A Chance to Make History!
Donate to the campaign - every person who donates in any way will get their name on the giant poster we will display at the festival.
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- Non-Profit or Educational Booth Form
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- Do you have experience? Contact us about the possibility of joining the festival team at: texaswildricefestival@gmail.com
The Festival was born out of a River’s dream. After working in Environmental Education at the San Marcos Springs with the Meadows Center for several years, organizer Ashley Wright became inspired to share the majesty of the Springs and the unique ecosystem with a greater audience. Once she pitched the idea to her dearest friend and co-worker, Samantha Beasley, the duo became determined to reach out to the entire community about the importance of the River. Unsure of exactly how to begin such a grand endeavor, the two Texas State Alumni partnered up with their long time friend, an experienced and enthusiastic festival organizer, Thomas Waymouth, who brought all of his creative knowledge to their dynamic. With all of their powers combined, they reached out to the City of San Marcos and were invited to create River Awareness Day, the pilot event for the Texas Wild Rice Festival.
In 2013 we put together River Awareness Day; which was named "Best New Flow Festival" by the Austin Chronicle. It was held on August 3rd 2013 and it was made possible by the sponsorship of the San Marcos River Foundation, the Habitat Conservation Plan, and Community Impact Newspaper as well as the donation of the use of City Park by the city of San Marcos. The three organizers put in over 2000 hours to make it happen with no remuneration other than satisfaction that comes from bringing community together over water. We received an education grant from the HCP for $5000 and with the help of local businesses, nonprofits and community volunteers we were able to create a festival that was educational, interactive, and loads of fun!
This year the educational grant is no longer available so it is up to us as a community to co-create this event. Normally this kind of opportunity to support the creation of a festival is only offered to businesses, but we wanted to offer it to all the individuals of our community as well. This way each person has a voice. We can show Indiegogo, our city, and the world how much the people of our community care about how we develop, what our priorities are, and how we can choose to craft and guide our identity together.
Thank you Friends,
Keep San Marcos Flowing!
Special thanks to the Yakona team for their underwater footage and photography!