We hit our goal! Thank you very much!
If you would still like to make a donation, please do. You will definitely still get the rewards from our campaign, and also our undying love and gratitude.
They battle machinations of mad science and supernatural horror...and they're for hire.
Gears hang exposed, spinning and churning away the hours atop elegant machines and engines for all to see, belching clouds of smoke and steam that seem to settle into the fog that hovers over cobblestone streets. Newsstands are filled with magazines glorifying bold men and women and hailing their exploits overseas and amidst the skies. Old men linger in front of barber shops, mumbling about the days of old, when they traipsed about uncharted lands in search of treasure and themselves.
Overfull pockets serve as a tempting feast for the street urchins who seem to flit from shadow to shadow, just beyond the public eye, draped in the tatters of tossed-aside finery. Unnatural howls echo from the loft a few blocks away while pamphlets on revolution and the evils of society flutter in the wind. Screams of wives, daughters, and men carry on the wind as they succumb to the machinations of the dark underworld.
There are many tales of heroics and villainy in the world of Steamworks & Shadows, and you can become a part of it. You can help turn the story into legend.
Steamworks & Shadows: A Steampunk Web Series
In the first season of Steamworks and Shadows, the crew-for-hire of the Airship Vindus has been contracted by the industrialist J.P. Morgan to stop the terrorist group known as the VeritasAcademy. In their hunt to find the Veritas and their plans, their search will be slowed by Academy agents, Sky Marshals, and the Hand of Glory gang. Many stories exist in the world of Steamworks and Shadows, a steampunk alternate history set in the year 1886.
We will produce 9 episodes for our first season, along with minisodes and other webisodes featuring short stories within the world we’ve created.
What We Need & What You Get
The funds from Indiegogo can turn our ideas into reality. We will use the funding for:
- Camera Lenses, Lights, Microphone, Editing Equipment
- Location filming permits
- Props, sets, and costumes
- Travel expenses for extras and additional actors
- Safety equipment for stunts
We have designed some awesome rewards for anyone wanting to help our project become reality. Collector buttons, t-shirts, posters, artist sketch books and more can be yours. We even have rewards that get you involved in our creative process including writing dialogue or entire scenes that we use in the series!
Other Ways You Can Help
Thank you for taking the time to view our project. Please share it with your family and friends, and help spread the word.
If you have any questions, comments, or just want to send us some encouragement, shoot an email to info@airshipvindus.com
Check us out on Facebook for all the latest updates! http://facebook.com/SteamworksandShadows