Your Contribution will help overcome this.
1.5 Trillion Gallons of Water!
The EPA and the American Waterworks Association tell us that this much water is wasted
each year just in the USA by faulty, leaking toilets. And yet no one is really addressing this issue. The government focuses on mandating low flow toilets that save one half to two gallons of water per flush (about 3,000 gallons a year), but that's a drop in the toilet when you compare it to 75,000 or even 200,000 gallons just from one leaky toilet. 75,000 gallons of water fills four swimming pools! And almost no one realizes that their toilet will waste that amount of water when it starts leaking.
We're Aqua Mizer, a small team of entrepreneurs that are developing and marketing water saving products to be sold around the world. Our best selling product is the Aqua Mizer Adjustable Flush System that has the following features:
- A patented fill valve that prevents leaks and keeps that 75,000 gallons of water from flowing into your toilet and going down the drain.
- A design that includes no internal metal parts to clog or corrode.
- An adjustable flapper that flushes with less water and more velocity, allowing one strong flush instead of two or three weaker flushes to clear the bowl.
- A sediment filter that is easily removed for cleaning.
- A 10-year warranty on the fill valve and five years on the flapper.
Breakthrough Development
And now we are in the final stages of completing our newest product, The Protector Flush System. This game-changing device will turn off the fill valve in the event of a catastrophic leak or flood. If the flapper gets stuck, the tank cracks, the bowl clogs, or some other problem occurs, and water is running uncontrolled, the system will turn off the incoming water in about a minute. This could prevent untold amounts of water being wasted, and more importantly, save tens of thousands of dollars in flood damage, and even much more if you live in a multistory building.
Barriers to Success
While most people are Green-conscious, they don't want to be inconvenienced in order to make their homes Green. They don't appreciate the importance of saving water through leak prevention. And they don't realize the incredible amount of water they are wasting with the insidious leak in their toilet. However, we're confident that they will respond to a simple, inexpensive device that will not only prevent that quiet leak, but also protect their home from serious damage.
The flush segment of the toilet bowl industry is dominated by a handful of players that offer basic products that flush toilets, but do not effectively reduce water consumption. And since our patented products do so much more to address the critical need to save water, the competition would like nothing more than to stifle our entry to the market and halt our success.
And these are the reasons why this new Protector System is so important. It is a break-through product unlike anything available on the market. And one that we expect will immediately gain national recognition.
Our Goal - Your Reward
We set a modest goal of only $20,000 for this campaign, as we do not know the mindset of Indiegogo's visitors.
- Are they concerned about the drinking water issues in the USA and around the world?
- Can they grasp the concept of a better flush system in the toilet?
- Does a product that is not a high-tech gadget appeal to them?
- Will they help us achieve our mission?
Since 2008, we have spent over a half million dollars developing and introducing our original products. And in 2013, after we started getting some distribution and sales, we learned how important this newest product feature could be. A catastrophic leak, while not as prevalent as a simple flapper leak, is far more damaging. So we invested a substantial sum in developing The Protector Flush System. And now that the injection mold tooling is complete and the product testing is finalized, we need to raise funds to purchase inventory from our contract manufacturer.
We require only $15,000 to purchase a partial container of product. And we need $5,000 to introduce the product through our wholesale distribution channel. If we get less than the goal, we will order a smaller quantity at a higher unit price, and spend less on the marketing. Our hope, however is that we raise far more than the goal. If we do, it will indicate that the product may have even more consumer potential than we anticipate. In that scenario, we will increase our initial order to accommodate distribution to some other countries. And we will be able to fund a full blown marketing and promotion campaign.
Help Fund our Project and Get Perked!
To encourage you to help us fund this project, we are offering Aqua Mizer products that will actually give you a return on your investment and help you support the critical Green movement. And while all items are shipped free in the USA, if you could add $5 to partially defray shipping and handling, it would help make more funds available for our project.
And if you can't make a financial commitment, you can still help us by spreading the word about our important project. Tell your friends about our Indiegogo fund-raising program, and also invite them to visit our website: to see for themselves how these products can make a difference.
In addition to our sales in the US, we're getting inquiries from The Caribbean, Central America, Europe, India, The Philippines, Iraq, Australia and South Africa, among others. The Protector is going to provide the platform to help us launch distribution to these and other countries.
Each person that supports us with a financial contribution will have their name added to an Honor Roll Page on our website. We want everyone to know that you helped make the world a little greener, and made more drinking water available to people around the world.