We love the franchise and want to help secure the Bucks long-term future in the city. They have been an important part of Wisconsin for over 40 years. However, there are pressures on the team for additional revenue sources that will necessitate the construction of a new arena in the coming years to help secure the future of the franchise in Milwaukee. The solution of a new arena will be a tough sell for the politicians and business community until such point as the Bucks become relevant once again to the local sports scene. Unfortunately, over the past decade, the product on the court has been uninspiring and the result has been public apathy as to the future of the team.
In order for the Bucks to regain their footing with the fans and the community, they need to drastically improve the product on the court. As we have seen with the Packers in 1992 and the Brewers in 2004, moribund franchises can be turned around quickly. The Bucks can be a successful small market franchise both on the court and financially. However, for the Bucks to do this, they need to change their approach. One way to help change this approach is if the fan base can let the organization know that they will support a full rebuilding of the team under a new front office direction. This means being willing to part with high-priced journeymen veteran players and focus on building around young talent acquired with high draft picks. The talent rich 2014 NBA draft is the place to start.
Contributors will help us keep the Bucks in Milwaukee. By uniting and educating casual fans around a cause, we're aiming to get our community on the same page and create a buzz around the Bucks. There's no telling how far fan support will take this franchise.
We reached our goal!
We appreciate everyone who has contributed, spread the word, and taken the time to read this. We never imagined we'd reach our goal this quickly, continue to check this space and Saveourbucks.com as this story continues to develop.
Speaking of stories, check out some recent coverage we've received from CBS sports (their write up is pretty fair I'd say):