Hire this writer to do full-time what he is already doing part-time. Why? To accelerate the completion of a miracle breakthrough book—The Bible's Hidden Wisdom. Your help is needed to get it published this year.
Topics to be Covered
These are some of the shocking discoveries the book will reveal.
- A biblical timeline compatible with those of science, healing the century-old rift between science and religion.
- The seemingly outrageous longevity of the early patriarchs—from 110 to 969 years of age, and what those ages really mean.
- The reason for the incredible support God gave a liar and a murderer (Cain and later his descendant, Lamech), and how Genesis 4 is a critical clue.
- The specific and previously unknown reason for Noah's Flood.
- The target of the Flood and the exact crimes they committed.
- The discovery of the Jewish mystics' "Tree of Life" (Kabbalah) embedded in two chapters of Genesis.
- The true identity of the "daughters of men" mentioned in Genesis 6.
- The real meaning of the 7 days of Creation in Genesis 1 and 2.
- The nature of prayer and miracles.
- The truth of who we really are.
- What Christ meant by "everlasting life."
- And a great deal more.
My name is Rod Martin, Jr. I've been a divinity student and a student of electronic engineering. I've been a Hollywood artist with screen credit and a software engineer with a degree, summa cum laude.
But what excites me more than anything is discovering new things in the Bible. And I've made a number of very interesting discoveries that could answer some lifelong questions—like, what was the crime behind Noah's Flood? Is there a biblical timeline compatible with those of science? I believe I have found answers to these questions and many more. In fact, I've been shown things in Genesis that I wasn't even looking for.
But who am I to claim that I've found answers that have eluded scholars for centuries? No one special. Merely another child of God like everyone else on this planet. Why did God pick me? I honestly don't know. At times, I've had a big ego to go with my sins. But I've seen miracles that would curl your hair, and yet I hunger for the warm embrace of both the Son and the Father.
For several years I've been researching and writing articles about what I've discovered. And now, I'm writing a book about it. But I need your help.
It takes time to write a book. If I had a large savings account, I'd hire myself, but I need help. I could take a few more years to finish this one, but I feel it's too important to keep it waiting that long. And I feel I could gain more momentum from having a support team who is just as interested as I am in seeing it completed. That's where you come in.
The Need and What the Money Will Be Used For
If I could dedicate full time to this project, I could finish the first draft in 3 months, based on other projects of similar size. That would be far better than the 3–5 years it might take part-time. We don't know when God will bring Armageddon, but the signs have been growing throughout my entire lifetime, and starting shortly before it began. I feel time is running out.
Reaching 100% of this campaign would pay for,
- Modest living expenses for the period of the project (rent, food, electricity, internet, water, gas, health and hygiene), about $1700/month for the family.
- Delivery of all perks to you and your fellow supporters.
- Taxes.
- IndieGoGo fee.
- Marketing through Amazon.com and other channels.
Anything above this amount would help greatly in getting more marketing done, hiring a publicist, and possibly even booking tours across America and worldwide. But the most important goal is getting the book produced quickly.
What You Get
The deep satisfaction of contributing to the publication of an important spiritual book.
If you choose, you will also receive one of several exciting perks to keep as a memento of your participation. From getting an electronic copy of the book and an acknowledgment in the book for your assistance, to an autographed hardback copy, there are a wide range of possible bonuses and benefits. See the "Perks" section, below, for more details.
The Impact
What also excites me is the idea that this book could heal the rift between science and religion, because both seek answers to the things created by God. This book shows how there is no conflict between science and religion. The only conflict exists between individual egos.
And more importantly, this book demonstrates the significance of humility in any search for answers, whether in science or matters of the spirit.
This book, The Bible's Hidden Wisdom, God's Reason for Noah's Flood, is a spiritual quest more than a religious one. It will also include logic, mathematics and yes, even science. But instead of the imperfect (biased) standard of skepticism, this project will use the more benign and neutral model of restraint and humility. After all, science should remain unbiased.
This project will attempt to explore secrets that have remained hidden in the Bible for thousands of years. It will also look at clues found in science. To the biblical literalist, this may seem an abomination, but whoever said the entire Bible was to be taken literally?
"Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life" (2 Corinthians 3:6 KJV). Those who cling to the literal meaning miss out on the big picture. Insisting on the literal as "Truth" is the essence of laziness and arrogance, and yet the Bible requires humility and hard work. You cannot receive answers if your cup is already full. As imperfect humans, we need to be prepared to remain humble at all times. Every good scientist knows this at one time or another. And the saintly thrive on it.
3 Ways You Can Help
1. Donate cash.
Even the smallest amount will help. Don't be shy. I'm grateful for every gift, no matter how small or big. While I prefer PayPal, if you use credit card, you can also use it through PayPal which would get the money to us that much sooner—fewer banking delays.
2. Join in the discussion.
I've created a forum to discuss the various topics of the book. I look forward to your input. This will be part of the final leg of research, but also a method for helping to promote the book. You'll find the discussion at The Bible's Hidden Wisdom forum on www.GenesisCode.Net.
3. Help spread the word.
Tell your friends, fellow church and family members. Use the Indiegogo tools to post on your Facebook page, Tweet the campaign and even place a link on your own website, if you have one. Anything you can do would be most welcome.
More About the Author
I have spent a lifetime in pursuit of spiritual answers, never satisfied with the literal and easy meaning.
I have been a Hollywood artist with screen credit. I have been a divinity student and a student of electronic engineering. I have won first place honors for both an essay ("Outsiderness in the Scientific Community") and a short story ("Toady"). I have designed and programmed 3D astronomy software and co-authored (with John Dalmas) a novel (Touch the Stars: Emergence), produced by a New York publisher (Tor Books). I have pursued a computer science degree and received my bachelors, summa cum laude. But all of these activities pale in significance compared to my spiritual journey. They simply are not that important.
Many of my recent projects can be found through my Tharsis Highlands website.
The Perks
For some of the perks you have a choice of t-shirts, mugs or caps. Below are thumbnails of the products with various designs. Below that are close-ups of the individual designs.
1) Genesis 1:26
2) Genesis 5:2
3) Genesis 6:3
4) 2 Corinthians 3:6
5) "The Bible's Hidden Wisdom" cover art
6) Noah's Ark
7) Tree of Life found embedded in Genesis
$10—Grain of Sand
First of all, you receive my warmest, heartfelt thanks in a personal email for believing in this project. Also, you will receive an early PDF copy of the book. In addition, you will have your name included in the book's and website's "Also Thanks" section.
Estimated Delivery: October, 2013
$25—Mustard Seed
In addition to my email thanks and early PDF copy, you will receive a Kindle or Nook copy of the book, and you will have your name included in the book's and website's "Thanks" section.
Estimated Delivery: November, 2013
Perks With a Physical Delivery
The remainder of the perks, below, require your shipping address and books have an estimated delivery in December (currently scheduled early enough for a pre-Christmas arrival). T-shirts, mugs and caps will be shipped in May.
In addition to my email thanks and the PDF copy, you will have your name included in the book's and website's "Special Thanks" section. Plus, you will receive the trade paperback version of the book.
$75—Exodus (limit: 200)
Along with the email thanks and PDF copy, you will have your name included in the book's and website's "Bronze Sponsor" section. Plus, you will receive the trade paperback autographed by the author. Your choice of one item: mug, cap or t-shirt with your choice of design(s). Please add $10 for shipping outside USA.
$100—Parting the Sea
Along with the email thanks and PDF copy, you will have your name included in the book's and website's "Silver Sponsor" section. Plus, you will receive the hardback version of the book. Your choice of one item: mug, cap or t-shirt with your choice of design(s). Please add $10 for shipping outside USA.
$150—Healing Divisions (limit: 100)
Along with the email thanks and PDF copy, you will have your name included in the book's and website's "Gold Sponsor" section. Plus, you will receive the hardback version autographed by the author. Your choice of two items: mug, cap or t-shirt with your choice of design(s). Please add $10 for shipping outside USA.
$250—Building a Foundation (limit: 60)
Along with the email thanks and PDF copy, you will have your name included in the book's and website's "Platinum Sponsor" section. Plus, you will receive the hardback version autographed by the author and a 30-minute, one-on-one Skype call from the author to discuss the book. Your choice of three items: mug, cap or t-shirt with your choice of design(s). Please add $10 for shipping outside USA.
$500—Growing Stronger with Humility (limit 30)
Along with the email thanks and PDF copy, you will have your name included in the book's and website's "Water-of-Life Sponsor" section. Plus, you will receive the hardback version autographed by the author. In addition, you will receive two 30-minute, one-on-one Skype calls from the author to discuss the book. Your choice of four items: mug, cap or t-shirt with your choice of design(s). Please add $10 for shipping outside USA.
Additional Note on Perks
If you later decide to donate more, let me know and I will merge your contributions so that you receive the larger perk, but letting me know is important. Some may want two of the smaller perks; and I will assume this unless you let me know. If you do not want your name used in the book or website as a sponsor, please let me know so I can honor your wishes.
Progress So Far, State of the Project and The Plan
I've already done most of the research and have written more than 60 pages of the book. Only after this did I realize that progress was far slower than I would like.
Based on my writing speed for a previous novel (Edge of Remembrance), on which I was able to write full-time, and other non-fiction articles, I should have the first draft completed in 3 months. That's an estimated 500 pages or more. The cover art is already done. At the end of the fourth month, the finished manuscript will be done. That leaves two months for the final production and shipping. Living in the Philippines, creates a minor hurdle in the delivery of autographed copies, but the costs involved have been built into the perks.
Thank you for your interest. Now, let's get this book written and published.