Short Summary
Lilly the deer was born shortly after her mother was hit by a car. Her mother died shortly after the accident. Lilly was taken in, cared for, and loved by a family that lived near the accident. They have loved her and treated her like a pet, and member of the family. Now, The Michigan Department of Natural Resources wants to take Lilly away. Help Save Lilly!!!
What We Need
A legal battle is brewing being the family that has cared for and loved Lucy, and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. Lilly's family has hired legal representation go help their case - they want to keep Lilly!
- Funds raised will go primarily to pay the legal bills associated with the case. As the issue has become a popular news story, I want to make sure they have the best counsel available, and don't want money to be a reason why they lose Lilly! I understand that there is one lawyer on the case now, but funding would allow for additional resources.
-Secondarily, the funds would go to benefit the family that has loved and raised Lilly. They are the only family Lilly has ever known - the only existence Lilly has ever had. The family describes the fear of losing Lilly as painful as losing a child :(
-Third, I would like to hire a lobbyist go engage the government officials in Michigan and see if we can have the law changed or a special exception made for Lilly's case.
- I want this campaign to be successful and for Lilly to stay with her family. If they lose Lilly, I think the family should still get most of any funds we can raise, but perhaps the remainder can be used to support Lilly wherever she ends up.
Other Ways You Can Help
Give any financial support you can! Every dollar helps and it greatly appreciated!
If you can't give, proactively share Lilly's page of facebook. Get your friends involved.
Also, call the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and tell them to leave Lilly alone!
Help Save Lilly!