Rest In Memory keeps alive the stories of a person even after his death.
Thanks to a RIM tile (with a QR Code and an embedded NFC tag) placed on the gravestone, you can browse photos and memories of a passed away person.
We are an Italian web company and we usually deal with music and digital entertainment. Death is a subject quite far from our business and thoughts.
The more you grow up, the more you find yourself visiting a cemetery and walking among tombostones with a grandfather telling stories about people passed away. Stories we would have never know without our grandparents. This is why we decided to start Rest in memory, a project to save memories of entire lives. No matter if the stories are about heroes or common people, because each family deserves its stories to be told and kept alive.
Rest in Memory is our contribution to save these memories, using mobile and web technologies to let each tombstone become "accessible" with a smartphone and able to show people's photos and tales.
What We Need & What You Get
We need 5000 Euros to cover all start up costs:
first 250 marble RIM (Rest In Memory) tiles
print and NFC microchip tagging process
deluxe packaging
web design, software development and server
If we reach the target you will help up to go ahead the italian taboo of death :-) and you'll get an easy way to keep alive the tales of your family.
Because all stories even the simplest ones have something important to tell us like in the book of Edgar Lee Masters "Spoon River Anthology" and all together give us the sense of a community .
We trust a lot our project, so if we don't reach the target here we will go on and complete the fund by ourselves. Everyone who will trust us will receive its RIM tile.