This campaign is closed

The African Dream

Support, a music platform built to help you discover music and news


The African Dream

The African Dream

The African Dream

The African Dream

The African Dream

Support, a music platform built to help you discover music and news

Support, a music platform built to help you discover music and news

Support, a music platform built to help you discover music and news

Support, a music platform built to help you discover music and news

Munyuki Manatsa
Munyuki Manatsa
Munyuki Manatsa
Munyuki Manatsa
1 Campaign |
Windhoek, Namibia
$25 USD 1 backers
0% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
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Choose your Perk

Tweet in your honor

$10 USD
A tweet in your honor thanking your generosity.
0 claimed

A blog mention

$25 USD
I will mention you in a blog post thanking your generosity and support.
1 claimed

A beautiful Namibian Postcard

$50 USD
You will get a very beautiful postcard just to show my appreciation for your support
0 claimed

A hand written letter

$100 USD
I will right a personal hand written letter expressing my gratitude for your support.
0 claimed

A cool t-shirt

$250 USD
You will get a cool t-shirt and handwritten letter and a postcard to show my gratitude for my support.
0 claimed


$500 USD
You will be listed on the website as a contributor. Besides that you will also get handwritten letter and a postcard.
0 claimed

Diamond Contributor

$1,000 USD
Your name will be listed on the website as a contributor. Besides that you will get to talk to me one on one on skype. Also I will give 8 hours of free programming on a problem of your choice.
0 claimed
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