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Text Kills TWDocumentary textkills

Fund our Film:"Smartphones of Mass Destruction", a look at the survivors, science, psychology, technology & laws of today's #1 Teen Killer-Texting While Driving

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Text Kills TWDocumentary textkills

Text Kills TWDocumentary textkills

Text Kills TWDocumentary textkills

Text Kills TWDocumentary textkills

Text Kills TWDocumentary textkills

Fund our Film:"Smartphones of Mass Destruction", a look at the survivors, science, psychology, technology & laws of today's #1 Teen Killer-Texting While Driving

Fund our Film:"Smartphones of Mass Destruction", a look at the survivors, science, psychology, technology & laws of today's #1 Teen Killer-Texting While Driving

Fund our Film:"Smartphones of Mass Destruction", a look at the survivors, science, psychology, technology & laws of today's #1 Teen Killer-Texting While Driving

Fund our Film:"Smartphones of Mass Destruction", a look at the survivors, science, psychology, technology & laws of today's #1 Teen Killer-Texting While Driving

Wayne Irving II
Wayne Irving II
Wayne Irving II
Wayne Irving II
2 Campaigns |
San Clemente, United States
$12,061 USD 220 backers
80% of $15,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects


Pop Chips Perk!

4 Questions Our Documentary Answers.   

1. Do you know the scientific explanation for exactly what happens inside your brain when you Text and Drive?

2. Do you know what  effects - psychological and otherwise! – that your mobile device has on your daily actions, relationships, quality of life, and perception of the world?

3. Are you curious to learn more about the future of technological advances and enhancements for mobile devices, like controlling your phone with your mind?

4. Are you aware of the specific state laws you must obey, penalties you may receive, and criminal charges that you could be facing if you get caught Texting While Driving, and do you really understand the serious potential hazards to your safety and that of others on our roadways when you engage in this high risk activity?

We have these answers, and believe they are worth sharing.

Our “Indiegogo” project is designed to create a one-of-a-kind, educational documentary that focuses on four main aspects of the relatively new, and very dangerous byproduct, of using mobile technology while driving. We will explore and expose what happens chemically in the brain when you engage in texting while driving (or TWD), hear from esteemed psychologists on how TWD changes our behavior and affects us psychologically and emotionally, look at the latest technology trends in mobile communications (including an exploration of what lies ahead in terms of technology design), and, finally,  analyze the “what” and the “why” behind various state and federal initiatives that our lawmakers are now planning or pushing forward as part of their effort to discourage talking on the phone or texting while driving (Distracted Driving). 

But don't worry …, our plan is not to present an unengaging, dry, technical, and monotone review of this major issue that affects everyone on the road.  In making this film, we have sought out the most tragic and heart rending stories shared by those whose lives have forever changed as result of a Distracted Driving accident or incident.  You will meet the real faces whose lives have been changed forever by this real problem, and our goal is not to scare, but to educate, inspire, and provoke personal responsibility in you, so that when your phone rings, vibrates, or pings, you make the decision to focus on driving while on the road. 

What we have found in our research is that in many instances, especially among teens, the mere temptation to text has been replaced with an actual texting “addiction”.   Nowadays, parents with children and teens who have phones and tablets must compete with these mobile devices for attention, and regular old human interaction is playing 2nd (or even 3rd) fiddle.  Kids are staying inside and texting in chat rooms rather than having play dates and visiting friends in person.  Amazingly, many teens are choosing to have cell phones, as opposed to cars, because iPhones and Android devices provide the same, if not greater, "keys" to their "freedom."   Our film exposes this very real generational gap that technology has created, and proposes some creative solutions to facilitate bringing people, friends and family closer together.

In short, we like to think of our documentary as taking a fresh new approach to understanding and addressing the phenomena of TWD and Distracted Driving.  By holding a more powerful mirror up to expose and analyze these problems,  we hope to give the viewing public the tools it needs to stop this threat to our collective safety “dead in its tracks.” 

Def Leppard's Rick Allen agrees Text Kills!
Def Leppard's Rick Allen agrees Text Kills!

3,331 people have died from TWD in 2011

The 4 core topics that our documentary explores are:

                  The Science

               The Psychology

               The Technology

                    The Laws

Projected Budget:

We have budgeted $15,000 to produce our documentary/video, and have recruited an experienced team to get it done right! These costs are broken down as follows:

  • $2,000 to cover gas/food/lodging 
  • $3,000 to cover 5 days of shooting (2 camera ops/1 director/1 pa)
  • $2,000 to cover equipment rental (2 cameras and 2 shotgun microphones) 
  • $3,000 for editing of the video 
  • $2,000 for marketing and miscellaneous development costs 
  • $3,000 to compensate chosen experts who will speak in the video on the core elements of science, psychology, technology, and current legislation

There is no other documentary that exists like we propose to create!  There are many videos produced by outreach organizations, but none has really taken a comprehensive, in depth look at the problem, uncovering the psychological and physiological cornerstones of TWD and other forms of Distracted Driving ( why do so many drivers feel compelled to do it, what happens in our body when we are doing it).  , and what tools do we as a society have, whether based in technology, government action or otherwise, to reduce and, hopefully, eliminate it.  Our documentary digs into the roots of why this behavior exists and continues to be so prevalent.   And, perhaps more importantly, after helping to get the viewer’s eye, ears (and arms) around the huge scope of this threat to our safety, we use the film as a tool to investigate and brainstorm regarding possible solutions, particularly in light of technology trends and developments.   

And we intend to aggressively spread the word about this documentary across the country, primarily through publicizing it as we travel throughout the US in the Text Kills® tour bus, at film festivals and through distribution in schools and other educational organizations/ systems. Ultimately, we think that despite the serious nature of the subject matter, the documentary definitely has the potential go “viral”, because it will be much more than educational and informative – it will be entertaining, uplifting and fun to watch.   


Why are we (Text Kills®) qualified to take a crack at such a documentary?

We believe we are uniquely qualified to take on this project given our 3+years of experience as an outreach organization.  Over this time, we’ve been collecting data, assessing technology relating to mobile communication devices, and, most importantly, talking to the general public through the vehicle of our Text Kills® bus, which has attended and presented at literally 100s of events. 

Text Kills® is a donation-supported outreach program that regularly partners with law enforcement, fire/safety authorities, schools, other non-profits, community outreach programs, and corporate safety officers in an effort to educate and increase public awareness concerning the dangers of cell phone use while driving or when used to bully and harass (text-bullying and cyber-bullying). Text Kills® works with Bully Buster USA™ in community outreach and safety awareness, dedicated to educating the public about the deadly issues of distracted driving and text-bullying.  To help spread the Text Kills®' message of driver safety and responsibility, the Text Kills® Tour Bus traverses the country, collecting signatures on its sides from people pledging not to text and drive.   

For more information about Text Kills® and how to book the Text Kills® Bus at your next safety day, school, or event, please go to or call 949-436-TEXT (8398).

Text Kills® is a registered trademark of Iconosys, Inc., and is operated as a division of Iconosys, Inc.

Once we make the Documentary, we need your help to print some DVD's and mail them out, as well as with other publicity and distribution efforts!

After we’re done raising the $15,000.00 to cover our budget for creating the documentary, we hope to raise an additional $5,000 (or more!!!), which will enable us to distribute our documentary to a multitude of schools around the country … at no charge to them … and undertake other efforts to publicize and otherwise gain exposure and viewership for the film.  Our plan is to promote the documentary in both traditional media, as well as through the various social media platforms (e.g. Facebook/Twitter).  In addition, we have targeted various film festivals throughout the country (and perhaps internationally!) as venues for presenting the film.

And on this note, if the backer community comes out in droves and helps us by “over funding” the project, we plan to use the excess funds toward even more publicity and distribution efforts.  Of course, we want this important documentary to be seen at as many film festivals, schools, and by as many children, teens and parents as possible. So with that in mind, over-fund away folks!

Getting to this milestone will put 500 more DVD's in the mail to schools that need them!!!



The Text Kills® bus needs some “tlc” (tender love and care!) 

in terms of some much needed repairs and parts upgrades.  In addition to an oil change and a tranny flush, the charging systems are in dire need of new batteries.  There is also short in the engine charging system that forces us to jumpstart the bus if we do not start it up/crank it every 5-6 hours.  We need an additional $5,000 in funds to get it in for service and address these maintenance issues.  

Everyone wants a T-Shirt!

Not only is a T-Shirt a great way to share the message, but it's also a tool for Text Kills®  to spread its message to supporters, website followers and enthusiasts, all of whom can help to support our common goal of eliminating TWD.  

Not only is a T-Shirt a great way to share the message, but it's also a tool for Text Kills®  to spread its message to supporters, website followers and enthusiasts, all of whom can help to support our common goal of eliminating TWD.  

These shirts are good looking, in high demand and are a great way to put fuel in the gas tank.
These shirts are good looking, in high demand and are a great way to put fuel in the gas tank.

We get more than 5,000 T-shirt requests per year, and of course do our best to forecast our inventory needs in this area.  However, we’ve found that this is an inherently difficult task – we constantly find ourselves attending more events than anticipated, often as last minute decisions, and we hate showing up at these events empty handed (in terms of not having enough shirts).  And it always costs more for us when we have to ask our vendors to fill these unexpected, emergency requests for additional shirts, which in turn cuts into the profits we need so desperately for purposes of our continuing  operations (e.g., getting us to that next event).

We have determined that the best thing for us to do is to buy our own silkscreen system (approximate cost: $5,000), so that not only can we keep fresh Text Kills® messages running all year, but also we have the ability to create custom or themed T-Shirts at any time and in any quantity.  Plus, we’ve noticed that if someone buys one new design, we invariably find that we get lots of follow up requests for that new design, or for additional designs.

These illustrated prints will look great in your office or home.These illustrated prints will look great in your office or home.

We need to raise our voice!

Once we reach our goal of $37,500 in contributions, this will provide us with the opportunity to expand our voice and help us carry the message across our audiences.  We need internal and external sound equipment to communicate our message, excite our crowds and create awareness in a fun way that will get the attention of everyone.  

Announcing the arrival of Text Kills®!!

This sound equipment would be an extreme help to us in announcing the arrival of our Text Kills® bus, speaking in parades and helping us to carry our sound and message to even the largest of crowds and events.  Not to mention, when we hit the road, we sometimes are faced with 9 - 12 hours of straight driving, sometimes day after day, without any music for us or our esteemed quests. Clearly, it would be a great advantage to our cause to have this sound system built into our bus, so it could be with us throughout our long travels and at our various destinations.  This will also add interior PA and music for the Interior Simulators.  Today we have none.  

If we make it to this milestone, 300 more DVD's will be printed and shipped to schools that need them!!!  Thank you!

Tablets and phones needed for simulations

We are currently operating with a hodge-podge of Smartphones and tablets, the newest of which is more than 2 years old. We need to acquire a consistent and common smart device system that helps us to works cohesively and effectively in terms of the communications among our Text Kills® staffers and our supporters. This will help us to concentrate more on the content of our message and on expanding our audience, because we’ll have more comfort and assurance that our core group of supporters is already “wired in” to what we are doing. More specifically, here’s what the new, coordinated smart device system (cost: approximately $5,000) would allow us to do:

  • Social Media "check-in" for us and for our guests  
  • Digitally sign the bus  
  • For use in simulations  
  • For the demonstration of Text Kills® endorsed technologies  
  • For presentations to corporate sponsors and schools  
  • For the "TWD Certification Simulation"

If we make it to this milestone, 200 more DVD's will be printed and shipped to schols that need them!!!  Thank you!

Textie needs a face-lift

Our Text Kills® bus needs a bit of a facelift, since it’s outer covering is bubbling and cracking. With an additional contribution of approximately $5,500, we’ll be able to apply a new Vinyl Wrap for the bus, giving it the kind of fresh, new look that will add pizzazz and excitement to all the places we go and the events we visit. Stay tuned!  As we get closer to this milestone, we will post an update with the new 2013-2014 design for the Text Kills® bus.

If we make it to this milestone, 300 more DVD's will be printed and shipped to schools that need them!!!  Thank you!


Sometimes the Bus just won't fit :-(

A new VW Text Kills® bug (the Bug), which could accompany our bus at the various events and presentations, will be a great addition to the Text Kills® arsenal and its anti-TWD publicity machine. 

At this level of investment (approximate cost: $23,300), the VW bug simulation would give us another snazzy vehicle for spreading our message about the dangers of texting and driving.  

Indeed, we are often invited to events where the bus simply will not fit or is too heavy (e.g. expos, trade-shows, safety events, in gymnasium school events).  In addition, we could take the VW Text Kills® bug to all of our Text Kills® events, giving teenagers/adults a chance to experience a driving-while-texting simulation. This would ultimately give us another effective tool for actively and effectively changing the lives of all the people we come into contact with.   BTW, Capistrano VW has committed to donating approximately 25% of the cost of the VW if we make it to here/achieve our goal of raising an additional $23,300. The Bug would normally cost approx. $30,000 equipped as we need it (for media access, bio-diesel engine). Thank you Capistrano VW for your support!

Let's wrap the VW

If we made it here to this milestone, wouldn't the Driver Simulation Text Kills® VW be so much more effective if it was vinyl wrapped to match the bus?  Just look below at what we could do. These additional funds would also be used to purchase a trailer to put the Bug on.  

Not to mention, when the bus won’t fit into some of the presentation venues (e.g. for most indoor events), a fully wrapped VW would be available to be moved inside.  For an additional $2,300, we would be able to give the VW Text Kills® bug the AutoTrailer & Wrapping treatment that it needs, making it fit perfectly with the appearance of the bus itself. Wow, that will look good! 

The Text Kills® VW Looks Awesome!The Text Kills® VW Looks Awesome!
Simulators are the key

Currently, we run one video-game like driving simulator mounted on the side of the bus.   It is a huge part of our program and is highly requested by our corporate partners and at all our events.

Sometimes we will have up to 100 people eagerly waiting in line to experience the simulator, and we hate to see situations where waits of 20 minutes (or longer!) cause those tired of waiting to miss their opportunity to participate in the simulation.   We would love to remedy this situation by using available space on the side of the bus to mount 3 simulators on each side, as well as a large screen video display to play information about our message.  

If you support what we do, then without question, you can see how our program will be immensely enriched and enhanced through the purchase of exterior video simulators and PSA displays (approximate cost: $15,000).

If we make it to this milestone, 300 more DVD's will be printed and shipped to schools that need them!!! Yayy! Thank you Supporters!

Help us get the bus suspension updated for a safer ride

To take our bus tours to the next level, and be able to tow the new Text Kills® VW, we need to spend an additional $4,000 on a suspension tune-up (the leaf springs are no longer curving u***p̮, instead they look like this ⌒ ). ****Let’s take this to the next level!  The rear end of the Text Kills® bus sways back and forth and from side to side; for $750, we can put a special sway bar on, and for another $1000 we can add airbags underneath the springs to smooth out the ride.  Because of the way the bus drives, there is only one person that can drive the bus to all its events, as it is simply too dangerous and difficult for an inexperienced driver to drive it as is. Sadly, this driver spends 9-20 hours behind the wheel -- with very little breaks, if any -- as it is imperative we get to the next event on time (and in one piece).

As part of this next level of repairs, we will also replace the rear leaf springs with brand new ones, repair the spare tire carriage underneath, and add a Reese hitch system with sway control (so that we will be able to pull the new Text Kills® VW on its trailer). 

Additionally, the exterior carriage lights are not functional, and so this lighting system needs a good overhaul by an auto-electric specialist.

If we make it to this milestone, 250 more DVD's can be printed and shipped to schools that need them!!!  Thank you supporters!

We also need to turn the other side (driver’s side) of the Text Kills® bus into a "Media Side" (approximate cost: $9,000).  Currently, only the passenger side of the bus is deemed to be media worthy.  When we pull in to park, sometimes we have no choice but to park with the driver-side visible to the crowd, and this can hurt the impact of our visits as we’ve seen that 75% of the excitement generated at our events is the number of signatures on media worthy passenger side.  A driver-side door and shade canopy would allow us to do more events, project our message more effectively at these events, and would make for a safer overall parking situation for those in attendance. 

We have been contacted by the TV Show “Outcast Kustoms,” 

and they enthusiastically told us that they want to help us get the entire bus remodeled with safety and utility-enhancing, innovative technologies such as internal and external video screens for our simulators, a complete drive-train overhaul, a suspension system overhaul and upgrades,  an interior entertainment system, a fold down performance stage for musicians off the back of bus,  a highest rating safety towing system, interior re-upholstery and furniture refurbishment, solar panels, a sky-deck observation system, a water filtration/recycling system, a micro-mobile cooking kitchen, new cabinetry throughout, an under-carriage storage system remodel, a state of the art UV protected exterior vinyl overhaul, and new windows throughout (all windows are cloudy, locks broken, cracked).  With a mere $150,000, we can take our bus to a whole new level, and we’d have the luxury of seeing the story of this fantastic upgrade told in graphic detail on cable television and our story will be shared internationally.

Now let's chat briefly about what is in it for you, our Backers?

What will you get for your generous donations to our project?  For those participating, We have super cool t-shirts, key chains, a "TWD" "Baby on Board" window hanger, original illustration art on canvas, movie posters, bumper stickers, a "Wall of Fame", some online exposure opportunities, not to mention the great feeling that you will have knowing that you are part of such a cool project!

We have very cool bumper stickers for our backers too!

Remember those "Baby on Board" signs that parents stick on the inside of their windows to remind drivers to be more cautious around them? Well, the same concept applies here when you officially put people on notice that you will have no TWD happening near your car! 

(pic of baby on board signs)

How about a very cool TWD keychain, as continuing, personal reminder of your help and involvement in our documentary!?


Help us to create this documentary and to spread its educational message (and call to action) to viewers (and drivers!) across the nation. 

We are gonna do this thing because... 

... so who is commin with us? 

(Jerry McGuire reference for you folks who don't get it!, ha) 

What are you waiting for, go pick out your reward and be part of this project!

See who else supports our Indygogo at




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Choose your Perk

Sign The Bus!

$1 USD
Sign the Text Kills® Bus, making your pledge to not text while driving! You get to make a digital pledge, and we then print your signature and place it on the Text Kills® bus that is to be featured in the documentary. You get a copy of your signature and a thank you in your email!
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
18 claimed

Bumper Stickers

$5 USD
Get (2) Text Kills® "Don't Text & Drive" Bumper Stickers! These bumper stickers can go on your car, school locker, notebook, refrigerator, surfboard, skateboard, or anywhere to show your support for not Texting While Driving (TWD).
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
24 claimed

Promoting Your Company

$10 USD
Be a backer at this level and we will help cross promote you, your business, or your cause on our Facebook with over 10,000+ fans, and we will tweet a “thank you” for your support to our all of our followers. Small amount of money for large exposure!
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
18 claimed

Digital Copy

$15 USD
Backers at this level will get (1) digital copy of the Text Kills® Documentary, and exclusive email updates that take you behind the scenes of our outreach and filming of the documentary.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
3 claimed

DVD of the Documentary & More!

$20 USD
Get (1) physical DVD copy of the Text Kills® Documentary, (1) digital copy of the Text Kills® Documentary, (2) Text Kills® bumper stickers, (1) TWD key-chain, AND be added to our “Wall of Fame” where your name will be posted on our website along side all of our awesome supporters!
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
7 claimed

Personal Text

$25 USD
Gets you (1) personalized text message with a photo of kids that you're helping us reach out to. Backers at this level will be rewarded by seeing and knowing that their contributions are helping get more people to take the pledge.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
5 claimed

Michael McDowell

$25 USD
We are excited to share that we have a limited supply of limited edition Michael McDowell HERO CARDs! Michael is a professional Nascar Driver, and currently races for Phil Parsons racing team (car #98) Mr. McDowell supporter of Text Kills, and we thank him for it. Get your card now!
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 out of 17 of claimed

CASE OF POP-CHIPS! (12 bags)

$25 USD
We are excited to share that Pop-Chips has donated cases of Pop-Chips (retail $36 + tax), and you can buy them from us for only $25 bucks!!! What a great way to support our cause and get some great snacks! Thanks Pop-Chips!!!
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
12 out of 25 of claimed

Text Kills® T-Shirt & More!

$30 USD
Get everything at the $20 dollar backer level! PLUS... Get your very own (1) Text Kills® T-Shirt! Choose between our two most popular designs, “Swerve” the Text Kills® Gorilla or our 2013 featured illustration… (see t-shirt images on the left)
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
7 claimed

Get the DVD & the Poster!

$50 USD
Get (1) digital copy of the Text Kills® Documentary and (1) limited edition authentic documentary MOVIE POSTER.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
4 out of 500 of claimed

Your Name in the Credits

$100 USD
Get everything from the $30 dollar backer level! PLUS... Get your name listed in the “Special Thanks to:” section of the documentary credits & on the DVD jacket.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
8 claimed

Create Your Own PSA

$150 USD
Get everything from the $30 dollar backer level! PLUS... Create your own Distracted Driving 30 second PSA, and to be featured on Text Kills® blog and YouTube channel! *All PSA's must be consistent with Text Kills® and YouTube's policies. **Text Kills® reserves the right to censor PSA's for content that may be deemed too graphic or vulgar. ***Placement and start dates are at the discretion of Text Kills®
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
3 out of 30 of claimed

Fill the Gas Tank!

$275 USD
Feel the pride in filling the gas tank for the Text Kills® bus. Individuals, families, foundations, gas station owners, & corporations have been very supportive when it comes to donating gas money for our road trips, and here is your chance to fill the Text Kills® bus with a full tank of gas! PLUS you will get; (1) digital copy of the documentary, your choice (1) of either of the two popular Text Kills® T-shirts, and (1) “Don’t Text and Drive” bumper sticker.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
6 claimed

Banner Ad!

$300 USD
Banner ad on! Get tons of exposure for yourself, your brand, or company, by having a custom banner ad on If you need assistance, Text Kills® will help to design your ad, and it will run for 3 months on our high traffic Website. *Text Kills® reserves the right for banner placement, campaign start dates, banner content and design. **Banner sizes are limited to pixel dimensions: 468x60 or 180x150.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
3 claimed

Be an Associate Producer!

$1,000 USD
Get everything from the $30 dollar backer level! PLUS... “You are now a movie producer!” - ASSOCIATE PRODUCER credit in the film’s credits & on IMDB. If you don’t already have an IMDB profile, we can help create one for you! You also get VIP access to the documentary's premiere
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
1 out of 5 of claimed

Book the Text Kills® Bus!!!

$1,500 USD
Have the Text Kills® bus and team visit your school or business! The same Text Kills® crew that has collected more than 100,000 pledges and personal stories will promote safe practices to your students or staff in an engaging demonstration. Your group takes the pledge & SIGNS THE BUS together. Text Kills® brings statistics, tips & technologies, along "eye-opening" driver simulators. *Please book dates 60 days in advance. **Additional mileage charges apply outside Orange County,
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
2 out of 10 of claimed

Dedication to a loved one

$4,000 USD
Memorialize the life of your loved one in your own dedication inside Text Kills® Documentary and in the credits. Get an opportunity to tell your story, 1 to 3 minutes in the documentary, you provide video footage, about your inspirational or tragic story. *Text Kills® reserves the right to edit/enhance your contributed video so as to be consistent with the theme and direction of the documentary.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
0 out of 3 of claimed

Text Kills Educational Day!

$5,000 USD
Text Kills® will spend the entire day at your business "Safety Stand-Down" and/or company barbecue. Making for a fun filled and educational day! All simulators will be running, and up to 100 employees will get a personalized certificate of completion of the TWD testing program. *Event must be booked 60 days in advance. **Additional mileage charges will apply outside Orange County, CA.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 out of 5 of claimed

Your Company LOGO on the Bus!

$10,000 USD
You or your company get 4 square feet of space on (2) sides of the bus; front, left, rear, or right for your corporations logo, showing your commitment for the TWD 2014 season (Jan-Dec 2014.) Text Kills® will proudly place your company logo and slogan on the side of the bus for a whole year, to be seen by the millions of people during your campaign.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed
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