LGBT Forum Progress organized its first Pride Parade in Montenegro this year on July 24, 2013. While the event was intended to be joyful and peaceful it ended up being violently challenged by over 200 thugs who threw rock, bottles, bricks and wood at our group of about 100 courageous participants of Gay Pride while shouting "Kill, kill, kill the gays".
Our group came to pride in Budva, Montenegro to show support for LGBT rights but it became immediately apparent that our security was challenged by a large group of thugs and many of us feared for our lives. As a result of that day's events 30 more supporters joined our organization, within 5 days, to become involved in visibility actions, be volunteers, etc.
Police protected us the whole time and we are so grateful for their involvement. Regardless of their personal opinion about the LGBT cause their diligence prevented us from being seriously injured or killed.
Our staff members received more than 150 threats, including death threats, within 5 days of pride and the police are now assessing our security to see whether we need police escorts to ensure our safety.
Currently, we at LGBT Forum Progress want to develop a large initiative called "Visible LGBTIQ communiy". The aim of this wonderful project is to create and maintain ongoing visibility of the LGBTIQ community in the country. We are developing an annual visibility plan that will consist of activities that will run until September 2014. The plan is to create visibility actions in every municipality of Montenegro (Total 21 municipalities), and organize small pride marches, info booths, and print materials/brochures for these events.
We plan to organize panels on different topics with students, young people and other citizens on Human Rights issues of LGBT persons in Montenegro, including discussion, and the sharing of personal stories, in person. Another aim of this project is to provide education and visibility actions in a very positive and informative way so that individuals in Montenegro, 61% of whom view homosexuality as an illness that should be cured, begin to learn to focus on our similarities rather than differences.
We feel that our chances of accomplishing this increase with small local initiatives, and we hope that these initiatives will encourage younger individuals as well as adults to participate. We hope that this summary gives you some sense of why we are asking for your help. While we do receive funding and support from donors for our other projects, an an initiative as large as this would really benefit from your support.
Of course we appreciate large donations but any donation is certainly appreciated! Thank you very much in advance from all of us in LGBT Forum Progress and every indvidual from our LGBTIQ community in Montenegro.
Yours, Zdravko Cimblajevic Executive Director
phone: +38267302312
English web site: