Regan Macaulay and Kevin Risk, co-writers and co-producers of the ultra-low-budget feature film Space Zombies: 13 Months of Brain-Spinning Mayhem! that premiered in September 2004, are fundraising to get Space Zombies distributed to video on demand services and online stores such as iTunes, Amazon, Netflix, etc. through Distribber, another indiegogo success story! With your help, they can put together the funds to submit this film to Distribber, who will hopefully find a home for the movie on iTunes (and other services). There will also be postage fees, expenses creating the necessary Digibeta tape to submit, and so on.
Space Zombies: 13 Months of Brain-Spinning Mayhem! is a feature film shot on digital video that pays homage to B-Movies of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s – in particular the films of Edward D. Wood Jr. Though unintentional, the idiosyncrasies, errors and basic ‘bad’ filmmaking that go into these ‘terrible’ but endearing and highly enjoyable films, have created a style and a cult following. It was my desire to delve deeper into this style through the making of a parody film that emulates B-Movies down to the last detail but within a modern context – as if created today. The result is a hilarious film study – both entertaining and enlightening. There is a definite art to creating something ‘bad’, particularly if you are doing it on purpose!
Space Zombies: 13 Months of Brain-Spinning Mayhem! is actually the culmination of a trilogy of short films, or episodes: Space Zombies: Terror from the Sky!, Space Zombies II: Monsters Unleashed, Unabridged and Unplugged! and Space Zombies III: The Incredible Duel-Headed Cat Freak! The feature aired on SPACE: The Imagination Station and Drive-In Classics, in Canada, 2004-2007.
Even the sanest and kindest of men goes mad. But what is it that drives him to insanity? What you are about to see are the images of the circumstances under which one man, veterinarian Dr. Vic McNaughton, goes horribly, horribly and irretrievably mad…is it the aliens seeking human brains for snacks? Zombies seeking to switch their brains with the brains of cats? Monster toad-beasts? Starfish mutations? Dr. Vic and his staff experience all of these adventures, but it is the Space Zombies’ experiments switching the thought essences of Dr. Vic’s wife Betsy and his beloved cat Ju-Jube that eventually push him over the edge. His solution is obvious – his wife and darling pet must be combined, but first he must test his theories out on some other unsuspecting humans and cats. What results is a truly terrifying travesty – a duel-headed cat freak that defies his master and tears out on a frightening rampage. It is only this cataclysmic event, along with the prodding of Vic’s staff and his friends, including the very Space Zombies who helped him create the two-headed creature in the first place, that Vic finally snaps out of his maniacal trance and begins to see the light. Only when things are put right again - when minds and bodies are matched, does Dr. Vic’s world simmer to a sane temperature again.
Completed August 2004. Shot on location in Toronto. Licensed to SPACE: The Imagination Station and Drive-In Classics (2004 - 2007) and distributed by Hiltz-Squared Media. First aired January 8, 2005. Screened at the Bloor Cinema September 2004 and at the University of Toronto Film Festival in March 2005.
About Triple Take Productions
Founded on July 29th, 1993 in order to produce John Mighton's A Short History of Night at Oshawa Little Theatre, Triple Take Productions is a unique, Toronto-based theatre, film and television production company dedicated to producing exceptionally creative plays and films, ranging from Pirandellian-style characterization, to the farcical and satirical (including 2006 Fringe of Toronto and Best of the Fringe hit, It Was Kit), to horror-comedies and zany science fiction films (which have aired numerous times on SPACE, SCREAM, and Drive-In Classics). Our mandate is to produce works that are both imaginative and thought-provoking. We work through theatre, film, and television, to present a Canadian audience with Canadian works, full of style, thought, and off-beat humour. We also co-produce with other distinctive theatre and media companies in order to enhance our range in genres and the substance of our projects. The company was originally founded by Regan Macaulay and R.J. Downes. Regan Macaulay is the Artistic Director, Producer of all projects carried out by the company and Manager of Triple Take.
About Regan Macaulay (Producer, Director, Co-Writer, Editor, Composer, Actor, Co-Designer of the puppet “Boolashacka”)
To date, Regan has produced 41 plays in 16 different productions under Triple Take, as well as 9 short films/videos and 1 feature film over the past 18 years. She has directed 9 of these plays and all 9 of the short films (either portions of or in their entirety) as well as the feature film. Regan has written or co-written 6 plays (two shorts, three one-acts and one full-length), 9 short films (in part or in their entirety), 2 teleplays (both one hour dramas), 4 feature-length screenplays and is currently working on 4 children’s picture books, various short stories (adult fiction), a graphic novel, and a 4 novel series for middle-grade readers. As of June 1998, Regan was a graduate of the Radio and Television Arts program at Ryerson Polytechnic University in Toronto. Regan is the Artistic Director of Triple Take Productions, Producer and Manager of projects taken on by the company.
About Kevin Risk (Co-Writer, Lead Actor, D.O.P., Special Effects and Animation Editor, Sound Editor, Co-Designer of the puppet “Boolashacka”)
Kevin Risk graduated from theatre school at York University in 2000 and completed his MA at the Drama Centre at the University of Toronto in May of 2006 and has also completed the TESL course through the Toronto District School Board. He has appeared in various stage productions, including Modern Ritual (A Beautiful Lie/David Goyette), Titus Andronicus (Hart House Theatre), The Paradise Lust Romance Series, Crime and Etiquette, It Was Kit (Triple Take Productions), Shakespeare's Brain (New Ideas), and Conscientia (New Ideas and SummerWorks). Kevin also starred in Triple Take’s feature film Space Zombies: 13 Months of Brain-Spinning Mayhem! He was also Director of Photography, Sound Designer/Editor and Special Effects Editor for this film, which is airing on SPACE and Drive-In Classics. Kevin was one of the editors for Fairy Tale II (airing on OUTtv) and Literature Alive (airing on Bravo!) and was also Sound Editor for a series of audio books as well as five 15-minute documentaries that aired on CBC Radio (for Leda Serene Films and CaribbeanTales). He also worked on the post-production sound for Leda Serene Films' latest feature film, A Winter Tale and edited an episode from their series, Heart Beat. Kevin has written a number of stage plays, radio plays, short stories, and film scripts and is currently working on his first novel. He is currently at the University of Toronto iSchool and will graduate mid-August 2012.
How You Can Help
Any amount you can manage is greatly appreciated. Your will provide essential support to the arts/comedy/sci-fi/B-movie/zombie community! With a $5 donation, you will receive a shout out on Facebook, Twitter, and the Triple Take Productions website! With a $10 donation you will receive a thank you & good zombie karma credit email sent to you with much love from the producers and space zombies, as well as the aforementioned shout outs! A $25 donation will get you all the aforementioned goodies, plus a mini movie poster mailed or emailed to you. A $50 donation will get you all of the above, plus a digital copy of the entire feature film! A $100 will get you everything mentioned previously, plus a copy of the script, signed by Regan Macaulay and Kevin Risk! Donate $500 and we’ll also throw in a Space Zombies T-shirt and a signed, unofficial copy of the DVD (meaning that this DVD has not been released yet, and won’t be for quite some time)!
Cast and Crew (maybe someone you know is in the movie!)
A Man of Great Importance: Jason Reilly
Dr. Vic McNaughton: Kevin Risk
Betsy, the Secretary: Kelsey Matheson
The Client: Kim Croscup
The Client's Cat: Ripley Steeves
Mrs. Smith: Andrea Lyons
Mrs. Smith's Cat, Boo-Boo: Prea L. Macaulay
Guy on the Porch: Jeff Eason
Bill, the Vet Technician: Dave Krstin
The Mourner: Sandra Krstin
The Zombie Lord: Conor McCreery
Inspector Gidget: Angelo Stellato
The Cop: Dave Krstin
Zombie Boy: Darcy Windover
Zombie Girl: Regan Macaulay
Ju-Jube: Frodo B. Macaulay
'New' Inspector Gidget: Albert Masters
Monster Toad Beast: Trevor Risk
Mutant Starfish: A Hunk of Claymation
Lance Serious: Rob Downes
Taco, the Weird Cat: Taco Steeves
Other Clinic Cats: Hunter Berg, Mr. Jones
On-Looker #1: Kim Croscup
On-Looker #2: Kyle McKeown
On-Looker #3: Renata Rampersaud
Phil, the Cameraman: Johnny Vong
The Mayor: Clinton Cyril Somerton
The Living Alien: Erin Gooderham
Small Crowd: Heather Boulton, Loreena Lewis, William Lyons, Johnny Ngo
Restaurant Diner #1: Heather Boulton
Restaurant Diner #2: William Lyons
Inspector Gross: Chris Gibbs
Boolashacka: Kyle McKeown
Cat Freak #1: Kim Croscup
Cat Freak #2: John Gaylord
Kidnapped Cats: Mr. Jones, Crackers Miskevich
Boolashacka's Cat Head: Horatio
Zombie Tech Lab Crowd: Ray Acheson, Abbey Beauchamp, Cydney Beauchamp, Kelley Beauchamp, Maureen Bell, Martina Diezi, Natalya Kalinina, Loreena Lewis, Kearston Lyon, Nick Martin, Cindy Milling, Johnny Ngo, Paul Phillips, Rebecca Powell, Tania Ramirez, Renata Rampersaud, Eileen Roth, Judy Shin, Amy Smithers, Jenny Tang, Sonya Taccone, Athena Taccone-De Castro, Isaac Taccone-De Castro, Adam Vet, Bailey Waite, Emily Weindorfer
Narrator: Jason Reilly
Radio Ads/Ju-Jube: Kevin Risk
Lance Serious: Rob Downes
Boo-Boo: Johnny Vong
Taco: Regan Macaulay
Director/Producer: Regan Macaulay
Executive Producer: Edward D. Wood Jr.
Writers: Regan Macaulay and Kevin Risk
Associate Producer: Christopher Cordell
Director of Photography: Kevin Risk
Camera Operator: Johnny Vong
1st Assistant Director: Christopher Cordell
2nd Assistant Director: Helen Vong
Assistant Location Manager: Maureen Bell
2nd Unit Director: Christopher Cordell
Boom Operators: David Alexander, Kelsey Matheson
2nd Unit Camera Operators: Christopher Cordell, Conor McCreery
Driver: Kelsey Matheson
Wardrobe: Maureen Bell, Malabar
Make-up: Kelsey Matheson, Regan Macaulay
Puppet Construction: Kevin Risk, Regan Macaulay
Steadicam Construction: Kevin Risk
Properties: Maureen Bell, Regan Macaulay, Kevin Risk, Angelo Stellato
Continuity: Frodo B. Macaulay
Animal Wrangler: Prea L. Macaulay
Picture Editor: Regan Macaulay
Sound Designer/Editor: Kevin Risk
Composer: Regan Macaulay
Animator/FX: Kevin Risk
Website Design: Dave Krstin, Johnny Vong
Website Maintenance: Johnny Vong
Poster Design: Johnny Vong
Songs: The Heard Mentality
Insurance: Unionville Insurance