“What Would You Do With a Better Brain?”
You, no matter who you are, have biological limits. You were born with the brain you have now. And while you might believe that you’ve been getting smarter, the fact is we are all getting dumber. The truth is, the frontal lobe of your brain decreases around 1% per year after you reach adulthood [1].
What does this mean for me?
Consider the fact that the frontal lobe of your brain is the most important part—it is responsible for moral decisions, memory, self-control, emotional control, verbal skills, and logic [2]. A slowly deteriorating frontal lobe is equivalent to a slowly deteriorating you. And the worst news is…
…there is practically nothing you can do about it!
When people complain about aging, they are really complaining about their loss of mental and physical ability. Remember, the brain also controls your movements! You’re not getting slow because you’re body’s getting rusty—you’re getting slow because your brain is getting rusty.
Here’s what you have to look forward to in the future:
- Loss of memory.
- Poor focus.
- Loss of fluid intelligence (fluid IQ).
- Poorer decision-making.
- Lowered self-control (lower EQ).
- Falling behind your younger peers.
- Slower reaction time.
- Decline in motivation.
Students, have you ever witnessed a teacher suddenly making simple mistakes?
Teachers, have you ever embarrassed yourself in front of a class when your mind suddenly drew a blank on how to explain a certain issue or problem?
That’s mental aging at work. And it spares no one.
Whether you’re a student working on your thesis, a professional climbing the corporate ladder, or an entrepreneur working out the details of your next venture, you’ve worked hard to get where you are today. But your peers would like nothing more than to surpass you. Students fight for positions in schools and journals. Professionals fight for promotions and company recognition. Entrepreneurs fight for market share. And in every situation, the younger brain has the natural advantage.
But you have a way to fight back—overclock your brain.
That was my goal when I created Super Neuro.
"How Taking Super Neuro Got Me into Grad School"
I realized my own deficiencies when preparing for grad school. I wanted to test into a mathematics program for my Master’s degree after having been out of school for 4 years. I hit the library to brush up on probability, measure theory, and statistics. But…
…I wasn’t the me of 4 years ago. I had problems focusing, problems understanding the material, and—most importantly—problems retaining what I had studied. I tried and tried but couldn’t put myself back into that university-age mindset. Add a traumatizing motorcycle accident to the mix and you’ve got a walking disaster, not a Ph.D. candidate.
But there was a turning point: this experience led me to my grand journey with mental supplements. After several dozen hours of research, I ordered loads of different mental supplements from all over the world. My experimentation began.
I swallowed. I drank. I mixed and matched. After a couple weeks, I began to notice a difference.
It first hit me when I was driving. My previous accident (totally not my fault, by the way—a car, out of nowhere, pulled out in front of me, causing me to hit it) left me freaking out whenever I was on the road. In my mind, everything on the road was out to hit me. I was paranoid that a car would suddenly swerve over that thick yellow line and end my life right there. But about two weeks after my supplement experimentation, I felt different:
I could see the trajectory of all the cars on the road. I knew what car would turn where, what car would be stopping, and when a crazy pedestrian would choose to jayrun (it’s like jaywalking but at a high speed—a popular activity with the youth where I live). It was as if these supplements had cured me of something psychologists could not: a slow, hesitant mind.
But it wasn’t just my driving that changed. When I hit the library, I noticed my ability to study had completely changed. My habit of “20-minute rest breaks every 20-minutes” disappeared, and I was able to spend 8 or more hours a day solving problems, creating innovative ways to memorize theorems, and reading up on related topics out of genuine interest.
Needless to say, I entered my goal program the next year. But my mental supplement use didn’t end there. I was always buying more, newer supplements with which to experiment. I kept a journal about their effects. I stopped buying those that did little and bought more of those that did much.
After a total of 4 years of experimentation, I now have what I would consider to be the ideal combination of mental supplements: Super Neuro.
Today, I combine Super Neuro in my own home. Perhaps it’s not professional, time-efficient, or hygienic, but it works for me. I’ve started this Indiegogo campaign because I want to bring the Super Neuro production to the professionals: FDA-approved laboratories. In this way, I can share Super Neuro with others.
Super Neuro has helped me get into my ideal school. It has helped me become fluent in two languages. It has helped me gain the confidence pursue cute girls. It has helped me write several books and start my own business. If Super Neuro can do just 5% for you what it’s done for me, this project will be worth it.
"Are You Smarter Than the People Around You?"
Psychological studies show that nearly everyone overestimates their mental ability and performance [3]. We all think we are smart, but the objective data show otherwise. In fact, although the IQ of the human race has been steadily increasing since around World War II, recent studies show that IQ has been falling since the 1990s [4].
It’s hard to predict what will happen in the future if IQ keeps falling while people continue believing they’re smart. But for me, the message is clear: the world needs Super Neuro NOW.
Today, people are increasingly reliant on technologies to accomplish things for them. Both computers and biotech have made our lives easier and more efficient. Some people run their entire businesses from their laptops. Others perform complex calculations with a few keystrokes. In biotech, scientists are creating ways to overcome physiological problems that would have crippled people mere decades ago.
Yet very few people seem interested in using these technologies to improve how they think. Have you ever heard of a scientist working on a cure for stupidity? Of course not, because stupidity is socially acceptable these days!
The key takeaway here is this: If you are still reading this, you are likely one of the 5%--the 5% who actually care about self-improvement. And I’m not talking about “pop” self-improvement, in which people go to the bookstore, buy a self-help book, and pat themselves on the back. I’m talking about true, hardcore self-improvement, self-improvement that helps you actually enhance your mind and body.
The point is, no matter where you stand, if you’re a person who is constantly seeking self-improvement, you’ll find a way in this world. You’ll outpace and outsmart your competitors.
And Super Neuro can speed up that process.
"How I Shrunk a List of 100+ Mental Supplements into 8"
At this point, you’re probably wondering what’s in Super Neuro. Before I get to that, let me point out that I’ve experimented with over 100 different mental supplements. I’ve kept records on what works well, what mixes with what, and what doses work best. It would have been infeasible to put all the good stuff into a single supplement, but after years of mixing and matching, I’ve created what I believe to be the best mix of mental supplements, calling it Super Neuro:
- Improves learning speed [5].
- Enhances pattern recognition [6].
- Prevents hangovers [7,8].
- Expands memory [5].
- Increases confidence [9].
- Relieves fatique [10].
- Treats erectile dysfunction [5].
My personal experiences with Sulbutamine:
Two words: uncompromising focus.
Mentally, I never get tired as long as I’ve had some sulbutamine in the past 4 hours. I take this whenever I need to work on something with 100% of my focus. When I have deadlines, this is the first supplement I go for.
Gotu Kola
- Relieves anxiety [11].
- Boosts energy [12].
- Improves numeric memory [13].
- Hastens the healing of wounds [14].
- Improves reaction time [13].
- Enhances attention span [13].
- Fights aging [11].
- Strengthens venous circulation [12].
- Augments word recognition [13].
- Slows tumor growth [14].
My personal experiences with Gotu Kola:
I get an overall energy boost with this one, too, both mental and physical. I used to take it merely as a pre-workout supplement, but I find that it helps me keep a good posture while I’m working at my standing desk as well. My body and mind feel less tired on the days I take Gotu Kola.
Huperzine A
- Improves memory [15].
- Enriches the main memory receptors of the brain [16].
- Inhibits AChE, which is responsible for stopping the transmission of neurotransmitters [17].
- Increases nerve growth [18].
My personal experiences with Huperzine A:
Huperzine A has a strong effect on memory, but, more interestingly, it is one of the only mental supplements I’ve found to work while you sleep. This is only mental supplement I have taken that has successfully caused me to have lucid dreams.
But other that its function in lucid dreaming, Huperzine A is a remarkable study tool. For studying a foreign language, which includes the strenuous memorization of vocabulary, a little Huperzine A goes a long way.
- Produces alpha waves in the brain [21].
- Reduces physical and psychological stress [22].
- Improves overall cognitive performance (e.g., memory and concentration) [23].
- Works in synergy with caffeine for stronger effects [23].
- Increases dopamine [24].
- Protects the neurons in the brain [25].
- Lowers anxiety [26].
- Improves sleep quality [27].
- Greatly boosts reaction time when used with caffeine [28].
- Enhances the immune system [21].
My personal experiences with L-Theanine:
For me, the most noticeable effect of L-Theanine is its mood-changing properties. Due to its ability to increase dopamine production, I feel more upbeat and optimistic after taking L-Theanine. The production of alpha-waves also helps me get into a relaxed state during my late-night writing marathons or before meditation. Combined with caffeine (which Super Neuro includes at the minimum effective dose), the mental effects of L-Theanine are more obvious. The way I would describe it is that L-Theanine converts the “physically hyper” aspect of caffeine into a “mentally hyper” characteristic – a really nice combination.
- Heightens comprehension [19].
- Enriches memorization [19].
- Boosts recall [20].
My personal experiences with Bacopa:
This supplement is little-known in the west, though it’s been used for centuries in places such as India. In my opinion, it is much like Huperzine A in that it really helps in improving memory and gives you more vivid dreams. Because of its effects on recall of vocabulary, and dreaming, Bacopa combines well with Huperzine A, resulting in extra-strong study skills and crazy dreams.
I’ve also noticed Bacopa’s effects on mental clarity during conversations. I find myself being able to multitask my own cognitive processes while listening to the speaker. I can retain all of what the speaker says, all the while analyzing, evaluating, and mentally fact-checking the content of the conversation.
- Improves cognitive function [32].
- Strengthens bones [33].
- Raises testosterone in men [34].
- Prevents osteoporosis in women [34].
- Lowers cholesterol [34].
- Treats arthritis [34].
My personal experiences with Boron:
If you’ve taken high school chemistry, you might remember Boron. This basic element can do a lot for your overall physical health, but my purpose for taking it was to improve cognitive function. Overall, boron makes me feel more “in the moment.” When I’m sitting down to focus on a task and plan to strain my short-term memory abilities, boron comes into play. It’s also good to take before a simple activity in an interesting environment, such as taking a hike through the mountains, going for a jog on the beach, or making love. It lets you be more in that moment.
- Improves blood circulation in the brain [29].
- Protects the neurons of the brain [30].
- Counters marijuana-related brain impairment [31].
My personal experiences with Vinpocetine:
Vinpocetine is a subtle supplement. It doesn’t have the obvious effects of Sulbutamine or Huperzine A, but it does play a role in a healthy brain. As an anti-oxidant, Vinpocetine will allow you to retain your mental level for a longer time. Its effects on memory are similar to those of Huperzine A. I’ll admit that if you take Vinpocetine alone, you’re unlikely to feel anything. But in conjunction with other mental supplements, it stacks well.
Not much needs to be said about caffeine, as everyone is already quite familiar with it. I have included caffeine in Super Neuro mainly for its synergistic effects with L-Theanine. Those who prefer to stay away from lots of caffeine need not worry. Super Neuro only has a small amount of caffeine—the equivalent of about one cup of tea. That’s really all you need to gain the synergistic effects it brings.
How to Help Get Super Neuro onto the Market
I’ve been making Super Neuro in my house for over 4 years. I’ve been buying the above ingredients and capping them on my desk, making nice, easy pills to swallow. But just because I can make it doesn’t mean I can sell it. If I even tried, the FDA would be at my doorstep before I could ship out the first order. That’s just how they do things in the FDA.
To solve this problem, I’ve sought out FDA-approved laboratories that can manufacture Super Neuro for me. The problem is they want around $10,000 just to manufacture the first batch. That’s quite an investment for me. So, I’ve come to you, supporters of entrepreneurship.
Super Neuro has changed my life. I see getting Super Neuro out to those open-minded enough to read this far as my responsibility. But I can’t do it alone. I need your support.
Please show your support by either preordering a bottle of Super Neuro there on the right ->
…or by spreading the word about my Super Neuro campaign:
Blog. Tweet. Email. Whatever, but do it now! If we don’t collectively reach our target of $9,999, Super Neuro will only be available in my house, and that hardly helps anyone!
Warning: Some People Should Not Take Super Neuro
From my experience as a copywriter, I know that for every good reason to do something, people have 5 reasons (usually excuses) not to do something. I estimate that in every hundred people who see this Indiegogo campaign, only 5 will take the step to purchase Super Neuro.
From a business standpoint, I’m fine with that. But it bothers me personally when some people turn down something that can obviously help them. Overweight people refusing an exercise partner; failing students skipping an extra study session; poor people neglecting free education opportunities—this list is endless but true in the real world.
I’ve offered Super Neuro to many of the people in my life. But many mock it before even trying it. I’ve heard practically all the excuses not to try Super Neuro, and only one is legitimate. Over the years, here’s what I’ve heard from my friends and colleagues as to why they don’t want to try Super Neuro:
Excuse #1: “It’s a Drug.”
I can’t emphasis this enough:
Super Neuro is DRUG-FREE!
The components of Super Neuro are all-natural. If it contained any drugs, I would not be able to sell it, as per FDA guidelines.
This excuse is simply wrong.
Excuse #2: “It’s Cheating.”
One of my graduate school colleagues used this one. He said he wanted to rely on himself, not supplements or other “extra” techniques.
Yet he drank coffee before tests. He chose foods that would “feed his brain,” as he called it, eating oats for breakfast and macadamia nuts for snacks.
Is taking a supplement really cheating?
What about athletes who make protein powder milkshakes? Is that equivalent to taking steroids or popping your competitor’s knee with a crowbar?
What about women who drink milk? Is that fair to osteoporosis?
What about people with diabetes? Is taking insulin cheating as well?
The truth is, you can look at anything and label it “cheating.” Exercise is technically cheating—it’s certainly not natural. Look it up: Exercise wasn’t invented until after WWII, when people starting getting fat.
Taking Super Neuro makes your brain work better in a natural way. If you don’t want a better working brain, then by pure logic, you shouldn’t be eating healthy, exercising well, or thinking hard. You should just give up and leave your life to chance.
Excuse #3: “It’s too expensive.”
Today, your brain is your main financial ally. You use it to get your degree that will excel you to a good job. You use it in your profession to get promotions. You use it to create and develop businesses.
And as a side note, you also use your brain to attract mates.
What you spend on Super Neuro will come back to you over and over again. For students, it can speed up your studying, leaving you more time for part-time work or business ventures. For professionals, it can speed up your preparation, improve your work habits, and boost your confidence, putting you in a better position for promotions or increased revenues.
Saying Super Neuro is too expensive is equivalent to saying:
- buying a book is too expensive
- hiring a tutor is too expensive
- traveling is too expensive
- getting a degree is too expensive (though this is becoming increasingly true)
- having a girlfriend, boyfriend, or spouse is too expensive
- having kids is too expensive
All of these actions help you improve your life, though you gain zero immediate income from doing them. But I’ll bet down the line, you’ve benefitted greatly from the above experiences.
It is utterly beyond me how a person can throw away something clearly beneficial just because it seems a little costly.
A bottle of Super Neuro costs the same as a pair of jeans. But some people still would rather forgo mental improvement in favor of making their legs look nice. I sincerely hope you’re not one of them.
The Only Legitimate Reason for Not Taking Super Neuro: “I’m on ADHD medication.”
If you are taking methylphenidate (aka Ritalin) for ADHD, you should not take Super Neuro. Super Neuro contains vinpocetine, which does not mesh well with methylphenidate. Mixing vinpocetine with methylphenidate might heighten the negative effects of methylphenidate, which are erectile dysfunction and high blood pressure [36].
A Final Word: If You Support Super Neuro Now, You Can Save Lots of Money Later
I’ll be blunt: Super Neuro is not a cheap supplement. It costs a lot to produce because it includes rare, high-quality ingredients. If you were to buy each ingredient separately and package it yourself, as I do, you’d find your bank account being drained pretty quickly. You’d be spending more than $50, that’s for sure!
But here’s my point, a point which is probably important to anyone interested in long-term use of cognitive enhancement supplements: Super Neuro will retail for $99, effective after this Indiegogo campaign.
Manufacturing, marketing, shipping, storage, taxes, insurance… the list goes on. Starting a supplement company is not cheap, and to keep it afloat, I have to keep prices at a reasonably high level.
For helping me get Super Neuro off the ground, I’m giving today’s supporters what amounts to a 50% discount off the retail price. If I were to sell at $50 per bottle permanently, Super Neuro as a business would likely go under. That’s why it’s important to get as many now as you can.
This Indiegogo campaign is a fixed-funding campaign. Meaning that if I don’t reach my goal of $9,999, I get nothing, and your money gets returned to you. Contributing to this campaign is risk-free.
So go ahead and click on that big, red “contribute now” button at the top-right. T-Thanks!
-Damon Verial
Creator of Super Neuro
P.S. When Super Neuro goes retail, I will not forget my supporters. All of the supporters of this Indiegogo campaign will get lifetime discounts on the retail version of Super Neuro!
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