Comfort Meets Style
Dress them up, or dress them down
Lighter colors to take you through the end of Summer and into early Fall.
Darker colors for a more formal scene.![]()
Our flexible outsole allows your foot to rotate through its full range of motion in every stride. The movement helps your foot gain and maintain strength.
Bird's Eye View of the Penny Loafer, Tassel Loafer, Ornament Loafer, and Boat Shoe displayed below in all available colorways.
Step in TUNE Campaign T
My name is Mike Norris and I'm the guy you see in the video. My story is simple. I started TUNEfootwear in 2011 because I really believe in order to maintain a healthy body, you need to have healthy feet. I also believe that minimalist footwear is synonymous with healthy footwear. I first ran in minimalist footwear in 2009, and I've never looked back. Once I made the transition to minimalist running shoes, I couldn't help but realize that, on a daily basis, my dress loafers caused more pain, discomfort, and harm to my feet than any other shoes I owned. They were too narrow and stiff, with too much heel, and not enough feel!
At the time I worked for a company with a strict business dress code. Everyday at work I felt like I was banging my head against the wall because I was wearing these shoes that were killing my feet! With no minimalist dress shoes available at the time, I decided it was time to take action and TUNEfootwear was started!
As a small company our biggest problem is getting our product in front of our target audience. We had to think outside the box to come up with an affordable and effective way to reach our customers.....so what did we come up with???
Dudes in Suits Campaign
Late last summer I had to wear test our final prototypes for fit, comfort, and structural integrity before giving the green light to start our production run. I thought the best way to conduct a wear test would be to run in the loafers. At first, I thought there's no way I could run in a pair of loafers. Despite my doubts, I set out on a short run. After about one mile, I not only realized it was possible to run in the loafers, I realized it was comfortable, too! That's because our loafers possess all the characteristics of a minimalist shoe, and they allow your feet to do the work. My mind started racing with ideas, and one of the first things I thought of was racing in TUNE loafers while decked out in a full suit and tie...and so the Dudes in Suits Campaign was born.
I got to do what I love most, run, while promoting our new brand, TUNEfootwear, at a very low cost. We participated in 10 races across the nation. I was able to reach thousands of potential customers because you get a lot of attention racing in a suit and loafers.
Minimalist Footwear
The underlying idea behind minimalist footwear is that your feet can cope without the support and cushioning of a traditional shoe. A minimalist shoe won't impede your stride or posture, which helps promote natural movement and stronger feet.
Step in TUNE!
Step in TUNE is our new campaign to promote healthy feet by getting people in healthy footwear! This is the same campaign we'll be promoting next year at the trade shows if our Indiegogo project is a success. Healthy footwear allows your feet to FUNCTION naturally. Here are the underlying principals, and the characteristics that set TUNEfootwear apart from your traditional loafers.
FEEL - Our outsole/insole design puts less than 15mm between you and the ground. This allows your foot to feel the ground and will naturally encourage you to pick up your feet instead of exerting extra force in every stride. It's this extra force that can lead to painful injuries and degenerative arthritis later in life. Feeling the ground reminds you to LIFT your feet.
FLEXIBILITY - Your feet are extremely dynamic and are supposed to rotate through a full range of motion in every stride you take. Tying a shoe with a stiff outsole to your foot is like putting a splint on your foot. It will prohibit the full range of motion and cause muscles to atrophy. TUNEfootwear's flexible outsole allows your foot to rotate through its full range of natural motion in every step you take.
FLAT - Our flat, or neutral, outsole design has no heel and has a minimal affect on your natural stride and posture.
FIT - Our wide fit allows your foot to spread out, as it should, every time it hits the ground. This wide design can help prevent several major crippling foot disorders.
We Need Your Help!!
We've been selling shoes for almost 9 months now, and have big plans for our upcoming year. Our next goal as a company is to attend industry trade shows in 2014. We want to attend at least two of the following: The Footwear Event in Chicago, The FFANY in NYC or The Atlanta Shoe Market in Atlanta. Each show will cost upwards of $10,000. If we don't reach our goal of $20,000, then any proceeds we do receive will go toward helping TUNEfootwear make it to at least one of the shows listed above.
What You GET!
By donating to our new campaign you will receive up to 30% off the retail value Tunefootwear loafers. What's even more exciting is that we've completed our production run and our inventory is at our distribution center just outside of Richmond, VA. We can begin shipping out orders as soon as we reach our goal!! We offer one free exchange to anyone who makes a donation!
What's the Doc have to Say??
Three doctors leading the way in promoting natural footwear and natural walking are Dr. Mark Cucuzzella, Dr. Ray McClanahan, Dr. Marty Hughes. All three of these doctors endorse and recommend TUNEfootwear to their patients. I could sit here all day and tell you why natural footwear is better for you, but wouldn't you rather hear it from a doctor?? Check out Dr. Marty's review down below. Then, follow these links for more information from Dr. Ray about healthy fitting shoes and from Dr. Cucuzzella about the basic principles of natural running and walking. Also, Check out Dr. Ray's recommended footwear list. You know we're on that!!
Our Loafers
All of our loafers are built off the same last, so they have the same fit. We have three different style slip-ons, and one lace up dock shoe. Our slip-ons come in black, chocolate, and tan. Our dock shoe comes in Nubuck leather. You can see some good top down views above, and some good profile views below.
TUNE Penny Loafer seen below in Black. Also Available in Brown and Tan.
TUNE Tassel Loafer seen below in Tan. Also Available in Brown and Black.
TUNE Ornament Loafer seen below in Brown. Also Available in Black and Tan.