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The SAGESecured OS For Android Project Is A Project That The Creator Of Your Currently Flawed Anti-Virus Software Does NOT Want To Succeed!
Let the crusade for more reliable internet security begin! We need YOU, the Android User, to join our world-wide crusade for eliminating cyber-threats & invasions by helping us bring the SAGESecured Operating System project to a reality that will provide the world with the most robust security protocol invented to date by allowing more definative control over what does and does not run on any Android device, permanently eliminating the means and methods that can infect the device with malicious software, PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE. Beginning with Android, SAGESecured serves as a launching pad to bring a new gold standard security protocol to ALL operating systems which are ill-served with conventional best practices.
Marq from Security News Portal explains why our Process Based Security (PBS) protocol is not being embraced by the marketplace and why it will take a grassroots revolution to bring an end to the daily cyber-invasions that threatens our Internet security:
"It leaves me completely stumped why this has to go to the grassroots to get funding. We have seen absolute proof that Process Based Security works in real world scenarios. It is the only thing in all these years for which you can almost give a 99.9999% guarantee that it will not be hacked or otherwise exploited. Yet the marketplace has not embraced PBS and here we are looking for a grassroots movement to step forward to offer an alternative to all the commercially available anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall and other 'security' products. This is almost like a David vs Goliath attempt to usurp all those commercial players who reap huge financial windfalls through the marketing of their products - that don't secure anything and always seem to continually need updates and upgrades.
I can understand why 'the security companies' don't want PBS to gain a foothold. They would lose millions of dollars that they reap from end-users. They have a vested interest in seeing PBS disappear.
I can also understand why manufacturers would like to see PBS disappear. The hardware manufacturers are so closely intertwined with the 'security product' vendors and make money on every copy of the 'security products' that they consent to include on their products.
But I really can't understand why the public ( the grassroots ) have not finally reached a level of frustration over the insecurity of hardware and software products that have consistently FAILED to deliver 'security'.
This attempt to get the grassroots to finallly take charge and arm themselves to storm the commercial security bastille will only work IF the grassroots have reached a point where they have been so thoroughly let down by the commercial players in the past and suffered financial damage or reputation damage.
That is about the only way I can imagine this succeeding."
Who Is Our Target Audience For The SAGESecured Android Operating System?
First, YOU, the everyday non-techinically oriented or technically-challenged Android user is our first priority and preferred target audience. We feel it is critical that you are among the first to benifit from our revolutionary technology--rescuing you from the daily fear of cyber-crime. We feel that you should not have to wait on the "powers that be" in the technology industry to provide you the cyber security and peace of mind that you deserve and are long overdue to have!
Secondly, our ultimate goal and target audience for our SAGESecured project & product is to rescue ALL owners of computer/mobile devices of ALL operating systems from the daily imminent danger of cyber-crime, through bringing the market demands of common everyday users to bear on the deisigners, engineers & manufacturers of computer/mobile devices--demanding that they incorporate our SAGESecured Operating System fortified with our proven and pantented Process Based Security (PBS) into each and every computer/mobile device's core operating system as they come off the factory floor. We believe that the end user will demand that all computers/mobile devices come equipped with our PBS protocol as standard issued. We also believe it will be the demand of the end user that will ultimately bring an end to tedious retrofitting, aftermarket-afterthought-add-on attempts to provide change control or change prevention.
Thirdly, there are gatekeepers to Google Play and other app stores. We have to introduce those gatekeepers to the fact that the status quo is not as good as it gets. We also have to show the gatekeepers that it is in their best interests to allow a parallel security model (i.e. one that works) that the gatekeeper can provide at a small premium.
Finally, once it is established that there is a market appetite for a more reliable, more robust security model then it will be easier to convince the Manufacturersto deliver their devices with the protocol we provide.
In the interim there will be a transition period between where we are now as complete sitting ducks to all kinds of cyber threats and where we want to be with devices more secure out of the box. That interim period will last approximately one product cycle lifetime.
How Long Do We Have To Wait For The SAGESecured Android OS?
The great news is that backers of our SAGESecured project that contribute $20 or more will be the first ones on the planet to have their Android devices SAGESecured! Delivery date for our backers via a secured downloadable link is late October 2013! Backers will receive an email containing a link that will allow you to download the SAGESecured Android OS app to your Android device!
During the above mentioned interim period ALL owners of Android devices won't have to waiton computer & smartphone industry companies to responsibly deliver the only robust and reliable security system available to date through incorporation of the SAGESecured OS into every new device coming off the factory floor. Android users will be able to retrofit their devices NOW (or at least very soon) with the SAGESecured Android OS app.
Where Will We Be Able To Find The SAGESecured Android OS App?
From Google Playand other app stores.
How Does SAGESecured Work?
Click on the video's play button below to find out!
SAGESecured is Process Based Security – a deny-all, permit only-what-the-owner-of-the-system- wants-to-have-running approach to security. You control what can and can’t happen. Makes sense, seems simple but it fundamentally changes the way we think of cyber protection. By limiting system access to predetermined processes and by limiting the scope of access to only what is necessary for the process to function,SAGESecured STOPS the execution of malicious programs. The astute reader will correctly conclude that only allowing predetermined applications is a whitelist. This is just the beginning for SAGESecured, though. After mapping all necessary system resources for the application in question, SAGESecured deliberately shuts down any resources in excess of those needed by the predetermined applications. Malware without access to system resources can do no harm. To a very real extent the security we provide is a by-product of not allowing system resources to remain available for arbitrary code.
Think about Smart TVs, Smart Watches, Smart Fish Bowls, Smart long as it is attached to the Internet it is a sitting duck. With more and more connectivity to the Internet the model of anti-virus protection becomes less and less attractive. It is bad enough to have to manage and maintain updates for the desktop, laptop, tablet, etc. Even if anti-virus were reliable, which it has never been, the aggravation of maintaining it is addressed when fixing the underlying cause. Computer security should never be a "make work" proposition. With our project and introduction of our protocol the underlying problem is fixed and people can deal with other things besides managing and maintaining unreliable updates. When the Smart House or Smart Car gains traction the problem really needs to be fixed and not just treated. With more devices being created for the Internet every day, a reliable, permanent solution instead of an ongoing headache of updates begins to make sense. Our SAGESecured project will also help reclaim the desktop, laptop, tablet etc. from the security treadmill along with all the other Smart devices that are the "Internet of Things". Our project is designed to get more reliable security into the hands of everyone so they can get off the security treadmill of exploit, patch, update....exploit, patch, update....etc.
Remember, computers and the Internet were designed to make life easier. They were designed to work for the owner, not the other way around...the owner was not intended to work for the computer.
What Is The Current Design Flaw Of All Mobile Devices & Computers That Keeps Your Mobile Devices From Ever Being Truly Secure?
Click on the video's play button below to find out!
Strictly speaking, the status quo for computer security is not as good as it gets. Properly configured, computers can be more secure than they have ever been since the dawn of the personal computer age. How secure is that? Out of the box they can be delivered permanently immune from that category of exploit involving the surreptitious loading and execution of arbitrary code. That means that spyware, ransomware and all worms, Trojan horses, viruses and similar exploits…Past, Present AND FUTURE can be relegated to the dustbin of history. Such exploits can be made irrelevant to all current and future computer users. Future generations of computer users will say “is it true that computers used to drop like flies?”…because such exploits will have become a footnote in history. You can have a major part in hastening the arrival of a more secure computer infrastructure.
Why Are We Seeking Funding?
SAGESecured is 95% complete. It’s almost ready to be introduced to a world where security risks target millions of Android devices every day. We’re interested in gauging whether or not Android users (and by extension users of other operating systems) are concerned about their device’s security and if they want to do something about it. We’ll use the funding to finalize the system and then bring it to industry leaders of all sorts who will be able to benefit from it. Our goal is to change a big corner of the world of cyber security forever.
The funds will be used to make industry leaders in the network carrier world and handset manufacturing world aware that the status quo is not as good as it gets. In a nutshell we will produce a road show for carriers, manufacturers and financial leaders as well to inform and educate those industry leaders as to how our proven protocol can be used on their behalf as well as on behalf of their end users….specifically you.
The funds collected will specifically be used for:
Final Coding Costs
Completing Production of the SAGESecured OS Android Version Prototype. Making it Available to All Backers Contributing $20 or More by October 2013 to Retrofit their Current Android Devices
Perk Fullfilment
Multi-media Marketing Material Development (Video, Internet, Graphic Design, etc.) Targeting Industry Leaders
PR Campaign Introducing SAGESecured For Android Targeting Android Consumers
In addition we will make banks, credit unions and other financial institutions know that mobile banking can be accomplished more reliably and securely with our protocol than can ever be done with conventional best practices.
We have a marketing opportunity to get an initially skeptical but ultimately grateful public aware that there is a preferable alternative to conventional best practices for preventing exploits that involve the loading and execution of arbitrary code. The technology for more secure computers is not in question. After more than two decades of waiting for anti-virus to finally get it right there is a more reliable approach to delivering more control over what a device owner runs and does not run.
Shifting paradigms and changing games is not about the technology. It is about making the world aware that an alternative to the status quo is ready to be deployed to give users a stark choice. That choice is that they can stay with what is not working now or they can quit being sitting ducks and close the door on THE reason anti-virus does not work.
The technology for more secure computers is not in question.
Why Should You Contribute To The SAGESecured Project?
Why is this protocol useful to the end user? There are several reasons.
First it delivers more reliable protection against the surreptitious loading and execution of arbitrary code than anything else currently available. It eliminates from worry a whole category of abuse such as spyware, keystroke loggers, ransomware, Trojan horses, viruses and all manner of exploits that involve the underhanded loading and implementation of arbitrary code. It eliminates not just past and present examples but future ones as well because it deals with the underlying cause of that malware…..not just the symptom. We could stop with this reason alone….that finally there is a reliable approach that does what it is supposed to do…..but there are more reasons.
Secondly, this approach is more battery friendly than conventional best practices. Remember that a battery powered mobile device only has so much capacity…. Now mobile devices can either run what the owner bought the computer to run or it can run anti-virus software. Currently, battery power that is used to run security applications is not available to run those applications the owner really prefers to have running. With our new protocol the owner of the mobile device gets to use the battery to run the apps that the owner bought the device to run and enjoy.
Thirdly, funds currently used for subscriptions for security software can be used for other things or saved as the owner of the device chooses.
Fourth, even for static devices that are not battery powered but plugged into the electric grid, the CPU cycles that currently are used to run security software are available to run the applications that the owner prefers to run.
Fifth, you have a lot better chance of protecting your privacy with a change prevention protocol than with conventional best practices.
What Is The SAGESecured Story?
SAGESecured began as the brainchild of a Geek’s geek – the type of person who writes their own operating system and codes in Assembler for recreation. It all started in Amarillo, Texas, the Internet Security capitol of the universe since the late 1990s. Once a week, he’d comment that the virus or worm of the week could be easily prevented. After several weeks, he was challenged to prove that such “preventable” attacks could indeed be avoided. This was the last days of the DOS operating system and he had a demo with DR DOS. It included an infected file from a word processing application. When the file was opened it was immediately denied access and no arbitrary code was surreptitiously loaded and executed. With the introduction of Windows by Microsoft, the days for both DR DOS and MS DOS were numbered. That was a shame because both operating systems could be readily modified to demonstrate the merits of the change prevention protocol that was imagined. We missed our chance to save the (cyber) world at that time. With the advent of Windows, everyone seemed less concerned with security and more just fascinated by the shiny new toy that Microsoft had shared with the world. Because Windows was proprietary, there was no way to introduce a security protocol that can prevent all worms, viruses, Trojan horses and other malware that is surreptitiously loaded and executed and that conventional best practices can only address after a cyber-autopsy. The next virus, etc. is always going to have free rein until its profile can be distributed in an update. Polymorphic exploits basically render anti-virus software a moot point....Read the rest of the story by clicking here.
Follow SAGESecured on Facebook or on Twitter at @joinSAGESecured.
Website: Visit our website for updates, milestones, blog posts and progress.
Risks and challenges
The biggest risk or challenge is that potential users will be skeptical or cynical that we are no more reliable than conventional best practices. Considering the lack of reliability for conventional best practices it would not be surprising that end users would be hard to convince.
The concept has already been proven with servers using Linux. Our security protocol has worked for years in that environment.If the protocol works for one operating system it will work for any operating system. The biggest concern is that end users will not care that there is a more reliable operating system to prevent the loading and execution of worms, viruses, Trojan horses and similar exploits that involve arbitrary code.
There will no doubt be plenty of fear, uncertainty and doubt emanating from entrenched incumbents in the industry. They have no incentive to cure the decades old problem when they can continue to sell treatments that do not really solve the root problem.
The biggest challenge is really not a technical one. It is a marketing one to convince end users, manufacturers and carriers that the status quo is not as good as it gets in terms of more reliable security against that category of exploits that involve the surreptitious loading and execution of arbitrary code.
Looking for more information?Check the project
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Previous level satisfaction plus personal recognition that you are solving a problem not just treating it.
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$5 USD
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Previous levels of satisfaction plus a "No Zombies" SAGESecured sticker.
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Previous perks & levels of satisfaction plus "Friends Don't Let Friends Become Zombies" SAGESecured sticker.
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Level 5 SAGESecured Crusader
$15 USD
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Previous perks & levels of satisfaction plus two recorded updates on SAGESecured project progress emailed with Youtube link.
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Level 6 SAGESecured Crusader
$20 USD
$20 or more:
Previous perks& levels satisfaction plus 1 SAGESecured OS and participation in finding Jungle Guides for Android and other proprietary systems.
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Level 7 SAGESecured Crusader
$25 USD
$25 or more:
Previous perks & levels of satisfaction plus chance to vote for which app will be among the top 3 to include for first modification to run on new protocol.
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October 2013
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Level 8 SAGESecured Crusader
$40 USD
$40 or more:
Previous perks & levels of satisfaction plus SDK and API in approximately 2 months.
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Level 9 SAGESecured Crusader
$50 USD
$50 or more:
Previous perks & levels of satisfaction plus inclusion in penetration testing.
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Level 10 SAGESecured Crusader
$75 USD
$75 or more:
Previous perks & levels of satisfaction plus 2 updates of SAGESecured Android OS.
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Level 11 SAGESecured Crusader
$100 USD
$100 or more:
Previous perks &; levels of satisfaction plus being one of the first to receive a SAGESecured OS and being honored on a list of those who have had their last malware exorcism plus a "900 Million SAGESecured Android March" T-shirt.
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Level 12 SAGESecured Crusader
$250 USD
$250 or more:
Previous perks & levels of satisfaction plus a chance to make suggestions for a message on a special SAGESecured Android OS T-shirt.
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Level 13 SAGESecured Crusader
$500 USD
$500 or more:
Previous perks & levels of satisfaction plus a custom hand blown art glass commemorating your support of SAGESecured Android OS
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Level 14 SAGESecured Crusader
$1,000 USD
$1,000 or more:
Previous perks & elves of satisfaction plus a commemorative plaque listing you as a top supporter of SAGESecured Android OS
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November 2013
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Level 15 SAGESecured Crusader
$5,000 USD
$5,000 or more:
Previous perks & levels of satisfaction plus dinner at DEFCON or Black Hat Briefings with SAGESecured Android OS developers in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Dinner only. Does not include travel or lodging)
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