Something Special for Sommer
Hi Everyone!
My name is Bronwyn Green and together with Alison Tyler (and a ton of other authors) we'd like to tell you about our friend Sommer Marsden and her husband.
Those of you who know Sommer are probably aware that her beloved husband is undergoing a second round of treatment for pancreatic cancer. What you might not know is that their family of four is down to 40% of his salary and his insurance company, in an epic move of douchetastic proportion, has refused to pay for his treatment.
Sommer is without a doubt, one of the kindest, thoughtful and supportive people I've ever had the pleasure of coming across in this business. And right now, she's beyond stressed. Alison and I wanted to do something to help her and her family out - and we're hoping you'll be interested in helping, too.
What We Need & What You Get
Our goal is to raise 3,000 dollars for Sommer's family. We know that this won't touch the chemotherapy bill. Hell, it would only pay for one treatment and a small portion of a second. What we're hoping to do is to make enough money to help pay for things like groceries and utilities, and folks, it's starting to get cold out!
We've got some amazing perks for anyone who would like to donate - books, ebooks, sneak peeks, handmade baby blankets, fingerless mitts, dolls, an apron and a poncho! There are also gift certificates, a personalized short story, an ode and even original artwork - framed and ready to hang on your wall! Even better, all of the authors who donated physical items will cover the cost of shipping them to you!
Every little bit helps. And every little bit is hugely appreciated. Cancer sucks beyond the telling of it for everyone suffering from it. However, your support will make a difference in the lives of this family.
We've had so many awesome perk donations that there's no way we can fit them all on this one Indiegogo page - including handmade items (with pictures) by several of the donators. So what we've decided to do is list the 20 that we're allotted here. The rest will be listed on a page of my blog. As perks are claimed, I'll be replacing them with others from the list.
But, if you see something that you absolutely must have, donate the amount of money listed, choose "no perk" on this page and send me a copy of your receipt email to right away, and I'll remove the perk from the list and make sure the item finds its way to you. This is the page where you can find the complete list: Who might find something for someone on your holiday list!
Additional Perks Page:
Other Ways You Can Help
We understand that not everyone who'd like to contribute will be able to. But there are other ways to help. Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help. For those who are willing and able, please spread the word and Tweet, Tumblr, email, blog and Facebook the hell out of this campaign! And please also use the Indiegogo share tools.