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Suppressed Aging SKQ1

A pill that will suppress the aging process.

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Suppressed Aging SKQ1

Suppressed Aging SKQ1

Suppressed Aging SKQ1

Suppressed Aging SKQ1

Suppressed Aging SKQ1

A pill that will suppress the aging process.

A pill that will suppress the aging process.

A pill that will suppress the aging process.

A pill that will suppress the aging process.

CM Industries
CM Industries
CM Industries
CM Industries
1 Campaign |
Guildford, United States
$0 USD 0 backers
0% of $30,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Short Summary

Our goal is to bring to market a pill will delay aging by removing mitochondrially-produced  reactive oxygen species with SKQ1.  SKQ1 has been proven to double the life span of rats and fish prevent age reated dieseases. The pill will inexpensive, and have no side effecs. 

What We Need & What You Get

We need funding to start production for a machine will take the SKQ1 made in the lab and put it into pills. We will be selling the pills on a webstore.

The Impact

Nothing else on the market has the potential to double the life of a human.

Other Ways You Can Help

Spread the word about SKQ1 and CM Industries.


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Choose your Perk

1 bottle of skq1

$25 USD
1 bottle of skq1 when production starts
0 claimed

2 bottles of skq1

$50 USD
2 bottles of skq1 when production starts
0 claimed

3 bottles of skq1

$75 USD
3 bottles of skq1 when production starts
0 claimed

Anything over 100

$100 USD
5 bottles of SKQ1 when production starts.
0 claimed

30 bottles of skq1

$500 USD
30 bottles of skq1 when production starts
0 claimed

100 bottles of skq1

$1,000 USD
100 bottles of skq1 when production starts
0 claimed

600 bottles of skq1

$5,000 USD
600 bottles of skq1 when production starts
0 claimed

A bottle per a month forever

$30,000 USD
700 bottles in shipped in bulk plus bottle per a month forever
0 claimed

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