examples of accessible ecological practices.
The Impact
Beyond the traditional film festival circuit, Renewal has great potential for educational outreach and community building. The film can be screened alone or in conjunction with other programs such as a dance performances, events about Israeli arts, or lectures on permaculture and green design.
What Your Help Will Do
Join me and together we can raise the funds to finish the film and create a tool that educates about the Middle East, protecting the environment, and the art of dance.
The funds raised will be used for post-production: editing, color correction, and music licensing.
If we surpass our goal, the funds will be used toward distribution and development of educational screenings.
What We Need & What You Get
We need to raise $13,000 to finish the film. If I can raise $8,000 from the community ROI will match me $5,000.
Please see the perks along the side panel to see how you can help make this happen!
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can’t contribute you can still help! Be an ambassador and share our project with your friends and family. Let’s make Renewal a reality!
About Me
My name is Stacey and I am a journalist who covers dance, Jewish history, and international affairs. As a former professional contemporary ballet dancer, I am passionate about art and its ability to inspire change. I use film to tell stories interactively and reach audiences across the globe.
I received an M.A. from New York University in European and Mediterranean History. My work has appeared in The Forward, Dance Magazine, The Jerusalem Post, and Tablet Magazine. I am also a filmmaker for The Dance Enthusiast “Dance Up Close” web series and am a member of the Dance Films Association.
I have been a member of the ROI community since 2008, and I am grateful for The Shusterman Philanthropic Network's support of Renewal. I would like to thank Amir Give'on and the Jewcer Team for their advice and guidance throughout this campaign.