"Dan is an ally to all geeks, a ferocious defender of the fans, an inspirational leader, and one of the kindest guys I know."
Jen Yates, Cakewrecks.com
What is this all about?
Seriously, Dan Podcast has an an opportunity to move to the radio. (AM 1270 WYXC, North Atlanta Metro) Dan Carroll is making arrangements to for this outstanding advice and
encouragement podcast to start weekly broadcasts starting November
30, 2013, but move has expenses involved, and we need your help!
“Seriously, Dan is my multi-media love song to the world to remind everyone that they are worthy of love, can find clarity, and build something of their lives. Each of us can build something wonderful. Seriously, Dan is my way to help people towards that goal."
Dan Carroll
Love, Encouragement, Practical Advice
Mr. Dan Carroll is an amazingly talented and creative man with a sense of chivalry and fairness that has long been lacking in our 21st Century. He is a man of intelligence, charm and wit, and I have always considered it an honor to call him friend. Please take a moment and support Dan with me by donating to his indiegogo!
Lady Soliloque, Author
personal story starts out sad,
and ends up kind of awesome. It's a story of loneliness, doubt,
crippling injury, and disorder. But, more importantly it's a story
about his struggle to learn from his life and share what he learned
with others.
many people wake up each day not experiencing love. They live without
encouragement. They want to do more, but don't know how.
Seriously, Dan exists to help.
first mission of Seriously, Dan is to love
second mission of Seriously,
is to encourage
Third Mission of Seriously, Dan is to provide practical advice
You support love, encouragement, and better living, don't you? If so, then give.
Topics include self-acceptance, romance, career guidance, goal setting, and strategic living.
designed to give support to the "geek" community,
Dan's message has expanded. But, we will
always have that focus and special place for geeks in everything the Seriously, Dan team does.
Dan is coaching add personal consulting focused on Strategic Living.
It is not psychological advice, nor spiritual advice, nor legal advice. It is about making a plan and executing it. Seeing life, and
living it.
This is your chance to care and give!
Dan Carroll is the f****** man!"
quote me
Steampunk Boba Fett
Seriously, Dan will treat your donations as precious gifts. Our gratitude will be sincere and deep. Wanna know what we are going to do with the money? How will we say thank you?
Here are the financials:
- Three months air time at $400.00 a month: $1200.00
- Portable recording equipment: $300.00
Administrative expenses, marketing materials, website/graphics/proofreading service and support: $300.00
Perks! Perky-Perk, Perks!
- All Amounts: Public Gratitude as I speak your name on the air in thanks!
- For contributions $10-99...you get my eBooks in PDF format as rewards! First level is the Mantra Success Plan, second level of includes "Tales of My Father."
- For a contribution of $100+...you get two thirty minute Skype or in person strategy sessions with Dan to lay foundations for your personal growth!
- For a contribution of 200.00...you get to be a live in person co-host and we will discuss your specific strategic needs!
- For a contribution of 400.00...you get to be a sponsor, and your event will be designated "Featured Event." I will provide 10 hours of media and marketing support for your event. (Some restrictions apply)
What if I don't reach my goals?
If I do not reach my goal, I will still be using the funds raised towards expenses and look for alternate funding for other expenses.
What if I exceed my goals?
- Any funds raised above and beyond the goal amount will cover expenses for creating live seminars for 2014.
- If we can raise over $3200, I will launch the show as a two hour program! Twice the time, twice the fun.
How will your contribution help the world?
You contribution will be used to reach out to those in need with a message of love and support:
- You will be helping to share the message that everyone is worthy of love
- The resources I have available to me as a leader in the convention world and spokesman for the geek community will ensure that your contributions will be maximized for greatest impact
- Know the feeling you have when you are lost and confused and alone? You are helping to give long distances hugs to a lot of folks who feel like that.
- Know all those hapless folks who don't know what they are doing in life? I will reach to as many of those people as I can to help them own their lives.
Other Ways You Can Help
Not everyone can afford to contribute. If you can give $100 dollars that is great, if you can give $2.00 that is great, too. Some folks can't spare $2. That's okay. If you can't give, Seriously, Dan still needs you to share this campaign.
And if you can give and share, I still you need to you help me make life better for other folks. That's called love and I encourage you to love your fellow humans.
We are trying to do bold things here. Be bold with us.