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Team Paul Skiing

A skiing game for iOS. Proceeds go to foundations that help athletes reach their Olympic dreams.

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Team Paul Skiing

Team Paul Skiing

Team Paul Skiing

Team Paul Skiing

Team Paul Skiing

A skiing game for iOS. Proceeds go to foundations that help athletes reach their Olympic dreams.

A skiing game for iOS. Proceeds go to foundations that help athletes reach their Olympic dreams.

A skiing game for iOS. Proceeds go to foundations that help athletes reach their Olympic dreams.

A skiing game for iOS. Proceeds go to foundations that help athletes reach their Olympic dreams.

Paul B
Paul B
Paul B
Paul B
1 Campaign |
San Francisco, United States
$4,254 USD 63 backers
42% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


Hey there, my name is Paul Bragiel and I'm raising funds to develop a video game that will benefit athletes pursuing their dream of being in the Olympics!  Why am I doing this?  Because I am training for the 2014 Winter Olympics myself and have seen first hand how hard it is.  :)  My event is cross-country skiing.  I'm certainly a long shot as I just began training last year and am 36 years old with no experience in this sport. With all that said, I have done a few things to increase my chances: I quit my day job to focus solely on skiing this past year, I have a coach who's worked with past Olympians, and I even changed my citizenship.  Turns out Colombia doesn't have a strong winter sports tradition, so by being a citizen of Colombia, I have significantly less competition on the national level (read: none) :)  This is still going to be a difficult challenge as I need to qualify under a certain time set by the Olympic Committee.

Over this past year, I've encountered many Olympic hopefuls who are giving everything they've got to be at the opening ceremonies this upcoming February.  The costs to these individuals are extraordinary; from putting education and family plans on hold to driving themselves deep into debt all to be a part of the greatest celebration in the world.  With this campaign, I'd like to donate proceeds from my video game to other Olympic hopefuls to follow their dreams.  I'll be focusing on foundations in Finland and Colombia as these two countries have been very accommodating during my journey to qualify for the Olympics.  With your contribution, we can help Olympic hopefuls reach their dream of participating in the games. 

The game cleverly titled Team Paul Skiing will be a fun side-scroller tapping game for iOS devices.  The genre of this game is known as an endless runner.  With the tap of your fingers you determine the speed of which Paul skis move and when there are obstacles in his way, with the swipe of your finger you destroy the obstacles. There will be 3 levels set in the following locations: Finland, where I started my training; Colombia, where I'll be on roller skis; and the final level will be in Russia at the Olympics facing my competition and most likely finishing last place :P 

We have some fun prizes, so I hope you will contribute to this campaign! The game is slated for mid-December completion.  

By reaching the 10k goal we're still operating at a major loss but we really want the money raised to go to olympics hopefuls.  The breakdown of the funds will be that 50% of the proceeds go to youth sports foundations.  The remaining 50% will go towards development, perks, shipping etc.

On5: The Game is led by Egor and his development team On5.  They have developed numerous games for iOS and Android devices and have worked with large publishers such as Electronic Arts, Atari, DeNA/ngmoco, Samsung.  Over 10 million people have enjoyed playing their games. 

Paul Bragiel: Before I quit my day job and focused on training for the Olympics, I developed video games for mobile devices like the game boy and mobile phones.  In the past my game production company, Paragon 5, developed games like Micro Machines, Karnajj, Worms (mobile) and Super Monkey Ball (mobile).  I will be working closely with my friend Egor and his company.  

The idea of making this game has never been for profit.

I want to help other athletes reach their dream of making it to the Olympics.  There are other crowdsourcing sites we could have gone with, but they don't allow proceeds to go to a foundation, luckily Indiegogo does :)

Below is my youtube channel where you can watch my progress towards the Olympics as well as links to media publications writing about my journey:

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk



$25 USD
Kiitos! Thats thank you in Finland. Bronze will get you the previous awards and a physical good. A handwritten postcard from the Arctic Circle, where I am currently training in Finland!
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
7 out of 50 of claimed

Participation Award

$5 USD
Thanks for contributing! We will send you a code to play the full game of Team Paul Skiing. We're making this game to help out olympic hopefuls and because of your contribution you'll be helping someone reach their dream.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
7 claimed


$10 USD
Spasiba, that's thank you in Russia where the Olympics will be held. Get the previous pack PLUS a pack of exclusive digital artwork for your PC and mobile devices.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
6 claimed


$35 USD
Gracias, that's spanish for Thank You. It's what us Colombians say :) This perk includes the full game, digital artwork, and credits in the game. You're famous!
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
12 out of 100 of claimed


$50 USD
Dziekuje! Turns out I'm a citizen of three countries. Poland is the third, I could be a spy! Uh oh NSA reading everything I write! With this package you get a Team Paul Shirt and all digital awards from the previous perks including credits in the game. (Add 10$ to ship outside the US)
21 out of 50 of claimed


$500 USD
Ačiū, that's thank you in Lithuanian, where the On5 game development team reside. The mother of prizes, you are in the game! Send a photo of your face and Egor will have you as a character racing against Paul in the final stages. You'll also get a co-starring role in the credits section. This may come after the first version of the game. Digital perks and shirt included.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
2 out of 10 of claimed

Mega mega Award

$1,000 USD
Advertising! Throughout the game there will be billboards and you can put whatever image you'd like! It has to be non-offensive of course. Shirt, game, artwork and credits included.
1 out of 5 of claimed

!@#$!Ludicrous Award

$25,000 USD
Besides everything above we'll put your name or your company logo on the title screen. It will state "Team Paul Skiing presented by XXXXX'. I will also put a patch on my training outfit of a logo of your choice.
0 out of 1 of claimed

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