It's a first-of-its-kind, revolutionary and convenient "Buy Local" mobile platform that rewards consumers for acts of kindness.
Consumers will save up to 20% per purchase using the SpendingShift app. Allow us to assist you in this effortless shifting of funds you are already spending: we will guide a percentage of each purchase to an array of charities, causes, and Community Ambassadors.
You can use the app like a credit card to pay for goods and services at participating merchants. Simply by buying through SpendingShift, you will be saving money for yourself as well as generate additional funds for the charity of your choice. It's easy, costs nothing, and is an incredible opportunity to change the way we spend!
Drew Logan fitness guru to Hollywood, died three times in one night but God sent him back to save lives. He is Cedar-Sinai's Sudden Cardiac Arrest spokesperson. (SpendingShift Invitation Code: HEART)
More than 80% of the people we surveyed would actively contribute to grassroots charities and causes--if they had the money. Imagine giving money to your favorite charities or causes by simply spending smarter with SpendingShift, while saving money yourself.
Take it one step further and become an "Ambassador" and you too will be earning enough to promote your community full-time and make a personal difference.
Take a look at our Calculator to better understand how much you could contribute to these causes via SpendingShift!
SpendingShift is part of the "Buy Local" movement that is sweeping across American and the world. We are a member of 120+ networks of community leaders, 30,000+ business owners, and everyday people who want to make a difference. Together, this movement works to move the economic power back into the hands of local businesses, and works to help communities bind together.
As consumers, we spend trillions of dollars each year. An average consumer spends about $70/day.
With so much money disappearing from our pockets, how much could we contribute to charity if only a small percentage of that was redirected?
Smartphones and Tablets are now a popular and easy way to make purchases on many different platforms. Notice how everyone is looking down nowadays? Why not utilize this trend to help others?
We're creating a platform that will redirect a portion of those trillions back into your hands. Start small by shifting $5/day to support local businesses. Have lunch at your favorite cafe and spend no more than you usually would--and let SpendingShift show you your impact.
Simply pay with your phone at your favorite local businesses on the things you already spend money on.
Every Voucher you buy will generate funds for local charities as well as funds for SpendingShift Ambassadors, people like you, to help them do good.
Not only will you be helping people with your spending--you'll also save, by taking advantage of the discounts offered by our awesome merchants. You also get the satisfaction that your personal spending generates funds for other Community Ambassadors so they can do MORE.
And the best part is: it's FREE to join and FREE to use!
Simply put, we call our members Ambassadors. Ambassadors are people who want turn their every-day spending into acts of kindness and who get others to do the same. Ultimately, enabling individuals to collectively make a difference.
Community Ambassadors get rewarded for every act of kindness that they have inspired others to do. They will get an alert telling them each time something good happens. With immediate positive feedback, we'll all be inspired to do more.
Anything and everything imaginable, from your favorite restaurants to bars to auto repair shops.
Bruno Serato
Help Bruno Serato, 2011 CNN Hero,feed Millions of kids. Many restaurants across the United States, and around the world, want to help Bruno feed the under-privileged kids in their own communities, but lack the funding. With the funding from this campaign, we can help Bruno and give money to the above restaurants, so they can start NOW. After that, SpendingShift’s perpetual funding-raising platform will maintain the kindness sharing, for the long haul.
When the economy crashed, Bruno’s fine-dining restaurant business like many others fell by 40-50%, however, due to the bad economy the under-privileged kids doubled. Keeping the restaurant open and meeting financial obligations were a challenge, let alone feeding the 300-600 children every night. It was a decision whether to risk losing the restaurant or cut-back on feeding the kids. “God told me to keep feeding the kids,” so he took out a 2nd mortgage on his home.
There are so many worthy causes for SpendingShift to support, but having the fortunate opportunity to spend time with Bruno and see what he and his dedicated staffs do, we decided to put Bruno’s initiative as one our 2 “Flagship” campaigns to rally support and get funding.
Every year, nearly 7,000 healthy kids (K-12) die from Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), and this toll is rising annually. However, there are no federal government mandates that requires life-saving defibrillation devices in schools nationwide, like there are for Fire Extinguishers. Interestingly though, do you know how many deaths have occurred due to school fires in the past half century? Zero! None! Not a single one! That's right... yet tax payers are paying millions every year for extinguishers and inspections.
While SCA is the leading cause of deaths in children K-12 by an overwhelming margin, most school boards, and councils, cite the cost of Automatic External Defibrillator (AED's) as the reason for not demanding they be installed as prevalently as the obviously obsolete fire extinguishers.
With SpendingShift's help, and your use in your daily purchasing, my "Angel Hearts" Initiative will receive helpful funds every time you purchase using your smartphone APP. Together we can make the financial obstacles of the schools boards a non-issue by providing AED's to them for free...everywhere there are children! Kids deserve a chance at a full life!
Please support SpendingShift and help us save lives!
-Drew Logan
Drew Logan was 30 years old and in the best shape of his life. So why did he suddenly die--three times in one night? New research may finally be unlocking the answers to the mystery of sudden cardiac arrest... (Read full story)
"My fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country" President JFK
It's only a cliche if you don't act on it. Never before in the history of mankind has it been easier for an individual to make a difference.
At SpendingShift, We are ordinary people just like you who believe that we must ACT and not talk or point fingers. We are doing this not for ourselves but for our children and grand-children. If you are not happy with the current situation, take action: otherwise, nothing will change. Start now to make it a meaningful Holiday & New Year!
Together we'll spread an "epidemic of kindness" that will transcend races and borders.
100% of proceeds will go to:
Put Americans back to work by supporting small business success and sustainability.
Improve local communities with our "Buy Local" initiatives.
Hire community leaders as SpendingShift Community Directors situated in major cities: Detroit, Buffalo, Miami, Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange County, Miami, Cleveland, Memphis, etc...
Help support Chef Bruno Serato's Foundation "Caterina's Club" (that has already fed nearly 1 million starving children) as he takes on child hunger on a national and global level!
Help support Drew Logan's "Angel Hearts" Initiative of getting life-saving Automatic External Defibrillators in every school, boys & girls home, daycare, and anywhere children are present.
Help fund countless other causes, charities, and initiatives
Back our campaign!
By backing our campaign, you're telling us that our idea is a good one— good enough to put your hard-earned money behind it. Please look to the right of the page to see our assortment of Perks; rewards that will be sent to you for a certain amount of donation. We appreciate every dollar!
Share our campaign!
The only way we'll reach our goal is if the word gets out about it. It may seem like an insignificant thing, but sharing our campaign on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and all of the other awesome spots on the web, is priceless to us.
Be a SpendingShift Ambassador!
Get your Invitation Code and help us to spread the word about SpendingShift while earning special rewards. ACT NOW!
Thanks for looking.
If you love SpendingShift, or just love to see the entrepreneurial spirit thrive, please help us get this amazing project off the ground.
Every $1 helps, and telling people helps too. We need the swipe of YOUR finger now.
Thank you for checking out SpendingShift. We're transforming spending into acts of kindness with your help.
Looking for more information?Check the project
Get our StarGazer digital badge of honor. Receive newsletter updates, alerts, and breaking news. Be part of the movement to spread kindness to no longer be an effort but a reflex. Let’s make this the healthiest epidemic in human history. YES, KINDNESS IS CONTAGIOUS!
14 out of 1000 of claimed
Jr. Scientist (3 Wrist Bands)
$25 USD
Get (3) "Kindness - I'm Contagious" WRIST BANDS. First has its perks! Be a BETA TESTER. You will get to offer your thoughts on what makes this APP unique. We value your feedback- play a role in how we build the app, before it goes to market! This is your chance to tell us how you want to spend, and how you want to give your kindness! +All benefits above.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 1000 of claimed
Head Nerd (6 Wrist Bands)
$50 USD
Head Nerd (6 Wrist Bands)
You'll get (3) more for total of (6) “Kindness - I'm Contagious” WRIST BANDS. Buy Local/Localism is about building the New Economy, right where we live! Download the SpendingShift APP… FREE!! You will start purchasing, and giving in your community before anyone else can get the APP! +All benefits above.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
1 out of 1000 of claimed
Astronaut (1 T-shirt)
$100 USD
Proudly wear your (1) cool “Kindness - I'm Contagious” T-shirt and instantly increase your Karma Credit scores. Receive a special invitation code to invite 20 friends or family members to join you in effectively "shifting" your daily spending to support small business, local communities, and humanitarian initiatives right in your own backyard! +All benefits above.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 1000 of claimed
Rocketeer, Founders’ circle
$250 USD
Be forever written in the history of our Company. We will prominently display you, your family or company name on our Facebook, Twitter and Homepage. and on the Founders Wall at our headquarters! Receive a special invitation code to invite 100 friends or family members to join you in effectively "shifting" your daily spending. +All benefits above.
4 out of 500 of claimed
Explorer, Think tank
$500 USD
Receive a special invitation code to invite UNLIMITED friends or family. Be a guest at the 1st Annual SpendingShift Leaders Convention 2014, in Anaheim California. Hear from community, local, state, national, and world leaders that are joining forces with celebrities, experts, and SpendingShift to change the landscape of business, communities, and doing good. Enjoy horderves, appetizers, wine & champagne at world-famous 5-Star White House Restaurant in Anaheim, California. +All benefit
1 out of 100 of claimed
Space Traveler, Banquet
$1,000 USD
Be a guest at an exclusive black-tie banquet dinner. Enjoy the world renown chef Bruno Cerato Italian Steakhouse’s cuisine, Anaheim White House Restaurant featuring, Appetizer: Tian of Salmon, Salad: Insalata Dello Chef, Entree: Prime Rib & Lobster Tail, Dessert: Tiramisu. Receive a special invitation to meet SpendingShift founding team and influencers. +All benefits above.
0 out of 100 of claimed
Mars Lander, Got heart!
$10,000 USD
Once a lifetime opportunity! Get the fitness program of the celebrities. This is a special 5days & 6nights, all inclusive, health and fitness retreat with SpendingShift Flag Ship Champion, the worlds only Triple Cardiac Arrest Survivor, Drew Logan. Your week will consist of full scale training, nutrition, spa treatments, and pampering at an exclusive 4 Stars Ocean Front resort. +All benefits above.
2 out of 5 of claimed
Mars Terraformer, Mandela
$20,000 USD
Be the Nelson Mandela of your community! We will fly in with our experts to help you start your own “Buy Local” initiative. Energize and educate local citizens, business owners and local officials. We will help set up workshops with consultations and media interviews. We will provide you with presentation and training materials that will help to inspire to build a sustainable community. +All benefits above.