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Sprayable Energy

Welcome to the end of tired. We've developed a liquid you spray on your skin to get the energy you would from energy drinks.

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Sprayable Energy

Sprayable Energy

Sprayable Energy

Sprayable Energy

Sprayable Energy

Welcome to the end of tired. We've developed a liquid you spray on your skin to get the energy you would from energy drinks.

Welcome to the end of tired. We've developed a liquid you spray on your skin to get the energy you would from energy drinks.

Welcome to the end of tired. We've developed a liquid you spray on your skin to get the energy you would from energy drinks.

Welcome to the end of tired. We've developed a liquid you spray on your skin to get the energy you would from energy drinks.

Deven Soni
Deven Soni
Deven Soni
Deven Soni
2 Campaigns |
San Francisco, United States
$169,891 USD 3,042 backers
1132% of $15,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects


Thanks so much for supporting Sprayable Energy. We achieved WAY more than we ever expected and it's all thanks to you!

BUT, it's not too late.  You can still be one of the first people in the world to get Sprayable Energy by visiting

In the Press:

Here are some of the places our campaign was mentioned...



New Perk! Check out the Lifetime Pack - an insane deal!

Want the energy, but hate the energy drinks?

"All in all, Sprayable Energy is my new favorite form of caffeine. It’s cheap, convenient, and works incredibly well." - Colin Joliat, Guyism

"I’m a college student with finals and deadlines, which means I’ve spent more than a few all-nighters pounding down espresso shots while hating my life and begging the caffeine gods for a better solution. This whole “Sprayable Energy” thing sounds pretty much perfect to me." - Erika Grant, Foodbeast

What if you never had to worry about being tired again?

It would be pretty amazing - you'd set your mind to something and just get it done. No need to run to the convenience store to pick up an energy drink, or space out at your desk pretending to work.

You wouldn't skip that bike ride you wanted to go on - or ditch that party you wish you had the energy to attend.

Caffeinated Products Currently Suck

They are too expensive, too inconvenient, too filled with calories and questionable ingredients, and in many cases taste terrible.

You also have to buy them multiple times a day, store them at the right temperature, and in 20%+ of the population they can cause nausea, headaches, and a feeling of being overly wired.

We hated making all these unfair compromises and developed a solution.

Welcome to Sprayable Energy. Welcome to the End of Tired.

Sprayable Energy is the world's first caffeine based topical energy spray. It can be taken in seconds, doesn't make you crash, is way more affordable than current products, and isn't full of mystery ingredients.

Sprayable is a colorless, odorless liquid you spray on your skin to get a steady stream of energy for hours. Our patent-pending technology (described below) enables us to deliver just one active ingredient, caffeine, to give you the energy you need without the side effects or safety risks.

Never be concerned for your health when using caffeinated products again.

Smooth, Focused Energy

Sprayable gives you a smooth, more natural feeling energy (more like you just woke up, and less like a half-awake over-caffeinated zombie).

That’s because Sprayable enters your system gradually - giving you a steady amount of energy exactly when you need it (unlike products you drink that force you to ingest way more caffeine than you need just so you can stay in that zombie-like energized state for up to 5 hours).

Highly Portable & Convenient

Each little black aluminum bottle of Sprayable contains 40+ uses of our product (160 sprays worth). It is small enough to fit in your pocket, a purse, or a glove compartment, and lets you take your energy anywhere you go. You can literally energize in seconds and get back to doing whatever is important in your life.

An Amazing Value

Because you can carry your energy with you, Sprayable helps you avoid spending a ton of money every time you need energy. Instead of buying a $12.00 energy drink at a club, or a $8.00 lukewarm latte at an airport, you pay just pennies per use.

How Do I Use It?

You apply Sprayable Energy to your skin and spray 2-4 times depending on your how much energy you need. The product is clear and unscented - you won’t even notice it's there after spraying. It's the same process as spraying a fragrance - just a couple of spritzes every time you need a boost of energy.

I Get It, Now How Does It Work?

At this point, you’re probably wondering how Sprayable works and we don’t blame you.

Our active ingredient is caffeine, which can actually naturally enter your body through the skin by passing through cell membranes (caffeine is very structurally similar to nicotine - which also easily passes through cell membranes, if you’ve ever seen a nicotine patch).

So what’s our great breakthrough? Well, it turns out caffeine isn’t very soluble in water, and so it’s difficult to transport enough caffeine in a spray to have a significant effect. After months of research, we discovered we could increase caffeine’s solubility five-fold by using a simple derivative of a naturally produced amino acid, tyrosine.

Thus, our patent-pending technology opens up a whole new realm of possibilities when it comes to energizing as effectively as possible without all the drawbacks and side effects.

Here are some of our favorite ways to spray:

Keep a bottle in your office for a quick pre-meeting pick me up

Stick a bottle in your car so you can use a few sprays on that long drive home

Stow a bottle in your carry on bag so that you can catch a few sprays before powering through that presentation (or Sudoku puzzle) on your next flight

Carry a bottle in your gym bag so you can get energized while running or lifting without feeling weighed down

Carry a bottle in your bag or pocket for that big Friday night out. It will fit in at any nightclub and will keep you out-partying the 22 year olds (or 62 year olds if your grandparents roll like that)

What The Media Says

“[After using Sprayable] I'm writing my third blog post of the day, feeling no more jittery or distracted than usual….Plus, at $15 for 40 doses, it's wayyy cheaper than Red Bull.”

“Sprayable Energy, will keep you energized for hours, and it doesn’t come with any side effects.”

“Energy can now be absorbed through the skin, all without the calories, crash or cost of that morning mug of joe”

What Our Early Users Say

”It’s amazing...I don’t have time to go down and grab a cup of coffee, so with this product I can pretty much take it with me anywhere if I’m in a rush, if I’m late, and I’m tired”

"I really liked it - I'm not one to drink energy drinks of any kind, I hate the sugar, and the milk, and the cream, and the crash. As soon as I drink coffee, it's too much for me…so I thought I'd give this a try…and it was great, we had a lecture, and I always get tired in lectures, but I didn't even notice, I just stayed straight awake through the whole thing"

"Within half an hour, I felt like I'd just woken up"

"I really liked it, there was no down afterwards, with coffee you usually get some drop or low, and I didn't get that at all with this"

“Now it’s been four hours since I’ve used it, and it’s just been a constant stream of energy, it just feels great. I feel like I slept like a baby for eight hours”

The Team

Ben and Deven met on an expedition vessel to Antarctica - and bonded over many things - including the lack of a perfect energy product. They spent a year in the lab developing and testing Sprayable Energy and are now ready to share it with the world.

Ben Yu - Cofounder

Ben was a molecular and chemical biology major at Harvard before joining Peter Thiel’s 20 Under 20 Fellowship, which awards $100,000 to 20 entrepreneurs under the age of 20 every year. Prior to developing Sprayable Energy , he started a number of ventures in the ecommerce space. Along with Deven, Ben was also part of the 5th round of Startup Chile.

Chongxi Yu - Technical Advisor

Chongxi earned his PhD in bio-organic chemistry from Rutgers University, and has spent his entire career studying and developing transdermal medications. Most recently, he has developed a groundbreaking new way to deliver drugs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, which normally are not capable of permeating the skin, transdermally. These novel medications are currently in clinical trials in the US.

Deven Soni – Cofounder

Deven is a former VC investor with funds including Goldman Sachs, NEVEQ, and Highland Capital Partners. He’s advised several startups in the e-commerce and retail sectors. He also held roles at NexTag (a top Internet shopping platform), and Lazard, an investment bank where he worked on advisory projects for companies including Microsoft and Amazon.

The Indiegogo Campaign

Here’s where you come in.

We have perfected and tested our formula, identified an FDA-registered US-based manufacturer, and are ready to hit the ground running.

We're now raising $15,000, which will allow us to produce Sprayable Energy at enough scale to be able to offer it affordably to everyone.

In return for your early support, you'll be one the first to get Sprayable Energy, get some pretty great perks, and support a company trying to redefine and improve the way people get their energy.

* We expect to fulfill our crowdfunding orders by November 2013. Delays are unlikely, but possible and we promise to keep our backers aware of every step in the manufacturing and fulfillment process.

But I Like Being Tired

Not ready for this much energy? We understand (kind of). We'd still really really appreciate it if you could:

1) Personally spread the word to friends and family that you think would benefit from our product

2) Share the project with your friends on Facebook and Twitter

If you read this far, we’re immensely grateful for your interest and support. Thanks for making this possible!

Ben & Deven

Frequently Asked Questions

We know you must have a few questions, and did our best to answer the most popular ones here. Take a look at this section, and if you still have anything you’d like to know about our product or campaign, feel free to email us at

Does it work?

Absolutely. Our spray enables caffeine to enter your system gradually – giving you smooth energy that lasts.

Is Sprayable Energy patented?

We are patent pending.

How do I use Sprayable Energy?

Spray it in the same way you would spray perfume or cologne on your neck. Spray up to six times at once (we recommend you start with four sprays and go from there) and try to vary the areas in which you spray to maximize the surface area on which the spray is applied.

How often can I spray?

Spray up to six times within four hours, and no more than twenty-four times total per day.

Does Sprayable Energy have a smell or color?

No, the first version of our product is colorless and odorless. It won’t stain your clothing or interfere with any other fragrances you’re wearing. We may launch scented versions down the line, and you’ll be the first to know when that happens.

How does Sprayable Energy work with cosmetics or fragrances?

Sprayable is friendly and plays just great with other products.

Is Sprayable Energy safe?

Our product has no known side effects. The amount of caffeine per serving contained in our product is less than that found in coffee or energy drinks, so it’s great for those that think energy drinks are overkill. However, if you are allergic (or incredibly sensitive) to caffeine, you should not use our product.

Is it safe for pregnant women?

While current research is inconclusive on the effect of caffeine on pregnancy, some doctors recommend limiting caffeine intake to less than 200 milligrams a day during pregnancy. We always like to play it safe and do not market our product to anyone who is pregnant.

How about kids?

We don't recommend or market our product to children under the age of 18.

Can I drink it?

No. Sprayable Energy should be sprayed on the skin, like perfume or cologne. Under no circumstances should it be swallowed.

Can I use Sprayable Energy with coffee or energy drinks?

Using our spray with multiple high-caffeine energy drinks isn’t recommended, but having soft drinks, coffee or tea in moderation with our product isn’t dangerous. However, we like to play it safe and do not recommend using multiple sources of caffeine intake at one time. This will only push you further away from the ideal of being awake and focused and towards being jittery and over stimulated.

Where is Sprayable Energy manufactured?

Sprayable Energy is manufactured and bottled right here in the USA – in an FDA-registered facility.

What is the science behind Sprayable Energy?

Long story short, caffeine is one of the few substances that can permeate the skin, thanks to being both water and oil soluble. As skin consists of cells, any molecule that can penetrate the cell membrane can be applied transdermally (through the skin). The cell membrane, which consists of a phospholipid bilayer, keeps things out by being negatively charged on the outside and neutrally charged in the middle. Hence, anything polar, like water, is attracted to the outside but can’t get through the middle, and anything that’s nonpolar like oil is attracted to the middle but can’t get through the outside polar section.

Caffeine, thanks to its specific molecular structure, is capable of alternately being polar and nonpolar – and hence is able to penetrate cell membranes and consequently skin like very few other substances. Our secret sauce enables caffeine to stay in a liquid state that is concentrated enough to give users significant energy when sprayed on the skin. As a result, Sprayable Energy is not only viable but kind of really awesome.

For a visual version, also check out our infographic below:

***For International Supporters***

It has just come to our attention that there is no way to disable international shipments on Indiegogo. As such, while we initially did not plan on supporting international customers, due to both extreme demand and necessity, we've worked to make it happen.

If you're not from the United States, please just add $15 to any order $200 and under, and we'll get it shipped to you just the same.For any order over $200, please add $30.

If there are any customs charges, to keep it simple, you will be responsible for your own customs.

Thank you!

***Our EPIC Stretch Goals***

The Sprayable team feels amazingly thankful to have hit our initial crowdfunding goal in 24 hours and we want to reward our current and future backers by introducing some pretty amazing stretch goals. We think that the rewards from hitting these new funding goals will really help enhance the Sprayable Energy experience by making our product more effective, more safe, and more fun!

Without further delay, here are our new stretch goals:

REACHED: $30,000 stretch goal - The Sprayable Energy Mobile App

If we hit $30,000 (2x our goal) we will release a complementary new mobile app that you can pair with Sprayable Energy. It will make Sprayable safer, more effective, and more personalized

The app will be available for iOS & Android and will include the following features:

  1. A tracker to keep track of how many times you have sprayed our product and when
  2. A warning indicator if you have sprayed the product too many times in one day
  3. When activated, the app will periodically ping you on your energy levels after spraying. This data will be used to make personalized recommendations for how much you should spray & when
  4. Exclusive discounts & rewards for using Sprayable Energy

Availability: March 2014

REACHED: $50,000 stretch goal - Choose your bottle color

If we hit $50,000 we will let you choose the color of your Sprayable Energy bottles. Our current bottles are a matte black aluminum. If we hit $50k, we'll bring one more color to the table and let you, our backers, decide between either black or

  1. A matte SILVER bottle
  2. A matte metallic RED bottle

That's right - we'll put you in control of your bottle color - just like we put you in control of your energy!

Here's a preview:

Availability: February 2014

REACHED: $100,000 stretch goal - Free wool carrying case for everyone!*

This is the most incredible stretch goal yet - if we hit $100,000, we're going to give everyone who backs a perk of more than $15 a FREE WOOL CARRYING CASE! Carry your Sprayable in style anywhere you go. This case will hold two Sprayable bottles, and make sure your bottles stay in mint condition.

While we haven't finalized exact details on the case, this is representative of what you can expect:

So spread the word and tell your friends! The more friends you get to support the campaign, the more you all get! And trust me -- you'll *really* want our next stretch goal. If we hit this one, the next is going to be our last, and we're really going to pull out all the stops ;).

Availability: February 2013


This is our FINAL stretch goal guys, and we made sure to save the best for last.

If we can make this incredible rally happen, and raise 1000% of our original goal, we're going to give *all* of our backers a 25% LIFETIME DISCOUNT on Sprayable!!!* That's right - for the rest of your life, you'll be able to order up to 10 bottles of Sprayable a month, at an insane 25% discount. Forever.

What's more, this is fully cumulative with the Lifetime Pack, so if you order the Lifetime Pack and we reach $150,000, you'll be able to order Sprayable at $7.50/each for the rest of your life. That's fully 50% off the retail price, forever.

So please share Sprayable with your friends, family, and the whole wide world! Let's make this happen guys!!!

Availability: December 2013

*by backers, we mean anyone who has purchased at least the $15 Starter Pack perk. The discount is off MSRP, so each bottle will be $11.25.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


Marathon Pack

$45 USD
THE BEST DEAL: 4 bottles of Sprayable Energy, enough to last you for over two months. (retail: $60) Great for gifts and great for yourself. Share with your friends or family and keep everyone around you just as energized as you are. Or keep all that energy to yourself and last until we sell at retail. Plus, an awesome first edition Sprayable Energy T-shirt. Warning: wearing it may make you irresistible to the opposite sex. Please wear responsibly. FREE SHIPPING in the US.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
896 claimed

Starter Pack

$15 USD
One bottle of Sprayable, shipped FREE to your door anywhere in the US. Want to try out Sprayable before everyone else but not ready for the big league? Here you are. 2-3 weeks of energy, SHIPPED FREE straight to you before anyone else.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
877 claimed

Month Pack

$29 USD
Enough energy to last you an entire month. 2 bottles of Sprayable Energy, delivered to your door anywhere in the US. Be one of the first people on earth to experience the Sprayable Energy revolution.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
541 claimed

Productivity Pack

$119 USD
12 bottles of Sprayable Energy. Save $61 over retail. A 6 month supply for yourself, or a fantastic way to get your entire office or (Brady-Bunch-sized) family cranking towards a goal. Have an upcoming product release? Need to weed your entire backyard? This pack will make it happen. Includes shipping anywhere in the US.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
94 claimed

Lifetime Pack

$199 USD
This is the most insane deal ever. Buy this pack, and not only will we give you 20 bottles now, but we'll give you a special VIP account with lifetime access to buy Sprayable forever at $10 a unit for individual use (limit 10 a month, FREE SHIPPING in the US when you buy 2+ in one order), even when we retail to everyone else for $15. Lock in this deal for as long as you live before we realize we've lost our minds. And get 20 bottles now SHIPPED FREE to anywhere in the US while you're at it.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
157 claimed

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