Update: February 23:
We have had a very busy week at the shelter. As the Olympics are ending people have been asking about how to adopt dogs from our shelter. It has not been an easy process. We are working with the United States Humane Society to transport a few dogs, but the details are not certain. In the meantime we are working to expand the shelter and take care of our dogs.
We are also working on building a website for the shelter.
More details soon!
If you missed it, last week we had visit from Ali Fedotowsky & we were on the Today Show. Thank you for all your support!
Sochi Strays Need Your Help
Leading up to the 2014 Sochi Olympics Russian authorities hired exterminators to shoot and poison dogs to clear the town of its large population of strays. To date between 5,000-7,000 dogs have been killed.
Vlada Provotorova and a small group of volunteers are working to save as many dogs as possible. Smuggling strays out of Sochi and housing them at this shelter.
With no government support this group of dedicated dog-lovers needs your help. At the shelter the canines are fed, neutered, and checked for medical ailments. The goal is to adopt them out, but its hard to find willing families. The group must support these efforts on their own, and the more dogs that are saved the more expensive the enterprise becomes.
Don't let these dogs become victims of the 2014 Olympic Games.
To learn more watch David Filipov's Boston Globe interview with Vlada and read the latest story about Vlada's work in the Globe and Mail.
Pictures from Vlada's Shelter: