Post Campaign Update
Wow! Thank you to all who contributed to our extremely successful campaign!
For those who missed out, have no fear...SafeSleeve is AVAILABLE NOW on our website currently for a great deal:
Update (5/4)
Color and size selection: Thank you for all your orders! I just wanted to let you know that we will be contacting you soon for your size and color preference.
What the Experts are Saying
![quotes quotes]()
Development Process
After hearing from a professor that using a laptop on your lap may be harmful to your health and later confirming this with some thorough research, we made a profound realization:the convenience of being able to use a computer anywhere, anytime often causes many of us to ignore the associated consequences.
With You and Yours in Mind
Since not using a laptop on your lap is an unrealistic option, we searched for some existing solutions. We found several attempts that didn't quite hit the mark:
These radiation blocking underwear only block certain frequencies of EMF. And they retail for around $70. At least they look cool...
That Led us to Develop SafeSleeve.
A fastidious design process and many iterations of prototypes later, we finally realized our vision of a feasible yet fashionable answer--
"a revolutionary solution to an emerging threat"
What is it?
SafeSleeve (patent pending) is a multi-functional laptop accessory that provides protection for your computer when on the go and in use; a useful workstation for your desk; and most importantly, personal protection from Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Radiation.
Place SafeSleeve underneath your computer. The Military Grade, lead-free shielding material inside will block EMF radiation and heat emissions from the bottom of your laptop
Recent research suggests that any EMF exposure above 3 milliGauss may be linked to diseases such as:
- Leukemia in Children
- Certain types of Cancer
- Infertility in Men and Women
- Neurological Disorders
- Toasted Skin Syndrome
- more...
SafeSleeve also provides a desktop workstation that includes a mouse pad and is optimized to allow airflow to your laptop on any surface
A lightweight, sleek and stylish sleeve that will fit and protect most laptops
This combination of features, sleek and stylish design, and premium quality makes SafeSleeve a must own for any laptop user.
Where we Stand
After many months of designing and optimizing, we were ready to start making some prototypes. We searched all over the world for the combination of materials and manufacturers that would be able to realize our vision most effectively.
Eventually, after many failed attempts, we found a shielding material that fit our requirements:
Then, after many less than ideal prototypes, we found a manufacturer that matched our stringent standards.
We now have several samples of fully functional product. Our factories are ready to go, so we wanted to give you a chance to be one of the first owners of this exciting, revolutionary product!
Alternate Versions
Non-Radiation Blocking "LapCase"
Want all the beauty and some of the functionality of SafeSleeve, but can't quite afford the Radiation Blocking feature? Pre-order a LapCase for the Indiegogo exclusive price of $35/39 (shipping and tax included) for the 13"/15" size in your choice of color.
Perks Breakdown
Like what you see? Here is a breakdown of how you can get in on some SafeSleeve action. Once you know what you want, click on the corresponding reward to the right.
*Click Here for other T-shirt Colors
The bottom of a MacBook with and without a SafeSleeve
Design Oriented
![Our lead designer, Matteo Padovani, hard at work. Check out more of his work at]()
Our lead designer, Matteo Padovani, hard at work. Check out more of his work at
What the Public Thinks
We've taken this product to several trade shows, coffee shops, college campuses and other places where people commonly use their laptops to see what the public thinks.
We showed off some prototypes at our booth at the Travel Goods Show 2013 in Las Vegas
Phil K.
Phil Keoghan, host of the amazing race was a fan
So far we've received an incredibly positive response and overwhelming demand.
How You Can Help
The public is excited about SafeSleeve and, after over a year of development, our factory is ready to go. There is just one missing piece...You!
With your help, we can reach our goal of $16,500 and place our first order to start fulfilling this demand. This also means that you can be one of the first to own this exciting and revolutionary product.
Thanks for your support, and please help us spread the word by telling all your family and friends! You can also like us on Facebook ( and follow us on twitter and instagram @SafeSleeve
DISCLAIMER: SafeSleeve greatly reduces EMF exposure (to <3 mg on most, not all laptops), but is not guaranteed to reduce your risk of disease. Research suggests that there is a correlation between EMF exposure and certain diseases, however it is up to you to determine the validity of this research.