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The Beth Edges - New Album

Support us and become an important part of our new album.

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The Beth Edges - New Album

The Beth Edges - New Album

The Beth Edges - New Album

The Beth Edges - New Album

The Beth Edges - New Album

Support us and become an important part of our new album.

Support us and become an important part of our new album.

Support us and become an important part of our new album.

Support us and become an important part of our new album.

The Beth Edges
The Beth Edges
The Beth Edges
The Beth Edges
1 Campaign |
Vienna, Austria
$10,746 USD $10,746 USD 186 backers
102% of $10,514 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

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                     ***'Golden Ticket' Weihnachtsspecial***

Als verfrühtes Weihnachtsgeschenk gibt es für alle 'Golden Ticket' Besitzer und jene, die's noch werden wollen, jeweils einen Gästelistenplatz für beide Shows dazu.
- Ticket + 1 für 'Exklusive Pre-Release Show, 01 März 2014 in Wien'
- Ticket + 1 für 'Official Release Show, 14 März 2014 in Wien'

                                 !!!! UPDATE !!!!!! NEW PERKS!!!!

Ladies & Gentlemen!
(Deutsche Version weiter unten)

We are THE BETH EDGES, a rock band from Vienna, Austria.
We can't quite believe it, but we've been a band for 6 years already, spending time together in the rehearsal room, in the studio, on the road and on stage. After so many years and two released Album, we've decided to take destiny into our own hands. We're so stoked about the new songs we've written in the past couple of months and in order to properly record all of them, several components (producer, engineer, studio, string section and additional musicians, mixing, travel costs...) are necessary. Unfortunately, those won't come cheap. That's why we want to get you on board, to record an album together. An album, that is part of everyone!

You can support us and our new album and we'll reward you in return, for example, with an exclusive album pre-release show, your photos in the CD booklet or with a limited hand-signed copy of our new album (for a detailed list see below). You are an important part of our new album and the more we are, the more exciting it will be. The album is going to be released in spring 2014 and we won't disappoint you. Promise!

We're so thrilled about bringin you guys in this time!

Any more questions? Don't hesitate to contact us: crowdfunding[at]

Thank you so much!
Dave, Andy, Flo, Toby

Here's a list of all the lovely packages we've put together for you (English/German):


Ladies & Gentlemen!

Wir sind THE BETH EDGES, eine Rockband aus Wien. Wir können es selber kaum glauben, aber uns gibt es schon seit mehr als 6 Jahren. Wir haben unheimlich intensive Erfahrungen mit Konzerten, anderen Leuten und hauptsächlich mit euch gemacht; Erfahrungen, die uns die Strümpfe vom Fuß rissen; Leute, die unseren Kopf förmlich explodieren ließen und Konzerte (wie zB die zweimalige Erschütterung des Frequency Festivals, Nova Rock, Odeon Musiktheater usw.), von denen wir vor 6 Jahren maximal in der Tiefschlafphase träumen konnten. Eine wundervolle Geschichte. Nun sei aber geklärt, dass das spannendste Kapitel dieser Geschichte noch vor uns liegt. Wir haben uns entschlossen, nun gemeinsam mit euch, das hoffentlich beste Album unser Karriere aufzunehmen, ein Album, das uns allen gehört, das ein Teil von uns allen sein wird.
Monetäre Unterstützung für Kunst wird in diesem Land von Jahr zu Jahr gekürzt, aber wir werden hier den Teufel tun und jammern wie die Kesselflicker, viel mehr betrachten wir das hier jetzt als Chance: Wir stehen sozusagen nun an einer Kreuzung und entscheiden uns für den Weg, der euch direkt miteinbezieht. Crowdfunding scheint etwas Funktionerendes zu sein, da es ja auch ganz einfach geht: Ihr entscheidet euch, wie ihr uns unterstützen wollt, das abgefahrenste Album ever aufzunehmen und bekommt dafür exklusive, limitierte Stücke, die es nur hier zu erstehen gibt. Ein Schelm, der sich denkt, dass dies eng verknüpft mit Bankenwesen, Kredithaien und Winkeladvokaten ist. Nein, das ist es nicht. Viel mehr holen wir euch in unser Boot: Mit eurer Unterstützung versprechen wir, ein Album aufzunehmen, auf das wir alle stolz sein können. Ihr seid das Herz des Albums. Etwaige Bedenken wischen wir wie eine frischgeschlüpfte Wespe von unseren Köpfen weg: Ihr kauft hier nicht die Katze im Sack; Vertraut uns, wir haben Songs geschrieben, auf die wir endlos stolz sind und die wir unbedingt mit euch teilen wollen. Das Album wird im Frühjahr 2014 erscheinen und wir können euch versprechen, dass wir euch nicht enttäuschen werden.

Um die deutsche Beschreibung der Goodie-Packages zu lesen, einfach raufscrollen.

Noch Fragen? Wir helfen gerne weiter. Einfach eine Mail an: crowdfunding[at]

Danke Danke Danke
Dave, Andy, Flo, Toby

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Choose your Perk


CD(LTD)+Photo In The Booklet

Currency Conversion $32 USD
€30 EUR
That's definitely the pick of our perks list. In order to really become a part of us and our new album, you can send us your photo which will be included in the booklet of the CD. This makes you a central and visible element of our album. If you show this to your kids in 30 years, they'll be terribly envious of you! * please contact us for overseas shipping
22 out of 100 of claimed

You Are Awesome!

Currency Conversion $5 USD
€5 EUR
For no more than 5€, you'll get our first single (digital) prior to the official release. Moreover, you will be thanked in a digital thanks list on our website.
2 claimed

Digital Album

Currency Conversion $11 USD
€10 EUR
10€ for the digital album. Once the the album is finished, you'll be sent a code with which you can download our new songs right onto your computer.
14 claimed


Currency Conversion $16 USD
€15 EUR
The timeless classic. The postman will bring you a copy of our new album right to your door. * please contact us for overseas shipping
11 claimed

Vinyl + Digital Album

Currency Conversion $19 USD
€18 EUR
You love the sound of vinyl? So do we. + The cover will be signed by the band + Download code for the digital album *Should you live outside of Austria please contact us for shipping details.
46 claimed

Limited Edition CD

Currency Conversion $21 USD
€20 EUR
This lovely package includes an exlusive version of our new album featuring a nice bonus track. Numbered, hand-signed and with a beautiful sticker on the cover. * please contact us for overseas shipping
40 claimed

Tape (LTD) + Digital Album

Currency Conversion $37 USD
€35 EUR
For all romantics and tape lovers. Each one of us will design 25 different covers, which means that every single tape is unique and one of a kind. Of course you can buy more copies if you want to find out who the most talented designer in the band is. Includes a download code for the album, as iPhones still don't play tapes. * please contact us for overseas shipping
1 out of 100 of claimed


Currency Conversion $47 USD
€45 EUR
The perfect goodie for the fashionable Beth Edges fan! The package includes a T-shirt and a Totebag. + vinyl OR CD(LTD) + photo in the CD booklet + free copy of "Blank Coins, Round Dice
4 claimed

Exlusive Handmade Photobook

Currency Conversion $53 USD
€50 EUR
If you always wanted to get a closer insight into the band's life, that's the perfect goodie for you. For 50€ you'll get a very special photobook including exlusive and unreleased photos of us in the studio and on the road. Hand-crafted by us with love! + Limited Edition CD + Totebag
3 out of 10 of claimed

The Golden Ticket + CD (LTD)

Currency Conversion $63 USD
€60 EUR
It's getting really exciting now. If you like this package best, you'll get tickets for an exlusive release show, prior to the official one. The concert will take place in Austria and only 50 tickets are available. But, there's more to come. In addition to the pre-release show ticket, you'll also get a ticket for the official show and you'll be eternalised in the CD booklet. + Limited Edition CD
19 out of 50 of claimed

Listening Party

Currency Conversion $84 USD
€80 EUR
Once the new album is finished, we'll invite you to an exlusive listening session. The drinks are on us! + merchpackage
2 out of 6 of claimed

Music Lessons w/ Fö + CD (LTD)

Currency Conversion $105 USD
€100 EUR
You're a fan of playing instruments? This package is just right for you. Fö will pay you a visit at your house and jams with you for an hour on an instrument of your choice. He is an all-rounder who knows how to sing, to play the drums, the guitar and the piano. + You can send us your photo which will be included in the CD booklet of our new album. + Limited Edition CD *Travel costs not included. Don't hesitate to contact us for further information.
3 out of 8 of claimed

Rehearsal Room/Skype Session

Currency Conversion $421 USD
€400 EUR
If you purchase this package, you can join us in our rehearsal room (Vienna or Upper Austria) where we'll prepare for our upcoming album release tour. Thus, you can listen to our live set prior to everyone else. In case you're a couch potato, we can also stream our practice session right into your living room via Skype. + Merchpackage
1 out of 2 of claimed
sold out

Meet The Band + CD (LTD)

Currency Conversion $105 USD
€100 EUR
6 out of 6 of claimed
sold out

We Cook - You Eat + CD (LTD)

Currency Conversion $263 USD
€250 EUR
2 out of 2 of claimed
sold out

Acoustic Concert At Your Place

Currency Conversion $526 USD
€500 EUR
2 out of 2 of claimed
sold out

Acoustic Concert At Your Place

Currency Conversion $526 USD
€500 EUR
3 out of 3 of claimed
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