Short Summary
The Sustainable Garden Fair offers a series of FREE workshops that will help you get involved with your food. We've recruited top educators on a variety of topics to host 10 workshops that will teach you to:
- easily prepare a new garden plot
- preserve the fruit and veggies you grow
- raise laying hens in your backyard
- grow edible mushrooms on used coffee grounds
- sprout micro-greens anywhere
- compost with worms
- make your own nut milk
- grow and juice wheat grass
- keep honeybees
- garden to benefit pollinators
- mix your own organic fertilizers
- make fermented pickles & sauerkraut
ALSO several outdoor stations will provide hands-on activities for the whole family.
What We Need & What You Get
We need funding to pay for materials and to offer honouraria to the experts we've recruited. The Vancouver Foundation has granted some funding for publicity, while Strathcona Community Centre has generously offered use of their facilities.
Here's how we want to spend your money:
- $40 - indiegogo fees
- $500 - materials for workshops and activity stations.
- $100 - printed fliers
- $360 - honouraria for workshop facilitators. Many of the hosts earn a living as educators, and it's important to support them!
- If we surpass our fundraising goal, we'll allocate more to materials, which will allow attendees to take more free goodies home! (e.g. veggie seeds!)
- If we don't reach our goal, we're going ahead with the event anyway- just scaling back the materials so the workshops won't be as involved.
Every workshop facilitator is donating a donor reward:
- Fresh, local, healthy food
- DIY kits
- In-home consultations
The Impact
The Sustainable Garden Fair is a chance for people from all walks of life to come together to learn about gardening and local food. Conceived for foodies, DIYers, and urban agrarians alike, this event offers real skills for growing, preserving, and conserving food.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you're not able to donate, you can still help!
- Tell your friends about the Sustainable Garden Fair (and come yourself! It's free remember?)
- Like SustainableGardenFair on Facebook, and mark yourself attending the event.
- Volunteer to run an outdoor activity station! If interested, go to to get in touch.