Lets make an awesome camp
SKATEDUCATE is a volunteer organization, that aims to give
girls the skills and community to become rad skaters and take over skate ramps all over the world.
The SKATEDUCATE-team is working hard and the dream is becoming reality, but to get fully started we need money and equipment for our very first SKATEDUCATE camp.
Camps to encourage
So what is a SKATEDUCATE camp? A SKATEDUCATE camp is a camp for all girls that want to learn how to skate. The camps are moving from city to city, but the first one will be in Aarhus, Denmark.
We seek to encourage communities across age, cultural and social differences. By making camps in a local community we are making sure, that the girls get to know the best places to skate near their homes, and they get to meet other girls from their area, with whom they can continue to skate with, when the SKATEDUCATE camp is over.
The world needs SKATEDUCATE
SKATEDUCATE challenges the definition of how a woman should act, look and think of herself
in societal context. SKATEDUCATE aims to create a safe place for the girls, where they can learn and build community to support them, when they move on in life and in to the male dominated skate scene. Hopefully the girls will bring the skills and competences with them in other aspects of their lives.
What do you
get if you support SKATEDUCATE?
getting a warm and fuzzy feeling inside, you get a generation of young women, who
dare to take chances. You get streets filled with girls who are strong and who
spend less time taking selfies and more time celebrating the scratches
on their knees. But of course we've got perks for you as well!
Get a brilliant and unique handmade skate deck
Five amazing artists have lend us their time and talent and made some unique and cool skate decks for this campaign. For 450 USD the deck you like the most can be yours. But be quick, we only have one of each. The wooden skateboard deck is a canvas, that none of the artists have used before, so the boards are truly one of a kind pieces of art!
The Sys A Board
Sys Abrahamsen is a danish artist, who grew up in Greenland. The title for The Sys A board is "Nordlige Hjem" (Northern Homes). The decoration on the board is inspired by the meeting between nature and housing in Greenland, -from old colonial houses to the 1960' concrete buildings. Sys A lives in Aarhus at the moment, but is attending the school of design in Kolding, Denmark.
To see more of Sys' work go to sysabrahamsen.comThe A Mile In The Woods Board
A mile in the woods is a visual laboratory, run by
illustrator and cand.arch Louise Haugaard Nielsen. It is an all day all
night creative platform from where a variety of projects emerges. You never
know what´s coming next. A mile in the woods is founded on the
great, thorough craft of drawing by hand, combined with a love for
experimenting with visual storytelling. To see more of a mile in the woods go to amileinthewoods.dk
The Iris Bakker Board
Iris Bakker is studying communication
design. She is interested in interactiondesign, that deals with people and psycology
and often tries to change behavior. She is fascinated and inspired by people,
language, geography, mail and food. To se more of Iris Bakkers' work go to her blog
The Nic Naar Board
Nic Naar is
Born in the southern corner of the planet.
Patagonia and Pacific Ocean.
is now living on its northern top.
Windy and silent Baltic sea.
He is captivated
by us, the people of the world, and our ability to reflect the life around us. To see more of Nic Naar's work go to nicnaar.com
The ToritoMalo Board
ToritoMalo is studying to become a Design Manager in Kolding, Denmark. On the art scene he is best known for his black and white pipe illustrations and for being a blogger on IDOART.dk. Besides drawing pipes he likes to draw characters and to illustrate different sorts of puns. Describing himself ToritoMalo says; I am a bit of a pessimist, but perhaps that is exactly why I seek to create happiness. To see more of ToritoMalo's work go to his Facebook page
More perks:
Get a T-Shirt made by the girls
On the camp the girls will have the opportunity to learn other cool things than skating. We will have a batik-workshop, where the girls will make cool t-shirts for themselves, and maybe one for you?
Get a special SKATEDUCATE bag
We will make special cotton shopping bags with a cool print and the SKATEDUCATE logo for those who would rather have a bag than a t-shirt.
What about some art and stickers?
Get an original piece of art and some nice SKATEDUCATE stickers. We will send you the original art piece, a description of the artist behind the piece and a handful of SKATEDUCATE stickers. Solvej Asmark, Ban-Mai Mong Phan, Line Patricia Jakobsen and Boyeon Kang have all donated pieces of original art to us, and you will get one of them, if you buy this perk. Line Patricia Jakobsen made this sweet armadillo on a board.
Don't have coins in your pocket?
You can donate other stuff like helmets and boards. If you have an idea, would like to join the SKATEDUCATE movement or want to donate something that is not money? Contact us on info@skateducate.com
We love all of our contributors!!
All donations, big or small, are helping us accomplish our goal. We want to make sure that the girls have to pay as little as possible to be on the camp, and every contribution is a step on the way making this dream come true. THANK YOU GUYS!
And by the way - everyone who donates to SKATEDUCATE via Indiegogo gets an email with news and thoughts from our firs SKATEDUCATE camp in Aarhus, Denmark.
Get to know us better - visit our webpage: skateducate.com
We've got 2 snowskates, 10 Roces helmets and 10 Roces safety equipment sets from Skatepro! Thank you Skatepro - you guys rock!
Anne went to Greenland to visit Sisimiut, where we are making a camp in the summer. Watch the cool girls in Sisimiut try snowskates for the very first time!