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Stop The Drops Campaign! NO MORE WASTED FUEL

Stop dripping fuel at the gas stations, no more spilling it on yourself and your car! Get all of the fuel you've paid for and preserve the environment!

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Stop The Drops Campaign! NO MORE WASTED FUEL

Stop The Drops Campaign! NO MORE WASTED FUEL

Stop The Drops Campaign! NO MORE WASTED FUEL

Stop The Drops Campaign! NO MORE WASTED FUEL

Stop The Drops Campaign! NO MORE WASTED FUEL

Stop dripping fuel at the gas stations, no more spilling it on yourself and your car! Get all of the fuel you've paid for and preserve the environment!

Stop dripping fuel at the gas stations, no more spilling it on yourself and your car! Get all of the fuel you've paid for and preserve the environment!

Stop dripping fuel at the gas stations, no more spilling it on yourself and your car! Get all of the fuel you've paid for and preserve the environment!

Stop dripping fuel at the gas stations, no more spilling it on yourself and your car! Get all of the fuel you've paid for and preserve the environment!
2 Campaigns |
Toronto, Canada
$4,214 USD $4,214 USD 83 backers
20% of $20,851 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Dragons Den Daily Mail Brampton Guardian Phys Org Gizmodo Gizmag The MacEngineer Magazine

Environmental Science and Engineering Magazine Environmental Science and Engineering Magazine Brampton Guardian Brampton Guardian MacEngineer Magazine MacEngineer Magazine Environmental Science and Engineering Magazine Environmental Science and Engineering Magazine Phys Org Phys Org Phys Org Gizmodo Gizmag Gizmag Gizmag Gizmag Daily Mail Daily Mail Daily Mail Daily Mail Gizmodo Gizmodo

Each year, approximately 300 Million liters of fuel drips from fuel nozzles worldwide. Hazardous Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) fall to the ground and enter into the water we drink and the air we breath. These VOC's contribute to the formation of ground level ozone and smog, leading to respiratory illnesses such as asthma and emphysema. Join us in our campaign to eliminate the waste in refuelling. Lets do our part, together!

The ND-1 will help to make the world a little...

Healthier by protecting our fresh air and water supplies.

Greener by reducing our impact on the environment.

Cleaner by eliminating messy spills on car, clothes, and shoes.

More Economical by using every last drop of fuel that you've paid for.

A HUGE thanks to our supporters McMaster University, The RIC Center and FedDev who have all played an integral role in supporting the ND-1's development by providing crucial resources and funding. 

Becoming a Backer is easy! Simply choose the perk(s) which best suit you from the table below and we'll send everything right to your door! We have some awesome giveaways which will help save fuel and in turn save you money, and preserve our natural resources! DRAM thanks you and our planet thanks you! 

Not sure what SuperSpout is? Click here to learn more.

Interesting Fact: Spillage from fuel cans is a major issue! Each year in the US alone approximately 3.4 Million Liters of fuel are spilled as a result of fuel can spillage! SuperSpout will seriously reduce this spillage!

Click here to see images of some of our perks.

The contributions you make today will go a long way in supporting the development of the ND-1 and seeing dripless tech to it's full potential.  

Contributions will be put towards... 

  • Product development

  • Third party testing

  • Support pending patents 

  • Business Development and explore new market potential

We are a group of close-knit, young educated professionals with a true entrepreneurial spirit. We are motivated purely by making the world a cleaner, healthier place for future generations to come.

DEVIN RAMPHAL (Lead Entrepreneur and CEO)
"Success isn't a measure of your monetary value, but rather a measure of the positive change you bring to the world in the time that you are given."


NAV SAINI (Operations Lead)
"I believe that leading by example will allow others to follow in our footsteps and create the change this world requires for many generations to come. We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children, with this mentality we must constantly remind ourselves of our responsibilities."

SIMON OOMEN-HURST (Chief Innovations Engineer)
"I'm an engineer; and I see the world differently than most. Where one sees the wasted drops of fuel fall to the ground, I see a problem begging for a solution. Working with DRAM gives me an opportunity to combine my passion for practical and elegant problem solving with my desire to affect positive change within society; and inspire others to do the same."

JASON HARRISON (Innovations Engineer)
"Our society needs leaders to initiate changes to make our world better for ourselves and future generations. People like us, at DRAM, are those leaders." 


MICHAEL PETGRAVE (Marketing and Sales Specialist)
"After working at DRAM I have truly realized that impossible is nothing, especially when you mix hard work with perseverance. At DRAM I am able to utilize my creative mind to seek out real world environmental solutions for society and future generations to benefit from."

UMAIR SHAIKH (Information Systems and Legal Analyst)
"I joined DRAM Innovations for one reason. To change the world. All things start small, and the changes come incrementally, but the potential that we have is endless."

OSCAR LIU (Mechanical Intern)
"The reason I like to work at DRAM Innovations is that all of the people here are so motivated and inspiring. Everyone is trying to do their best at every moment. In this company, we all really enjoy our work and truly submerse ourselves in every stage of the project."

Want to help but just can't contribute? Not a problem! Your kind words are enough. Go ahead, Share us on facebook by clicking the facebook icon. Follow us on Twitter! Tell your friends and family about the cause! The more awareness we raise the more fuel we save!


Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

EcoPak1: Stay Informed

Currency Conversion $1 USD
$1 CAD
As part of our commitment to saving fuel when you donate any amount, big or small, you'll receive a copy of our exclusive fuel saving guide. This nifty pamphlet includes clever tips that aren't readily available on the internet! Keeping conservation in mind, we'll email you a digital copy of the guide. Also with this you'll receive our heart felt, sincerest thanks for bringing us that much closer to accomplishing our goals. Perk Highlights: -Exclusive fuel saving guide
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
4 claimed

EcoPak2: Shout Out!

Currency Conversion $6 USD
$9 CAD
They say word of mouth is one of the most reliable forms of communication. We'll be spreading the word through Facebook, letting all your friends know what an awesome human being you are for supporting such a worthy cause! Thanks! Oh by the way, you also still get the Exclusive Fuel Saving Guide! Perk Highlights: -Exclusive fuel saving guide -Facebook shout out
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
2 claimed

EcoPak3: Or is it EcoPakTree?

Currency Conversion $17 USD
$25 CAD
Thank you! To show our appreciation we'll have a tree planted, and cared for in your name. Your tree will stand strong for generations to come and help reduce our carbon foot print on the planet. You'll receive a link where you'll be able to see your tree in a virtual forest. Perk Highlights: -Exclusive fuel saving pamphlet -Facebook shout out! -Tree planted in your name
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
13 claimed

EcoPak4: Drip-Free Tee

Currency Conversion $20 USD
$29 CAD
Don't just spread the word, show 'em how! This stylish T-Shirt not only has a cool design on the front but has instructions on the back to show everyone how not to drip fuel when pumping. You'd be surprised, this is actually a great conversation starter! Perk Highlights -Exclusive fuel saving guide -Facebook Shout out! -Drip-Free Tee
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
7 claimed

EcoPak5: Tree + Tee

Currency Conversion $34 USD
$49 CAD
We'll plant a tree in your name and send you a T-shirt! Perk Highlights: -Exclusive fuel saving guide -Tree planted in your name -Drip-free Tee
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
7 claimed

EcoPak6: Refuel.Conserve.Enjoy

Currency Conversion $41 USD
$59 CAD
This includes a SuperSpout and fuel can. This new toy fills your bigger toys like the boat and mower quickly. It does the work for you by shutting off and staying off leaving no mess or clean-up saving you money and time! Oh by the way, SuperSpout isn't available in stores yet so be the first to get your hands on it! This must have tool makes a great gift for dad or any handy-person in your life! For more info see: Perk Highlights: -Fuel saving guide -SuperSpout and 5L fuel Can
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
4 claimed

EcoPak7: Bigger is Better!

Currency Conversion $48 USD
$69 CAD
Fast Fills, No Spills, It Just Stops. Enjoy your very own spill free fueling kit including a 10 L Fuel Can and Perk Highlights: -Fuel saving guide -SuperSpout and 10L fuel Can
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 claimed

EcoPak8: The Works!

Currency Conversion $62 USD
$89 CAD
Thank you again for your support and bringing us that much closer to a cleaner, healthier world! Perk Highlights: -Exclusive Fuel Saving Guide -Drip-free Tee -5L Eco-refuelling kit including SuperSpout and Fuel Can
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
5 claimed

EcoPak9: The Works Premium

Currency Conversion $83 USD
$119 CAD
Need a larger refuelling kit? No Problem! Perk Highlights: -Exclusive fuel saving guide -Facebook Shout out -Tree Planted -Drip-free Tee -SuperSpout and 10L fuel Can
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
11 claimed

EcoPak10: Let's Talk

Currency Conversion $277 USD
$399 CAD
Got a cool new idea? Want to help make the world a better place? Let's talk. At DRAM we're huge advocates of free thinking and change. We'll invite you to join a conference/video call with our team including CEO Devin Ramphal and let's discuss how you could change the world. Perk Highlights: -Fuel saving guide -Facebook Shout out -5x Trees Planted -Drip-free Tee -SuperSpout and 10L fuel Can -Video/Phone conference with DRAM Team
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
1 claimed

EcoPak11: Enviro Advocate

Currency Conversion $694 USD
$999 CAD
You are truly the best! Thank you for supporting us and the change we are driving! Your name will be permanently posted on our website as a True Environmental Advocate and you'll be forever recognized as a driver of change! Perk Highlights: -Name on Webpage identified as True Advocate -Authentic Personalized Environmental Advocate Award -Lets Talk -SuperSpout and 10L fuel Can - Drip-Free Tee -10X Trees Planted -Facebook Shout out -Exclusive fuel saving guide
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 claimed

EcoPak12: Honorary Advocate

Currency Conversion $2,084 USD
$2,999 CAD
As an Honorary Advocate you'll not only have a spot in our hearts but you'll be pegged with your own personal space on our website. Submit a picture blurb about yourself which will remain on our page indefinitely. You'll also be awarded with an authentic, personalized, Honorary Award and 5 Drip-Free Tees. Perk Highlights: -Profile on webpage -Personalized Honorary member award -Lets Talk -10L Eco-refuelling kit -5x Drip-Free Tee -20x Trees Planted -FB Shoutout -Fuel Saving Guide
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 claimed

EcoPak13: Executive Advocate

Currency Conversion $3,474 USD
$4,999 CAD
Words simply can't express our gratitude! As a DRAM Honorary Executive you've earned a special spot on our page where you can post a short video and profile of yourself. Show the world your ambition and dedication to the environment! You'll also receive a prestigious personalized Executive Honorary Award. Perk Highlights: -Video/Profile on Webpage -Executive Founding Father Award -Let's Talk -10L Eco-refuelling kit -5x Drip-Free Tee -40x Trees Planted -FB Shoutout -Fuel Saving Guide
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 claimed

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