Global TelephonyDNS for Internet 2.0
Global TelephonyDNS for Internet 2.0
Global TelephonyDNS for Internet 2.0
Global TelephonyDNS for Internet 2.0
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Global TelephonyDNS for Internet 2.0
Global TelephonyDNS for Internet 2.0
Global TelephonyDNS for Internet 2.0
Global TelephonyDNS for Internet 2.0
Global TelephonyDNS for Internet 2.0
The Internet is so pervasive in our life, it has become a fundamental tool for us to communication, work and entertainment. As we become more and more dependent on it we as becoming more aware of the vulnerability of the present Internet environment, especially with Internet of Things (IoTs).
There is a growing need as we are becoming aware that if one of the world greatest unauthorized surveillance agency would not prevent from being hacked, how can we protect ourselves. More troubling is most entities on the Internet had been hacked, one form or another, including our financial institutions.
The reason current Internet will forever be vulnerable to hacking is due to the fundamental design of the Internet system. In order to survive nuclear attack, the Internet was designed and operated using connectionless broadcast transmission and implements static Internet addressing for transmission. Said data delivery scheme is similar to the postal delivery system.
Using static Internet routing addresses and cast mode of data delivery, hackers capitalize on it to target and capture data packets, as well as, for clone others’ IP addresses for intrusive attacks.
The need for privacy and security will inevitably usher in a new transformative technology to fulfil such need, a more secure Internet whereby we can held hackers accountable for their actions in Internet 2.0, a multimode Internet could be such a solution.
The Internet 2.0 is the brainchild of Alex Lee Chooi Tian. He invented a new set of network protocol suite for enabling Internet-like and Web-based capability natively over any telecommunication systems without using the Internet platform.
A new transmission media network protocol known as Transmission Media Adaptation Layer (TMAL) was created to enable Internet 2.0. Internet 2.0 is able to provides both dedicated-media and private mode of communication for internetworking environment, coined as Virtual Dedicated Media Internet (VDMI), as well as having the ability to provide connectivity to existing Internet services. For further technical detail, please refers to US Pat No. 9,866,499 B1, entitled “Apparatus and Methods for Multimode Internetworking Connectivity”.
Current Internet does not operate natively on the telephony system, instead the Internet piggy-back on it. This rendered the present Internet unable to fully capitalize on the capabilities of the telephony systems. With security-enabled Internet 2.0, VDMI is able to fully capitalise on inherent strengths of telephony systems to provide for private line of communication and reliable call tracing and recording, enabling cyber-security enforcement.
The two most important components for the Internet to function effectively are: IP suite of protocols and Domain Name System (DNS). In addition to the differing data delivery systems, there is a need for ease of use and access to said multimode internetworking platform and environment.
While computer identifies and associates any end-nodes to numbers, we are more accustomed to associate any entities with names. There is a need for human-to-machine interface for associating network device numeric addressing to domain name in both, IP-based and VDMI environment.
IP-based Domain Name System is for the mapping of domain name to an IP address. It’s Resource Record Table was developed to register a domain name either IPv4 or IPV6 numeric addressing.
VDMI network platform would require similar capability. IncepXion DNS Holdings Limited is presently undertaking to develop telephony-based DNS, where a VDMI’s domain name will be mapped to a telephony number. said telephony-based DNS is coined as TelephonyDNS.
For ease of usage its imperative to mimic existing DNS domain name naming convention as must as possible. The objective is not to have two different name for any entity associated to a domain name. We did it by incorporating an invalid IP-based DNS character to our embodiment. Should the domain name preceded with a “+” character, the domain name query will be routed to TelephonyDNS resolvers. Otherwise it would be routed to the current DNS as shown below.
The followings are the reward perks for your support in this revolutionary project. Thank you.
TelephonyDNS registration when launched, will be temporary be hosted in a “sandbox” environment for a short period of time. During that period, we will give our Backers the opportunity to register their preferred name for their companies, business entities, and the likes, before the others. The types of top level domain name categories are similar to that of the present IP-based DNS.
Thus, backers of TelephonyDNS will have the opportunistic chance, as well as, choice to obtain great domain name in the Internet 2.0 environment.
Q1. Is TelephonyDNS the same as IP Telephony, aka, “Enum”?
No, Enum or IP Telephony provides the means to maps a telephony number to IP Address and utilizes said IP address for routing. Enum does not provides for the ability to natively maps a telephone number to a domain name.
Whereas Telephony DNS provides means to maps a telephony number to a domain name. For TelephonyDNS, IP address was neither catered for nor implemented.
Q2. Several emerging technologies claimed to be Internet 2.0, like Web 2.0 and Blockchain technology, so why are you different?
In the technological realm and definition for the Internet, the term "Internet" was allocated to the ability to provide both connectivity and data delivery capabilities in a network environment to enable for the internetworking of remote application programs.
Web 2.0 technology provides the capabilities for a hyperlink User Interface and connectivity. Web 2.0 does not has the ability to provide for data delivery services. Technically, Web 2.0, aka http, lies in the OSI Model Layer 7 functionality or Application-layer functionality. Other Application-layer programs are like smtp, ftp, and the likes, to name a few.
Blockchain technology is an encryption technology for enabling unalterable blocks of hashed certificates to ensure the authenticity of the data. It is lies within the Application-layer functionality of the OSI Model. Blockchain technology can neither provides the ability for connectivity nor data delivery services.
TMAL, has several functionality for the OSI Model services, such as Session-layer, Transport-layer, rudimentary Network-layer, and Data Link-layer. Thus TMAL is able to provides for both connectivity and data delivery similarly to tcp, udp and the likes. Basically TMAL also provides for the internetworking capability among remote application, similarly to tcp/ip, aka the Internet. In short, TMAL will transforms the present Internet from a single-mode internetworking environment to a multimode internetworking environment, thus it was coined as Internet 2.0.
Q3. Why do I need Domain Name if I don't have a website?
The use for Domain Name is more than just for website address. Website address is only one of resources for Domain Name. Basically a Domain Name is like your contact information within the phonebook of your mobile phone except on a global scale. While present DNS is the contact directory for the Internet, TelephonyDNS will be the contact directory for Internet 2.0.
As global contact directory, one can register a domain name for personal or for any statutory entities. Statutory entities are like, governmental agencies, NGO, corporation, partnership, consultants, sole proprietors, architect, accountants, lawyer and the likes, so long as it is recognised by law.