Short Summary
Saving Unicorns explores the point of view of The WOMANCHILD. Meet Sady Hart (played by yours truly) a woman who clings to her childhood, guided through life by her imaginary sassy magical unicorn. The certainitiy and focus she assumed would be inherited in her adulthood just hasn't quite settled. Sady lives her life with the nagging question -when does my grown up life really start???
Tina Fey is the funny awkward woman, The girls in GIRLS are just that-Girls!
Help me carve out a new character!
The Impact
Female created content, a fresh, different point of view. The WOMANCHILD needs a chance, a voice, a platform and a snuggie.
Why This Project Needs YOU!
This is a labor of love and every dollar counts! If 300 people donate $20-I make my goal! Your donations will go to paying the director, director of photography, animation, sound enigineer, editing, costumes, hair and makeup... did I mention food? People need to eat on sets apparently.
Bringing this fresh new story to life is impossible without your generous donations. No amount is too small, every single dollar will be put to use! I can't even tell you what your support means. In addition to the warm fuzzy feeling you will get knowing you have contributed, we can also guarantee Team Unicorn's hard work and dedication to bringing you the best show!
*Good News! Because Saving Unicorns is sponsored by Fractured Atlas, your donations are tax-deductible!
Other Ways You Can Help
If you are excited-to-find-a-dollar-in -your -wallet broke, I GET IT! If you can't financially contribute there are a few other awesome ways to help.
*Go to the website and add your name to the contact list
*Like the facebook page
*Tweet @MagikalUnikorn
Sharing is caring! Share this campaign on Facebook, Twitter and any other rapidly popular social meda site. Shout it from the rooftops, tell your friends, tell non-creepy strangers, tell ANYONE who loves Unicorns!
Thank you so much for your support!!