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STEAMWARS by SCALE75 Miniatures.

SCALE75 has begun a new project for the production of an impressive series of 75mm Steampunk miniatures that we need your help to make real…

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STEAMWARS by SCALE75 Miniatures.

STEAMWARS by SCALE75 Miniatures.

STEAMWARS by SCALE75 Miniatures.

STEAMWARS by SCALE75 Miniatures.

STEAMWARS by SCALE75 Miniatures.

SCALE75 has begun a new project for the production of an impressive series of 75mm Steampunk miniatures that we need your help to make real…

SCALE75 has begun a new project for the production of an impressive series of 75mm Steampunk miniatures that we need your help to make real…

SCALE75 has begun a new project for the production of an impressive series of 75mm Steampunk miniatures that we need your help to make real…

SCALE75 has begun a new project for the production of an impressive series of 75mm Steampunk miniatures that we need your help to make real…

SCALE75 Miniatures
SCALE75 Miniatures
SCALE75 Miniatures
SCALE75 Miniatures
3 Campaigns |
Madrid, Spain
$15,274 USD $15,274 USD 138 backers
352% of $4,333 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

Hi all.

Our character is finished finally. This is the final result of the painting process.

This image will be the box art of the final product.

Only few hours remain to the end of this campaign….it is your last opportunity to fund it.

All Scale75 team is very grateful to you for your support and follow us.

 Thank you very much friends.






SCALE75 has begun a new project for the production of an impressive series of 75mm Steampunk miniatures that we need your help to make real…

After the great response we received with the launch of our 3 model series STEAMWARS, we have decided to take on a new challenge; more complex and challenging but much more inspiring and detailed within the Steampunk universe (unassembled kit ready to be painted) .





We would like to create new miniatures for this series whose intricacy and finesse will be a challenge to any sculptor.  If we manage to produce it this will be the beginning of many more to come. In order to achieve this we need your help.


This new model will delight the most demanding painters and collectors, not only of the Steampunk universe but of any beautiful model at this scale since it presents a complete workshop scene with two characters on it (a buxom mechanic and her creation).


The art has been imagined by the great illustrator Nacho Arranz and sculpted by one of the best and most renowned sculptors, Joaquín Palacios.  To really show off this miniature we want it to be painted by Elías Alonso, a well-known painter in the world of fantasy miniatures.  All this, together with the style and quality that are paramount to our brand, will make this project irresistible!

Help us reach our goal and get all our new creations before their official release. But more importantly, be part of the new SCALE75 project, the seed of many more to come.

Help us make our ideas reality, we are counting on you!


SCALE75 is a Spanish company that is recognized worldwide in the creation, production and marketing of metal figures in miniature. Also Scale75 has its own line of accessories and paints for all kinds of miniatures.

In SCALE75's catalog you can enjoy the great characters, heroes, myths, legends, villains and warriors throughout history, created upon the most revolutionary artistic concepts of modeling. You can find fantasy miniature lines of different styles, created by the most amazing artists in the world. Character, movement, detail, strength, beauty and epic are the distinguishing features of all of our creations.

You can know more in depth in

and through our Facebook page

In this case our Campaign focuses on one of the new characters in our STEAMPUNK series. We hope you enjoy it as much as we will.

You can help us by sharing the campaign to all your contacts and selecting one of our Perks. By helping us you will get greatly reduced prices before the release of the figures.


We summarize you our Perks in the pictures below:









paintind collectionnew perk













Esta es una nueva iniciativa de SCALE75 para la recaudación de fondos para la financiación  de una larga serie de miniaturas estilo STEAMPUNK en 75mm.

Tras nuestro lanzamiento al mercado de la serie STEAMWARS en la que ya existen 3 miniaturas, nos hemos decidido a afrontar un nuevo reto  aun mas complicado y llamativo dentro del maravilloso mundo del Steampunk  en miniatura (kit por piezas para ser pintado).

Queremos crear una nueva miniatura aun mas complicada y con muchos mas detalles, que aumentara nuestra serie. Si conseguimos nuestros objetivos será el principio de muchos mas retos.  Para todo esto necesitamos tu ayuda.

Con esta nueva  creación haremos las delicias de los mas exigentes pintores y coleccionistas ya que se trata de una escena completa con dos personajes diferentes y su escenario incluido.

La nueva escena está diseñada por el genial ilustrador Nacho Arranz, modelada por el fabuloso Joaquín Palacios y pintada por uno de los mas grandes artistas del mundo de la fantasía en miniatura Elías Alonso. Todo esto unido al estilo propio de producción de calidad y detalle de nuestra marca hará que este nuevo proyecto se haga irresistible.

Ayúdanos a conseguir nuestro objetivo, benefíciate de todos nuestros pack  antes del lanzamiento oficial y forma parte de este nuevo proyecto de SCALE75 que será la semilla de muchos otros.

Haz crecer nuestras ideas, contamos contigo!!!!


SCALE75 es una compañía española reconocida a nivel mundial en la creación, producción y comercialización de figuras de metal en miniatura.  Ademas SCALE75 cuenta con su propia línea de complementos y pinturas para todo tipo de miniaturas.

En el catalogo de SCALE75  podrás disfrutar de los grandes personajes, héroes, mitos, leyendas, villanos y guerreros de la toda la historia, creados a partir de los conceptos artísticos más  revolucionarios del modelismo.  Ademas puedes encontrar líneas de miniatura fantástica de varios estilos,  creadas por los mas increíbles artistas del mundo. Carácter, movimiento, detalle, fuerza , belleza y épica son las señas características de todas nuestras creaciones.

 Puedes conocernos mas a fondo en y a través de nuestro Facebook




The project´s sculpture is finished. This is the result.

We have reached our first target and we start with the production and paint process for the box art.

Thank you very much to everybody.




Hi friends.
As we updated last time, we have started with the production phase and after get the first metal copy, Elias Alonso is painting the vignette.
Doing that we thought that could be a good idea to create a new perk for all of you who want to paint the figure following Elias instructions.
The new perk contains the complete Scale75 paints sets SCALECOLOR. With them, you will be able to paint this vignette and any other figure.
24 different colors plus priming and all the step by step process designed by Elias Alonso to become your work easier.
With this perk you will get all campaing´s goals if we reach them.
It is a great opportunity to enter in a new paint dimension…

Thank you very much.




 Hi Friends.

The master mould is finished and we got the first metal pieces (master copies).
Now it is time to paint….

Thank you very much.




29 May

Hello friends:
Here you can see some of the paint process …..
Much work remains, but this looks great!

Thank you very much



9 / JUNE

Hi all:

After your requests, comments and suggestions we want to add more perks with some of our classics in 75mm.
We have designed some double figures sets only for this Indiegogo campaign.
Don’t leave pass this opportunity that will help to reach the next goal.

Thank you.



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Choose your Perk


Currency Conversion $43 USD
€40 EUR
1 Miniature Kit "Amelia Steam" + a digital and signed HQ copy of the box art's illustration. Shipping costs included.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
7 out of 100 of claimed


Currency Conversion $43 USD
€40 EUR
1 Miniature Kit "Fix It SAM" + a digital and signed HQ copy of the box art's illustration. Shipping costs included.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
3 out of 100 of claimed


Currency Conversion $43 USD
€40 EUR
1 Miniature Kit "Kitty Reimer" + a digital and signed HQ copy of the box art's illustration. Shipping costs included.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
10 out of 100 of claimed


Currency Conversion $65 USD
€60 EUR
1 Starter Kit of the new project (Full scene with 2 characters and scenery) + Perk SteamWars Illustration Plus (digital). This perk give you access to goal 1 and all previous goals. Shipping costs included.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
21 out of 200 of claimed


Currency Conversion $81 USD
€75 EUR
"Fix it SAM" + Kitty Reimer + a digital and signed HQ copy of the box art's illustrations. This perk give you access to goal 2 and all previous goals. Shipping costs included.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
2 out of 100 of claimed


Currency Conversion $81 USD
€75 EUR
(Templar Sergeant + Castilian Beaber) or (Attila + Erik "The Red") or (Banzai + Florian Geyer) or (Thracian Gladiator + Blood and Sand) or (Black Jack + The Barbarian) or (Dark Elf + The DroW) This perk will give you access to goal 2 and all previous goals. Funding this perk you will get first goal automatically. Shipping costs included.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
4 out of 100 of claimed


Currency Conversion $103 USD
€95 EUR
1 Starter Kit of the new project (Full scene with 2 characters and scenery) + Perk SteamWars Illustration Plus (digital) + One of the others figures, (Fix it SAM or Kitty Reimer or Amelia Steam) to your election, with its Ilustration (digital). This perk give you access to goal 2 and all previous goals. Shipping costs included.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
25 out of 100 of claimed

Painting Collection Plus

Currency Conversion $108 USD
€100 EUR
1 NMM Paint set Steel (8 Colors) + 1 NMM Paint set Gold (8 Colors) + 1 Flesh Paint Set (8 Colors)+1 WOOD AND LEATHER PAINT SET (8 colors)+ 1 Primer Black or 1 Primer White. This perk give you access to goal 3 and all previous goals. Shipping costs included.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
6 out of 25 of claimed


Currency Conversion $119 USD
€110 EUR
"Fix it SAM" + Kitty Reimer + Amelia Steam + a digital and signed HQ copy of the box art's illustrations. This perk give you access to goal 2 and all previous goals. Shipping costs included.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
4 out of 100 of claimed


Currency Conversion $190 USD
€175 EUR
1 Starter Kit of the new project (Full scene with 2 characters and scenery) + "Fix it SAM" + Kitty Reimer + Amelia Steam + HQ A3 illustrations of all. This perk give you access to goal 3 and all previous goals. Shipping costs included.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
42 out of 100 of claimed


Currency Conversion $4,875 USD
€4,500 EUR
Box Art painted by Elias Alonso. You will receive the first painted copy of the starter kit. This will be used for the corporate picture. This is a unique and exclusive figure for the most demanding collectors. Certificate of authenticity.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
0 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

Painting Collection

Currency Conversion $65 USD
€60 EUR
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
10 out of 10 of claimed
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