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ShutApp - App That Helps You Gain Control Over Your Other Apps

ShutApp is a unique and a classy app that lets you carry on your business or pleasure without the noise of sounds that make up this technology world.

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ShutApp - App That Helps You Gain Control Over Your Other Apps

ShutApp - App That Helps You Gain Control Over Your Other Apps

ShutApp - App That Helps You Gain Control Over Your Other Apps

ShutApp - App That Helps You Gain Control Over Your Other Apps

ShutApp - App That Helps You Gain Control Over Your Other Apps

ShutApp is a unique and a classy app that lets you carry on your business or pleasure without the noise of sounds that make up this technology world.

ShutApp is a unique and a classy app that lets you carry on your business or pleasure without the noise of sounds that make up this technology world.

ShutApp is a unique and a classy app that lets you carry on your business or pleasure without the noise of sounds that make up this technology world.

ShutApp is a unique and a classy app that lets you carry on your business or pleasure without the noise of sounds that make up this technology world.

Ashesh shah
Ashesh shah
Ashesh shah
Ashesh shah
1 Campaign |
Ahmedabad, India
$100 USD 1 backers
0% of $154,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Life has a number of risks. Why not ShutApp some of them!

ShutApp is an app that helps you gain control over your other apps. Notification sounds from other apps often hinder your attention while driving and lead to accidents. While notification sounds may seem too small to put you at risk while driving, our constant need to remain connected and addiction to the social networking apps may urge us to answer calls or reply to messages even while driving.

Using ShutApp you can mute the sounds that disturb your attention and avoid expensive, dangerous and unnecessary accidents. All you need to do is select the apps that you wish to mute notification sounds for and you can carry on your tasks without any disturbances. All the while you will continue receiving your messages.

ShutApp increases your and your family’s safety while driving. Especially with your unique speed based activation. You can set a speed limit on it and when you exceeded that limit, your mobile device automatically turns into silent. 

ShutApp is a revolutionary app created by Fusion Informatics, an ISO 9001-2008 certified company. It works on devices powered with Android version 2.3 and later that have an accelerometer. Utilizing cutting-edge tools and technologies, Fusion has emerged as one of the leading mobile development companies. Our team of experienced apps developers deliver top-notch solutions to clients across the globe. With more than a decade of experience in the industry, we have delivered customized solutions to the delight of our clients.

Apps are a regular part of our everyday life and you can find apps in almost all categories. The future of mobile apps is bright as we can see that almost all the tasks can be performed using powerful apps.

Why need ShutApp ?

Many accidents are now causedby the constant communications of drivers on social apps or utilizing sms or email. ShutApp is a single app that silences all the ‘beeps’ or any other sounds on your phone. This is of high importance when driving. Driving at high speeds you need to focus and give the road your complete attention. Using ShutApp you can mute all the selected apps within a single tap. When you are attending important meetings or are busy with work, you need the ShutApp so that you can concentrate on the task at hand. Instead of going into the settings of each app and changing the notification sounds, you can run just a single app and mute the sounds of all other apps and you can still continue receiving messages on your phone.

What ShutApp Does

ShutApp helps you remain undisturbed during important meetings with clients or suppliers or when you are finalizing a deal. You can select the apps for which you wish to mute the notification sounds but continue receiving messages. When you are away from your busy schedule you can unselect the apps from which you would like to continue receiving notification sounds, you can do the following with this wonderful app:

  • Using ShutApp you can define multiple profiles and select different services/apps which are installed on device to be turned to silent

  • You can define multiple addresses/regions or ranges like office, theatre, hospital, movie cinema etc. When you enter the radius of each location a preselected profile will be activated automatically. This eliminates the need of manually turning the profile to silent when at specified locations. This can save a great deal of time if you have a number of apps. Once you exit from these areas your normal phone profile will get activated.

  • You can specify a driving speed limit. When your car exceeds this predefined limit, ShutApp automatically turns selected profile on and turns your phone to silent for selected apps including phone, messaging, Email, and social apps which may disturb your attention.

  • It brings down the factors of distraction while driving and walking thereby increases your reaction time and increasing your walking speed

  • You can set the Auto enabled SMS so that when you receive a call while driving the caller will be sent a predefined message.

Ideal for

ShutApp has been designed to bring down the number of accidents arising because of distractions caused by constant notification sounds on various apps. It is ideal for those who are mostly on-the-go and drive often. Driving can be dangerous but ShutApp makes you safe by putting your phone in silent mode after a specified speed limit gets crossed. ShutApp is also perfect for busy professionals who are often engaged in meetings.

Key Features

  1. Helps you drive safely

  2. Ensures that your meetings are undisturbed

  3. Auto enable auto SMS for when you receive a call while driving

  4. Turns on silent mode for all apps or changes them to ringing based on the profile selected for different locations

  5. Alerts you when your driving speed exceeds a specified limit

ShutApp Story or Background of this Concept/Idea

Prior to proceeding to the ShutApp story, let us have a look at some facts.

  • Over 1/3 of drivers (37%) have sent or received text messages while driving, and 18% say they do it regularly.
  • About 13% of adult drivers have used the Internet while driving.
  • Approximately 6,000 deaths and a half a million injuries are caused by distracted drivers every year.
  • Almost 26% of mobile users spent 49% of their time on social networking apps like Vibe, Line ,Skype, WeChat , Tango, Nimbuzz etc.
  • On an average, each American spends 2.7 hours per day on social apps

All these facts point out that the frequent and addictive use of apps creates many of the accidents that occur. Often when drivers are concentrating on driving and messages are received on social apps, they distract their attention and urge them to communicate, even while driving at high speeds.

To help bring down the number of accidents and help professionals enhance their focus on the task at hand, Fusion Informatics realized the need for automatically turning the phone on silent.

Contribute / Perk

This amazing app reflects our value of life. Prevention is better than cure. ShutApp aims to bring down the number of accidents that are occurring because of use of mobile while driving. Offers, deals, promotional messages, and messages from friends on social apps – all serve as a bait to draw you into jeopardy. And even worse, it is not just the one who is driving at risk, but also the other people on the road. Our vision behind ShutApp is to minimize the use of mobile while driving. No manual action is required as we have automated the system. The automated SMS system will send a predefined SMS to any caller who calls you while you are driving. To accomplish this project we need your support. Your contribution for this App will definitely change the world for many who are at the risk of losing their friends and relatives because of accidents. Thanks for looking into the details. Your contribution can help us get this simple yet wonderful project off the ground. Even a single dollar matters. Remember, each dollar contributed could save a life!

Other Ways You Can Help

If funding this project is not an idea you are looking forward to then there are other ways with which you can help this amazing project. You can spread the word and be a Samaritan who can save a number of lives by helping this project take off. Sharing is caring! You can spread awareness of our campaign through a number of social media tools and this requires very little efforts. Remember every dollar helps but telling people also helps. Help us spread the word by sharing the campaign information with your friends and family.

Whats Next?

There are a number of costs associated with this project. If we are unable to meet our crowd fund raising goal we will raise funds in stages. We will try making maximum progress with the funds raised from the first stage. Then, we will proceed to a second fund raising campaign to ensure that this noble project reaches fruition.


Q. When will ShutApp be available?

A. ShutApp is currently in testing phase. Our goal is to have ShutApp ready to launch by mid of January 2014.

Q. What phones and devices do Shutapp work with?

A. ShutApp work only with Android 2.3 devices and above that have a GPS.

Q. What is the email address I can contact you at?


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