Stop CNRL from adding to their Tar Sands Damage in Cold Lake:
Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL) is currently dealing
with four tarsands blow-outs that
have been spilling into the environment near Cold Lake, Alberta for over nine
months now. This area is the traditional territory of both the Beaver Lake
Cree and the Cold Lake First Nations. The spills have not only contaminated
this sacred area but forced the draining of a lake.
While CNRL is still trying to stop their on-going tar sands messes, they have applied to start another one just 500 meters away from one of the ongoing spills.
CNRL wants to start high-pressure steaming for more tarsands. We need your help to stop them!
The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) has the power to deny CNRL's application.
We need to make sure the AER gets the message, which is why we want your help to put up a billboard near their offices in downtown Calgary.
The billboard will be a huge reminder to the AER that people are watching. It will also help pressure the AER to do the right thing and deny CNRL's attempts to add to the damage they've already done near Cold Lake.
Any amount of donation would be very much appreciated.
Together we can send a giant message to the AER and stand up to one of the world's largest tar sands companies.
Please help us protect the environment, and the rights and traditional territory of the Beaver Lake Cree and Cold Lake First Nations.
Please donate and share!
While you're at it sign your name to this petition to add your voice to the hundreds of others standing with you.
In solidarity,
Alberta Tar Sands Network