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The Brown Moses Blog

Help an independent blogger with a proven record produce more investigative work, and stay independent.

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The Brown Moses Blog

The Brown Moses Blog

The Brown Moses Blog

The Brown Moses Blog

The Brown Moses Blog

Help an independent blogger with a proven record produce more investigative work, and stay independent.

Help an independent blogger with a proven record produce more investigative work, and stay independent.

Help an independent blogger with a proven record produce more investigative work, and stay independent.

Help an independent blogger with a proven record produce more investigative work, and stay independent.

Eliot Higgins
Eliot Higgins
Eliot Higgins
Eliot Higgins
1 Campaign |
Leicester, United Kingdom
$8,048 USD $8,048 USD 203 backers
106% of $7,544 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

The Blog

When I started the Brown Moses Blog one year ago I really had no idea how successful and important it would become.  I started it more as a pastime, gathering information from a variety of online sources I thought the traditional media had overlooked.  As I kept writing, I gained more and more followers, and started to collect an increasing amount of important information on the topics I focused on. Soon I was writing guides to the UK phone hacking scandal, uncovering the use of cluster bombs in Syria, and uncovering a wide range of information that would have otherwise been overlooked.

The Brown Moses Blog has now become a highly respected source of information, both on the UK phone hacking scandal and the conflict in Syria, with the following being just some of the news organisations that have mentioned me and my work

But you don't just have to take my word for it, here are some quotes about my work from the world of Hackgate, the Arab Spring, and social media.

Why Crowdfunding?

The Brown Moses Blog is something I've always done in the spare time I get between work and helping my wife look after my daughter. Usually, I get a few hours each evening to sit down and really focus on the blog, spending much of that time looking through around 500 Youtube channels belonging to activists, civilians, and armed groups in Syria, looking for anything that stands out.

What I'm hoping to do with this campaign is to turn the Brown Moses Blog from a part-time hobby to a full-time job. Being able to spend my entire day working on the blog will mean more information gathered from a variety of sources, and more posts on the blog, giving a deeper insight into the subjects I cover on my blog.

As a result of working full-time of the blog my second goal is to begin producing regular videos exploring different aspects of the Syrian conflict, using my vast archive of videos to put together informative videos, along the lines of this interview I did with ITN's Truthloader.

The fund-raising target I've set is enough to keep me blogging full-time for the next six months, with money raised beyond that allowing me to blog for longer, purchase better equipment and software to work with, and translate my blog posts into Arabic using professional translators.

Who am I?

In recent weeks there's been a spate of articles about me and my work, so here's a selection of those articles for those of you who want to know more about me.

The Guardian - How Brown Moses exposed Syrian arms trafficking from his front room

Channel 4 News - Brown Moses: the British blogger tracking Syrian arms

CNN - In his living room, blogger traces arms trafficking to Syria

Deutsche Welle – Interview with Eliot Higgins

Here's some articles for non-English speakers

NOS TV - Britse blogger stort zich op Syrische wapenhandel (Dutch)

ARD TV - Gestern Kosovo, heute Syrien (German)

Radio Netherlands Worldwide – Brown Moses – A Reliable Source Of Information On The Weapons In Syria (Arabic)

Sky Italia - Siria, il blogger che racconta il lato oscuro della guerra (Italian)

Vercernji List - Kako sam otkrio da Hrvati šalju oružje u Siriju (Croatian)


Bitcoin donations

A number of people have been asking about making donations of Bitcoins, so I've created a Bitcoin Wallet - 123zBFCyg6Xs69hh19c9qsJGSdd1s28iVJ

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Choose your Perk

Brown Moses

Currency Conversion $4 USD
£3 GBP
Thank you for your contribution, and supporting the Brown Moses Blog.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
14 claimed

Bronze Moses

Currency Conversion $13 USD
£10 GBP
Your name will be featured on a page of thanks on the blog.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
49 claimed

Silver Moses

Currency Conversion $31 USD
£25 GBP
Your name and a link to your Twitter account, blog, or website will be featured at the top of the page of thanks on the blog.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
25 claimed

Gold Moses

Currency Conversion $63 USD
£50 GBP
Have a blog post dedicated to you, or an individual/organisation of your choice, including a link, as well as inclusion on the page of thanks. I reserve the right to exclude offensive organisations or individuals.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
11 out of 20 of claimed

Platinum Moses

Currency Conversion $126 USD
£100 GBP
Have a blog post dedicated to you, or an individual/organisation of your choice, including a banner at the end of the post, a note of personal thanks sent from me to you, and inclusion on the page of thanks. I reserve the right to exclude offensive organisations or individuals.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
5 out of 20 of claimed

Diamond Moses

Currency Conversion $314 USD
£250 GBP
The £100 reward, and a video blog dedicated to you, or an individual/organisation of your choice, with a 10 second dedication at the start and end of the video. Also, a note of personal thanks sent from me to you, as well as inclusion on the page of thanks. I reserve the right to exclude offensive organisations or individuals.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
2 out of 20 of claimed

Ultimate Moses

Currency Conversion $1,257 USD
£1,000 GBP
A side banner ad for you, or an individual/organisation of your choice at the top right of the blog for a month. An executive producer credit on each video I produce, as well as a letter of personal thanks. This also includes inclusion on the page of thanks. I reserve the right to exclude offensive organisations or individuals.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
0 out of 6 of claimed
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