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Hello friends! We are bringing you a new cutting-edge 10-minute psychological fantasy created by the award-winning team behind the success of CERAMIC TANGO!
Serpent's Lullaby is written by Charles Hall, directed by Patricia Chica and production designed by Richard Cardinal. It stars Jennifer May Walker in the lead role and Annabella Hart in the supporting role.
We have just completed the production of the film, and we are now looking for funding for editing, sound design, post-production, promotion and distribution.
You can help us achieve this goal, complete the film and make it shine in the international film festival circuit!
Are you Badass enough to be part of this crazy adventure with us?
What We Need & What You Get
Here are the details:
In order to be able to finish our film, we still need to raise $16,500. This money will pay for some of the production expenses that still need to be paid, editing, VFX, CGI, sound design, hard drives, color correction, animations, sound mix, deliverables materials, DCP, screeners, film festival submissions, etc..
We will be able to pay a publicist, promote the film internationally and submit it to the major film festivals. We are even letting you decide which film festivals you want us to apply to!
Because as a Badass crew, we want to offer you badass perks! Not only will you get a copy of the DVD, but we have really cool other offers that could make really cool Christmas or NYE gifts.
All the funds will go into the film and the distribution of the film so we can reach out to the widest audience possible.
Director's story
After the international success of my last film Ceramic Tango (launched at Cannes / SFC) and winner of more than 5 awards in the festival circuit, my team and have just shot a new movie in the same vein called Serpent's Lullaby.
As you probably know, Ceramic Tango was the object of categorical rejection of funding in "production" throughout Quebec and Canada, forcing me to invest all my savings, my retirement funds and even put my condo for sale to be able to finance this HIV awareness film dear to my heart.
Access to Canadian public funding is very difficult for filmmakers who, like me, venture with conviction in a slightly twisted and irreverent personal style, in order to delve into sensitive social issues and taboo subject-matter.
That is why we have launched a socio-financing campaign for people who want to help us to complete this new outstanding project; who wish to get involved in our creative process; watch the movie (on DVD) or become active participants (associate or executive producers)! We have many gifts to offer, including pairs of designer sunglasses valued at $ 300, VIP tickets to the Cirque de Boudoir New Year's Eve party, an evening at the Spa, and other surprises.
After shooting the film with the help of a dedicated team of 30 volunteers, with an ARRI ALEXA camera and a spectacular art direction, we are counting on crowdsource funding to complete the film.
I invite you to watch the teaser and INDIEGOGO page to judge for yourself if your donation is worth it. You only have to donate $1. You can also help us by sharing the link to this campaign on your social networks.
I would like to thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart.
Après le succès international de mon dernier film Ceramic Tango (pré-sélectionné aux Prix Jutra) et lauréat de plus de 5 prix dans le circuit des festivals, mon équipe et moi venons de tourner un nouveau film dans la même veine intitulé Serpent's Lullaby.
Comme vous le savez sûrement, Ceramic Tango avait été l'object de refus catégoriques de financement en "production" partout au Québec et au Canada, m'obligeant à y investir toutes mes économies, mes fonds de retraite et même à mettre mon condo en vente pour pouvoir réaliser ce projet de sensibilisation pour le VIH.
L'accès aux subventions est très difficile pour des cinéastes qui, comme moi, s'aventurent avec conviction dans un style personnel un peu plus tordu et irrévérencieux, dans le but de traiter de sujets sociaux délicats.
C'est pour cela que nous avons lancé une campagne de socio-financement pour que les personnes qui désirent nous aider à mener à terme ce nouveau projet, puissent s'impliquer dans notre processus créatif, en tant que spectateurs (en achètant un DVD) ou participants actifs (producteurs associés ou exécutifs)! Nous avons plusieurs cadeaux à offrir, dont des paires de lunettes designer d'une valeur de 300$, des billets VIP pour le party du nouvel an du Cirque de Boudoir, une soirée au Spa, et autres surprises qui seront livrées avant Noël.
Après avoir tourné le film avec l'aide d'une équipe dédiée de 30 personnes bénévoles, une caméra ARRI ALEXA et une direction artistique spectaculaire, nous comptons sur le socio-financement pour terminer le film.
Je vous invite à regarder la bande teaser et la page INDIEGOGO pour juger de vous même si votre don en vaut la peine. Vous n'avez qu'à donner 1$. Vous pouvez aussi nous aider en partageant le lien de cette campagne sur vos réseaux sociaux.En vous remerciant d'avance, du fond de mon coeur, de nous encourager.
Recevez mes salutations cordiales,
patricia chica
V.I.P. Invitation to the DIVA Beauty Center & Spa open-house cocktail on December 20th at 6pm.
Few people know the name of the eccentric woman living in the
centuries-old mansion just outside of town. Even fewer have seen
her face. But everyone has heard the stories. Rumors of a secret
garden in her backyard where her children are buried. Some think
she is simply a grieving mother seeking solitude. Others believe
she's a cold-blooded monster. When the empty baby’s crib in her
home becomes too much for her to bear she ventures out in public,
and soon everyone will know the dark truth.
Writer's Intentions
Greek and Roman mythology has
always fascinated me. The story of Medusa is especially worth revisiting,
because people have misconceptions about her. Most are familiar with her
hideous visage with a mass of living snakes for hair, that turns onlookers to stone.
But in a popular version of the myth she was once a beautiful maiden, who was
the jealous aspiration of many suitors. An enraged Athena transformed Medusa
into a monster after catching her being raped by Poseidon in the goddess’s
temple. Scholars and noted figures have interpreted the myth of Medusa as symbolizing
everything from female rage to notions of nihilism to the terror of castration.
But to me, her story tells of the unique torment of a woman unjustly punished.
Like Frankenstein’s monster, a creature with a touch of pathos.
I wondered, what would it be like
to be her? Doomed to never have a lover, a friend, a child? I imagined an
alternative ending to her tale. What if Medusa had escaped Perseus’s adamantine
sword? Wha if she had given birth to Poseidon’s offspring only to unwittingly
kill them with her deadly gaze? Would she travel to other lands, disguised as
an ordinary mortal, to escape her past? How would the centuries of being unable
to have a normal life or interact with others affect her psyche?
M Is for Medusa tells her story
as a tragic glimpse of unfulfilled motherhood. I look forward to audiences’
Charles Hall
Visual Effects
We are very proud and excited to announce that the amazing VFX team behind the successes of Total Recall, Resident Evil: Retribution and the new Pompeii blockbuster are partnering with us on the new film!!! Please check out the website of Redlab Digital !
Your contributions are greatly appreciated by the whole team because they will have a huge impact on everyone involved.
Our project is valuable to the contributors and to the world because Badass Films strive to produce edgy and intelligent genre cinema with strong storytelling and high production value.
Badass Films encourages and supports alternative talents and those who have difficulty entering the regular film industry: people with tattoos, piercings, body modification, film students, people without diplomas in film, young single parents, women, visual minorities, youth with social insertion issues, immigrants who still don't have permanent resident status in Quebec/Canada, international students and other marginals.
This production involved over 30 people who worked voluntarily because they believed in the project.
The team behind this film also created the award-winning short CERAMIC TANGO and will use this success to leverage exposure and distribution opportunities for the new film. Some international film festivals have already shown interest in programming this new film during the course of 2014.
Another great reason to support this production is because 7 film graduates from Collège O'Sullivan are using this project to do their professional internship in order to graduate.
Also, this film helps so many people involved gain experience, exposure and credibility in the business. It will benefit everyone involved when it comes out!
The Production Design
The Actress
Jennifer May Walker
Photo by Géovanny Solis. Original Sunglasses designed by Maison Bourdon!
Those who donate 500$ will received an original pair of MEDUSA sunglasses designed and signed by Maison Bourdon. (value of 300$)
Photo: Géovanny Solis
The Filmmaker
Photo: Angelique Caplette
Patricia Chica is an award-winning filmmaker, documentary director and visual artist who specializes in productions that have a strong point-of-view, a character-driven story and well-crafted aesthetics.
Her first short film La Promesse gathered a total of 10 international awards. Her first award-winning feature documentary Rockabilly 514 about the rockabilly subculture in Montreal, was presented many times on primetime by Bravo! Canada and Canal D. It was also sold in Europe and has toured numerous international festivals. Patricia has also won 10 awards and many nominations with her following Bravo shortDay Before Yesterday. Her latest film, and HIV modern tale entitled Ceramic Tango was launched at Festival de Cannes (SFC) and has already won 7 awards and nominations and been presented in over 30 international film festivals. Her new film The M Project (working title), an epic fantasy tale, is scheduled to hit the festival circuit in early 2014.
Since 2009, the readers poll of the Montreal Mirror/Cult Montreal Magazine have voted for her in the Top list of the Best Local Filmmakers alongside veterans like Denys Arcand, Denis Villeneuve and Robert Lepage. She’s the only female director to be part of this list.
Other Ways You Can Help (without spending your dollars)
Some of you just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help:
You can make some noise about our campaign through social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) and on your blogs and websites.
You can use the Indiegogo share tools!
If you are a buyer, a curator and/or a promoter, you can get involved by giving exposure to our film.
If you're a film festival programmer, you can help by giving us a waiver.
If you're a journalist or reporter, you can write or talk about the project and even interview its creators.
If you're a media outlet, you can contribute by giving us publicity.
Crew photo by Géovanny Solis.
Location photos by Émilie Marchand (Forge Films)
The Crew
Presented by Redlab Digital
Writer: Charles Hall
Director/Editor: Patricia Chica
Producers: Patricia Chica & Richard Cardinal
Executive Producers: Jennifer May Walker, D. Angel, Byron A. Martin
Associate Producer: Richard Duquette
Production Manager: Ronald Vigneault
Cinematographer: Richard Duquette*
Art Director: Richard Cardinal
Composer: Sean O'Bryan Smith
1st AD: Arshad Khan
2nd AD: Jennifer Guillet
Continuity: Émilie Brazeau
VFX Makeup Artist: Steph Miramontes
Makeup Artist & Costume Designer: Catherine Poirier
You will get a copy of the script written by Charles Hall (Ceramic Tango) by email.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
2 claimed
VIP to the WRAP PARTY (Jan 3)
$14 USD
$20 CAD
You will be put on the guest list at our WRAP PARTY on January 3rd.
Live performance by Jennifer May Walker, THE Richard and Holy Scar, Boleadoras dance and percussion number by Sarah Louis Jean and Marise Demers! Friday January 3, 8pm, Cabaret Cléo. LIMITED SPACE.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
2 claimed
View the film online!
$17 USD
$25 CAD
You will get a private link to view the film online when it's finished.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
9 claimed
Get the DVD!
$21 USD
$30 CAD
Get a copy of the DVD when it comes out, delivered directly to your home!
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
3 claimed
Get an Autographed DVD!
$24 USD
$35 CAD
Get a DVD personally autographed by actress Jennifer May Walker, director Patricia Chica and/or Producer Richard Cardinal.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
8 claimed
DIVA Beauty Center Spa
$35 USD
$50 CAD
Get a DVD personally autographed by actress Jennifer May Walker, director Patricia Chica and/or Producer Richard Cardinal.
Get a VIP invitation at the open house cocktail party of the DIVA Beauty Center and Spa in Montreal on December 20th at 6pm. By invitation only.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
1 out of 2 of claimed
Tarot Card reading by Jenimay!
$52 USD
$75 CAD
Invitation to our WRAP PARTY on January 3rd and a special tarot card reading for you, or the person of your choice, by healing and well-being Goddess Jennifer May Walker!
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
1 claimed
Cirque de Boudoir 2xVIP
$56 USD
$80 CAD
Get 2 for 1. Pair of VIP tickets to enjoy yourself at the CIRQUE DE BOUDOIR NYE party. "VIP Admission with full service OPEN BAR from 9 PM – 3 AM."
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 out of 1 of claimed
Top-Tier Festivals
$69 USD
$99 CAD
Get 2 autographed DVDs, 1 DVD of award-winning short Ceramic Tango, a VIP invitation (+1) to the Avant-Premiere in Montreal and an "Investor" mention in the film's credits. You will also be invited to the Wrap Party!
This donation will help us apply to the following festivals in the Top Tier of distribution:
Sundance, Berlin, TIFF, Venice, SXSW, WorldFest, FFM, Tribeca, After Dark, Locarno, etc.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 claimed
Avant-Premiere invitation!
$70 USD
$100 CAD
Get an autographed DVD and a VIP invitation (+1) to the Avant-Premiere in Montreal.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
2 claimed
Invitation to the Premiere
$70 USD
$100 CAD
Get an autographed DVD and a VIP invitation (+1) to the Premiere in various cities in the world during our festival tour (TBC). Please mention which city you are in!
Transportation to the venue not included.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 claimed
"Cannes Film Festival" (SFC)
$104 USD
$150 CAD
Get an autographed DVD and a VIP invitation (+1) to the Avant-Premiere in Montreal. You will also get a post-card from us during the Cannes Film Festival!
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
0 out of 1 of claimed
Thank You mention!
$174 USD
$250 CAD
Get 2 autographed DVDs, a VIP invitation (+1) to the Avant-Premiere in Montreal and a "Thank You" mention in the film's credits.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
1 claimed
IMDB Associate Producer Credit
$209 USD
$300 CAD
-You will be able to come on set on DEC 22;
Get 3 autographed DVDs, 1 DVD of award-winning short Ceramic Tango, a VIP invitation (+3) to the Avant-Premiere in Montreal and an "Associate Producer" mention in the film's credits and the right to comment on the rough cut! You will also be invited to the Wrap Party and on the shoot on the weekend of Dec 22-23, 2013.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
0 claimed
Professional Photo Shoot
$347 USD
$499 CAD
Get a photo shoot with visualist Patricia Chica and hair style by THE Richard.
* Patricia Chica will be glad to do a photo shoot with you in Mtl, with hair style done by THE Richard. With Jennifer May Walker & Richard Cardinal as models in it if you want.
Includes 4 hours shoot on location, 1-2 costume changes, 5 retouched photos for print + web quality files of all the picts. Great deal!
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 out of 1 of claimed
Medusa Designer Sunglasses
$347 USD
$499 CAD
Get all the perks listed above + a pair of designer sunglasses made by MAISON BOURDON in Montreal. Value of $300.
Delivered before Christmas.
For international shipping, add $12.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 out of 15 of claimed
IMDB Exec. Producer Credit 2
$696 USD
$1,000 CAD
Get all the gifts above (except the sunglasses and photoshoot).
-Executive Producer Credit on IMDB;
-You will be able to come on set on DEC 22;
-Homemade dinner at the Badass Films farm with cast & crew;
- Get a professional score for your film by
internationally acclaimed American composer and recording artist Sean O'Bryan Smith whose credits including films in the US, Canada and India as well as musical credits with artists ranging from George Clinton to Keith Urban.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
0 out of 1 of claimed
IMDB Executive Producer Credit
$696 USD
$1,000 CAD
All the gifts mentioned above, plus:
-Be present on set on DEC 22;
-Producer Byron A. Martin will budget one of your films. VALUE $1000;
-1st AD & DGC member Rocco Gismondi will schedule you next film. VALUE $1000;
-You, and someone of your choice, will be invited to visit the Badass Films family farm (near Montreal) and share a lovely homemade dinner with the actress Jennifer May Walker, director Patricia Chica, producer Richard Cardinal and production manager Ronald Vigneault