My name is Charles Cannon, a sci-fi writer and collage artist in Bloomington, Indiana. Looking back over the many years that I have been writing and engaging in various art projects, I recognize the long-term impact William S. Burroughs has had on me. As his 100th birthday is approaching, my friends and I have decided to honor that event, and Burroughs' wide-ranging influence on literature, art, music, and film, with a festival that will feature Burroughs' achievements in these media, as well as the efforts of other writers, artists, and musicians influenced by Burroughs. We are calling this event the Burroughs Century, but we are not looking backward; rather, we believe that the Burroughs Century is ongoing, that we are in the midst of it, and we intend to stage an event that indicates the full range of that continuing influence, including a film series, art and literature exhibits, speakers and panels, musical performances, and more.
We are trying to raise $10,000 to bring speakers, artists, and musicians in from other states. All of the money we raise will be used for that purpose. In every case, these are hard-working, creative people who want to take part in the festival, but simply cannot afford to travel here without our help. Whether we reach our goal or not, everything we raise will go toward making this festival better and honoring Burroughs' legacy.
We are offering a range of perks for your contributions: a thank you on our web page, a Burroughs t-shirt produced by RE/Search publishing in San Francisco, a Burroughs print by Louisville artist Josh Johnson, and a producer credit in the festival program.
Any amount you give will be used for designing and printing the festival program, paying travel expenses for speakers, artists, and musicians, and spreading word of this important event. William S. Burroughs is a decisively important American writer and artist, who pushed the limits of every medium he worked in. This festival will be an international event celebrating not only his 100th birthday, but also his ongoing legacy in literature, music, and art. Your contribution, no matter what amount, makes this possible, and we cannot do it without you.
We understand if you cannot make a contribution, but if this project is important to you, help us spread the word! Tell your friends about it, and use the share tools provided by Indiegogo.