This campaign is closed

The Cast Away

A tale of adventure & Gothic horror. Definitely not your great-great-grandfather’s Robinson Crusoe!

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The Cast Away

The Cast Away

The Cast Away

The Cast Away

The Cast Away

A tale of adventure & Gothic horror. Definitely not your great-great-grandfather’s Robinson Crusoe!

A tale of adventure & Gothic horror. Definitely not your great-great-grandfather’s Robinson Crusoe!

A tale of adventure & Gothic horror. Definitely not your great-great-grandfather’s Robinson Crusoe!

A tale of adventure & Gothic horror. Definitely not your great-great-grandfather’s Robinson Crusoe!

Wayne Reinagel
Wayne Reinagel
Wayne Reinagel
Wayne Reinagel
1 Campaign |
Collinsville, United States
$710 USD 7 backers
0% of $500,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
My goal is to adapt my best-selling novel, The Cast Away, into a feature-length motion picture. In the following paragraphs I hope to explain the how, when, where, and why, without boring you too much or repeating myself too often. Please bear with me while I do so. BTW, if you enjoyed the video trailer at the top of this page, an Extended version of this “sizzle” trailer is also available for viewing at my YouTube and Facebook sites. Search for The Cast Away or Knightraven Studios. Thank you.

The Project:


Definitely not your great-great-grandfather’s Robinson Crusoe!


Way back in 1719, the English author Daniel Defoe penned the famous classic novel, Robinson Crusoe. Since the original publication, the best-selling adventure story has never been out of print and is second only to the Bible in its number of translations. Widely considered by academics as the first English novel, and one of the most widely published books in history, Robinson Crusoe has been adapted to stage, graphic novels, radio, television, and film. Next year, in 2019, we celebrate the 300th anniversary of the publication of Robinson Crusoe!


So, what has this got to do with my Indiegogo fund-raiser?

Following in Defoe’s footsteps, five years ago I wrote my own island survival novel, entitled The Cast Away. My novel is a face-paced, action-packed adventure story. For the first two chapters, the main character in The Cast Away shares a similar fate to the ill-fated Robinson Crusoe, becoming a lone survivor on a remote desert isle after a shipwreck at sea. From there, the plot deviates sharply and the character faces unique challenges that Defoe never considered in his wildest flights of imagination. In addition to enduring starvation and solitude, the main character is soon beset by a blood-thirsty horde of cannibals, encounters an imprisoned demon named Legion, befriends a near-immortal hermit - who was stranded on the isle two hundred years earlier, and is stalked by a monstrous, prehistoric creature that haunts the island. The novel is aptly described as a tale of Gothic horror; sort of a Robinson Crusoe meets the Devil’s Advocate meets Jurassic Park. Although the title of my book might conjure images of the popular 2001 Tom Hanks movie, (no “The”) Cast Away, this story is much different and much darker in nature.


As mentioned above, my goal, and the reason for this crowd-funding program, is that I wish to adapt this best-selling novel, The Cast Away, into a feature-length/major motion picture. In the following paragraphs I hope to explain the how, when, where, and why, without boring you too much or repeating myself too often. I beg of you to bear with me while I do so.


Soon after I completed the writing of The Cast Away, a reader mentioned that it would make a spectacular movie, and the thought of doing it sparked my imagination. All my life I have studied film techniques and special effects, and have always dreamed of filming a full-length feature film. Like so many talented people in the world, however, I have always had financial and scheduling obligations that prevented me from actively pursuing my dreams. And I knew that only a GREAT production could launch my film-making career. But, there was never an opportunity when I could justify the time and expense of a project of this magnitude. Or a story available for me to produce. Or the funds.


Then I wrote The Cast Away. I consistently sell out of this novel at every venue and book-signing. So, now I have the gathered the knowledge of film-making and also have the story. All I am missing at this point is the funding. And your contribution will make the difference. I must confess; I am so excited with the idea of making this story into a movie!


By the way, I hope you enjoyed the sample “sizzle” reel at the top of this page. If you wish to see more of the story, an extended trailer is also available for viewing at my YouTube and Facebook sites. Search for The Cast Away or Knightraven Studios.


Both trailers were created using royalty-free stock video footage, public domain media and audio clips, and a little help from my friends. As I appeal to your generosity, please remember I created my sizzle reels utilizing second hand computer equipment and outdated programs. Just think of what I could accomplish with modern equipment and programs?


One of the paintings I did for the opening chapter of The Cast Away novel.


Who am I?

Remember how Captain America responded to the Red Skull when asked, “What makes you so special?”  His reply? “Nothing. I’m just a kid from Brooklyn.”  But the audience could all see that Steve Rogers was that and so much more.


Being a realist, I have put myself in YOUR shoes, reading this and trying to decide, “Why should I give this unknown guy any of my hard-earned money? What makes him so special?” I appreciate what a leap of faith this must be! And, let’s be honest, there is no dignified way to write what is essentially a begging letter. But, like Captain America, I have skills and abilities that might not be immediately evident at first glance.


In the next couple of paragraphs, I hope to assure you that my film project is worthy of your support and that you can trust me with your financial investment.


Who am I?

Short answer?  Merely a man who has plans to adapt his best-selling novel, The Cast Away, into a movie that I can be proud of and entertains audiences. In collaboration with some incredibly gifted individuals, my goal is to raise funds that will allow me to direct and produce a feature length motion picture.


Who am I?

Long answer?  My name is Wayne Reinagel. I am an honest, dedicated family man, and a motivated self-starter. When I see something important I want to do, I rarely back down and I never give up.  It’s not in my blood to surrender or admit defeat. One of my greatest skills is problem solving, finding ways to get things done, often earlier that projected and under budget.


I am a self-taught artist and writer. Over the past ten years, my paintings have been displayed at several art venues. As a writer, I currently have seven published novels to my name, with several more in the works. Each of my books was nominated for awards and I’m proud to share that my latest novel, Pulp Heroes - Sanctuary Falls, recently won the award for Best Novel of the Year.


I currently work a full-time job as an Architectural draftsman for a homebuilder in St. Louis, Missouri. Evenings and weekends, I work at my privately-owned studio, writing, painting, editing audio books, and creating “sizzle” trailers. With the help of a very talented colleague from the UK, I am converting all my novels into audio books.


Over the past thirty years I have worked with a wide spectrum of complex 2D and 3D computer programs, including Illustrator, Photoshop, Vertex, and Premiere. I’m always pushing the envelope, trying new and interesting things. I enjoy a challenge. Some samples of my digital art can be found at Deviantart and at my website .


Why do I want to make this film?

I’m a lover of film and books. I have several thousand movies in my personal collection, and tens of thousands of books. All my life, I have studied film techniques and followed advancements made in technology and special effects. In my opinion, if done correctly, a film can be the ultimate expression of a written story. A perfect combination of visual and audio.


You might ask, “Why not sell the novel to a Hollywood studio?”  I created this novel, it’s my baby, and I don’t want to hand over my baby to someone who has no clue how to take care of it properly. Would you give your child to a complete stranger? Heck, no! And there are other reasons.


Many Hollywood studios, both large and small, are notorious for altering original storylines to the point where the source material is unrecognizable. With the exception of a few, rare individuals, when a writer agrees to sign a standard contractual agreement, he surrenders ALL production rights. In the very first step of the multi-part process of adapting a novel to a movie, a screenplay is written, which might or might not resemble the source material, and is often altered even further during the film process.


When I first began my writing career ten years ago, I soon discovered the publishing world was run in a similar fashion. Without little or no regards or respect to the thoughts and opinions of the writer who spent months or years creating the source material. And many writers have knelt down and signed the contracts, believing there was no other way to become a published author. And, sadly, signed away most, if not all, of their rights. For this reason, I created Knightraven Studios and self-published all my novels. Considering that I have managed to maintain control of all my own artistic rights, I have never regretted that decision for a single moment. But, I digress.


As a writer, financing an independent film through the traditional Hollywood, ultimately means you must sign away those rights in order to get your hard-earned money. These rights often include any alterations and cuts to your script (in order to make it shoot-able on the cheapest possible budget), casting choices, location choices, distribution, and even the “the final cut.” Stranger still, a lot of financing deals require that the final cut goes to the money people, NOT the director; the one person who might understand the source material better than anyone besides the writer.


With the movie The Cast Away, I’m passionate about NOT signing on the dotted line with a traditional financing arrangement. It would be the equivalent of handing a total stranger one of my paintings and asking them to “finish” it for me. Not going to happen. It is far too important to me. Too close to my heart. I have no desire to sell the film rights when I know I can produce a better, higher quality film than many of the most Hollywood studios.


After witnessing the incredible way “Veronica Mars” fans rallied around the idea of making a fan-sponsored, feature film and how supporters helped Zach Braff with “Wish I Was There,” I realized there was a new way for “independent” filmmakers to finance smaller, personal films that doesn’t involve signing away all the artistic control. As a film-lover myself, I prefer to see exactly what the original writer/filmmaker intended, not the convoluted story that emerges/evolves after being rewritten several times.


"Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something." - Thomas A. Edison


So, that is why, in a nutshell, I wish to film my own novel. It will definitely be a trial by fire. Mistakes will be made. Obstacles will need to be overcome. But, quite honestly, I’m not scared. On the one hand, life will go on if this doesn't work ... on the other hand, I’m excited and positively thrilled with the idea of making this movie! And I hope my enthusiasm is contagious.


How will we make this film?

You might have noticed I just switched from “I” to “we.” A film of this size and complexity is not something one person can create all by themselves. There an old phrase used when approaching a massive project, “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer? One bite at a time.


This journey will be one of collaboration and determination, finding the right people for the team, and crystallizing a vision that could inspire the kind of investment necessary to do my story justice. We will produce the film independent of any major studio, giving us the freedom to tell the story right, without any compromises.


Starting with a script that I'm really proud of, I intend to assemble the best group of talent possible, the Knightraven Studios team, and immediately begin working on pre-production. I already have a core group of interested artists and other local professionals lined up and ready to begin.


Many members of this team have already accumulated ample experience from several years of experimentation and production on other projects. In the ideal scenario, we will need roughly one and a half years to produce the entire work. Our goal will be to debut the film at the Sundance Film Festival or a similar venue. No doubt, there will be unforeseen challenges and complications as we push forward, which may change the final date of completion. To avoid possible delays, contingency plans for future steps have already been discussed in great detail.


Naturally, it is impossible to guarantee everything will come together exactly as planned, but we intend to deliver a truly great film to our supporters.


A final word:

The future, long-term goal of the Knightraven Studios team is to continue in the film-making business by adapting several more of my novels, and perhaps others, as well. We understand that to do so, this film adaptation of The Cast Away, MUST be successful.


On a personal note, if you think it is big stakes to give twenty or fifty or a hundred bucks to me to see if I can produce and direct this film - think about the stakes for me! If this film comes out as anything less than totally awesome and spectacular, it would not only humiliate and impoverish me, but I will also be forever banished from my homeworld. (or something like that) But no pressure, right? Hahaha


In my mind, there is only thing that would be worse than launching this Indiegogo program and hearing nothing but crickets (that dreadful silence that follows immediately after posting something you feel is important) or failing to raise the minimum amount listed. That would be not trying at all. My philosophy? Try to do something every day that scares you. One of the ways people grow is when they are exposed to the world outside their comfort zone.


But trust me, this movie will be absolutely awesome!!



How much will this movie cost?

Our initial goal is to raise $500,000 with this crowd-funding campaign, which will be enough to get pre-production started. This is not, however, enough to fund the entire film project from start to completion. The final goal, with the aid of stretch goals, is to generate between $6 and 8 million. (or more.) Why such a huge range; can’t you be more accurate on the budget amount? As any movie producer can confirm, it is virtually impossible to accurately estimate the final budget of any film. The standard process is, FIRST the budget is set and THEN the quality and length of the film is planned out accordingly. Also, there are a thousand unseen variables, including staffing, weather, construction, preparations, permits, and so on. Any funds we cannot raise through Indiegogo will need to be sought through more traditional, private means.


Holy smokes! Back up a second. Half a million dollars!?


I know, half a million seems like a large amount of cash. But creating a movie is not cheap. And, honestly, isn’t this exactly why Indiegogo and Kickstarter were created? Heck, Exploding Cats had 220,000 backers that pledged nearly 9 million dollars, for a freaking card game!! And it doesn’t even come with a soundtrack! hahaha


Another consideration. A crowd-funding fact that is not immediately evident is that a project only receives about 75% of the total money raised. Of the other 25%, 4% goes to Indiegogo, 3.5% goes to payment processing fees, and the rest (or more) gets reserved for assembling and shipping the Perks (the rewards and gifts you earn at different contribution levels.) So, when $1 million is raised, the recipient will only get about 3/4 of that! Or less.

As any film-maker will attest, one of the biggest post-production costs is VFX. One of the most interesting bits of cutting-edge hardware/software we plan to use is facial performance capture, utilizing head-mounted cameras. Created by Industrial Light & Magic, a visual effects company founded by George Lucas, this advanced technology has been successfully used on several major motion pictures. This was used to create the monstrous Orc’s in the Warcraft movie, and many of the special effects in the recent Planet of the Apes films. And The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. This technology allows photo-realistic digital characters to be seamlessly inserted into real or imaginary backgrounds. The possibilities are nearly endless.


Many of the settings in The Cast Away will either be computer enhanced or completely computer-generated. Even many locations of the island will be computer-generated, allowing us to get unique shots that would otherwise be cost prohibitive or completely impossible.


Since we will be using the latest in VFX technology, nearly half our post-production budget will be set aside for this purpose. We have several very talented artists who have prior experience with this technology eagerly waiting to join the ranks, as soon as the funding has been raised.


Although this film is by far the most ambitious project any of us have ever taken on, we are all excited to begin production. We want to thank you in advance for helping us take the first steps of this wild adventure!


We appreciate your investment, and we'll make every effort to produce a product that makes you happy and us proud.


My painting of one of the cannibals who stalk the Cast Away. Nasty fellas!!

How can I help save The Cast Away?

To become one of our backers, just click on the big red button to the right of our video. Kickstarter will ask you for your pledge, which reward you want, and how you want to sign up. Signing up is easy; you can even do it through Facebook.


And then, you will become a member of FOTCA - Friends of The Cast Away!


Can’t contribute right now? We completely understand. But, you can still help!


If you can’t support us with dollars then your enthusiasm and support is equally valuable. - Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Linked-in, Myspace, Instagram, Pinterest, Friendster, and ICQ the project as much as you can. Don’t be afraid to use Morse code or smoke signals. Talk about it with friends and associates at work, comic shops, airports, dog parks, bus terminals, and all secret or not-so-secret gatherings. Spreading the word about the campaign is very important! Truthfully, we are so thankful for any support you can offer during our campaign.


Bottom line, anything you can do is really appreciated!  We need all the help we can get.


Make a pledge today (any size) and become a member of Friends of The Cast Away (FOTCA)

With your help, we can rescue the poor fellow from a lifetime of loneliness and misery on the tropical island.


Special Note: As an “Early Bird” special, a bonus reward will be mailed to the first 1250 sponsors to pledge $50 or more. This reward, with a retail value of $25, will be mailed one week after the successful conclusion of the Indiegogo campaign.


As Stan Lee would say, “Nuff said!”


Excelsior! (Ever upward)



Risks & Challenges


As a small group of film-makers who have never completed such a large project before, chances are good that we will run into occasional hiccups somewhere along the line. Creating a film is a massive endeavor and a classic example of something being far harder than it appears. Making a movie is a complicated technical exercise, and often unforeseen difficulties arise, causing budget and scheduling overruns. There are always risks and challenges when making a film - actors dropping out or having scheduling problems, locations and/or sets not being available, unforeseen costs, equipment trouble, inclement weather, and many other factors could cause problems. To sum it up, movie making is a crazy business, with a lot of unexpected factors and inherent risks, and there generally are plenty of unknowns associated as there is with any challenging endeavor.


Have I mentioned yet that nothing ever goes perfectly?


In the end, however, we will have created a movie that all of us can be proud of. I am extremely confident that this is going to be a great journey, and I thank you in advance if you can help make this ride possible.


As the President of Knightraven Studios, and leader of this project, I will hold myself fully accountable along every step of the way. This means I will find ways to fix whatever problem arises. I have a reputation as a level-headed problem solver, overseeing every step of a process to completion to ensure that it runs smoothly.


As anyone who knows me can attest, I also have a reputation of being honest, upfront, and down to earth. I actually look forward to the challenges, and anticipate the exciting and complicated task ahead.


As fore-mentioned, while we're confident we can meet our deadlines, sometimes unforeseen problems will arise during production. It's impossible to guarantee that everything will come together exactly as planned. And so, we intend to publish a weekly production diary on our website, allowing all contributors to log in and watch our progress. Delays of any merchandise will also be displayed. Every member of our team is committed to being honest and transparent should any problems or delays occur along the way.


While all delivery dates listed on this page are honest estimates, if anything delays the scheduled deliver of your bling, you'll be the first to know!


Once again, the entire Knightraven Studios group wishes to thank you very much for your support and we look forward to embarking on a journey with you into the future!


Now, onward to the really important stuff at the right of the page. The Rewards! The Loot! The Plunder! The Booty! The Treasures!

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Let us know if you think this campaign contains prohibited content.

Choose your Perk

Pledge $1 or more

$1 USD
Don't have much to spend, but still want to help the cause? Even at $1, you will still have our eternal gratitude. Help us become the biggest Indiegogo project yet. (Please.) Let’s face facts, if we could find a way for 8 million people to donate at this level, with no reward packages to ship, our lives would be much simpler. hahaha
Included Items
  • Our Thanks.
0 claimed

Pledge $10 or more

$10 USD
This is the type of pledge you need to make to improve your karma. If you have recently crossed the path of a black cat, walked under a ladder, or broken a mirror, this pledge is guaranteed to help reverse those bad vibes. (Our lawyers insisted on the following disclaimer: All guarantees are implied and not actual. heh heh)
Included Items
  • Make a pledge without a reward
2 claimed

Pledge $15 or more

$15 USD
These screensavers are an assorted collection of high-resolution digital paintings by Wayne Reinagel, including a detailed map of the island (known as Howard’s Island) from The Cast Away story.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
Estimated Shipping
August 2018
0 claimed

Pledge $20 or more

$20 USD
You will have unlimited access to our weekly Production Journals - certain to feature unscripted cameos and bloopers from assorted members of the cast and creators, and also behind-the-scenes scoops.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
Estimated Shipping
August 2018
1 claimed

Pledge $25 or more

$25 USD
You’ll be sent a PDF of the shooting script on the day of the movie’s release. Read it or remain unspoiled, the choice is yours.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $30 or more

$30 USD
You will receive a digital version of The Cast Away movie within a few days of the theatrical debut.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Digital Version: The Cast Away
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
1 claimed

Pledge $35 or more

$35 USD
You'll be the first to hear the soundtrack for The Cast Away before it is released, via a streaming link.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • The Cast Away Soundtrack
Estimated Shipping
December 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $40 or more

$40 USD
You will receive a DVD of the movie with all the bonus features, including the Making of The Cast Away documentary, plus other bonus features not available on the digital download.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Movie DVD plus bonus features
Estimated Shipping
March 2020
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pledge $45 or more

$45 USD
This limited-edition mouse pad will be available only to Indiegogo backers. I will personally design and paint a unique design specifically for our sponsors.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • The Cast Away Mouse Pad
Estimated Shipping
September 2018
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Pledge $50 or more

Pledge $50 or more

$50 USD
This limited-edition t-shirt will be available only to Indiegogo backers. I will personally design and paint a unique shirt design specifically for our sponsors.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • The Cast Away T-shirt
Estimated Shipping
October 2018
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pledge $55 or more

$55 USD
You will receive a Blu-Ray with all the bonus features, including the Making of The Cast Away documentary, plus other bonus features not available on the digital download.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Blu-Ray plus bonus features
Estimated Shipping
March 2020
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pledge $60 or more

$60 USD
Some like it hot, but you can drink whatever you want out of the Official The Cast Away Indiegogo coffee mug.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • The Cast Away Coffee Mug
Estimated Shipping
October 2018
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pledge $75 or more

$75 USD
Signed script of The Cast Away movie by the all the members of the cast and the creators. Please note: This reward cannot be released before the film premiere.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Signed script of The Cast Away
Estimated Shipping
February 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $80 or more

$80 USD
You will receive a mint condition copy of the official “The Cast Away” movie poster, suitable for framing.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • The Cast Away movie poster
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pledge $85 or more

$85 USD
You will receive a giant 24” x 36” detailed copy of the official “The Cast Away” island poster, printed on heavy stock and suitable for framing.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Howard's Island giant poster
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pledge $100 or more

$100 USD
Seven-novel collector set consists of the novel The Cast Away (the basis for the proposed movie), all three Pulp Heroes novels; Khan Dynasty, More Than Mortal, & Sanctuary Falls, Modern Marvels - Viktoriana, The Hunter Island Adventure, and The Inner World Adventure. This package will also be loaded with goodies & extras not available from Amazon.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • All 7 novels by Wayne Reinagel
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2018
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pledge $120 or more

$120 USD
Deluxe Collector’s Package aka Large Crate of Loot! Great Deal!! This level includes a collector’s combination of packages listed above. This includes the Screensavers, the weekly Production Journals, the PDF of the Shooting Script, the DVD, the Mouse Pad, the Cast Away T-shirt, the Blu-Ray, and the Coffee Mug.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Movie DVD plus bonus features
  • The Cast Away T-shirt
  • Blu-Ray plus bonus features
  • The Cast Away Coffee Mug
  • The Cast Away Mouse Pad
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pledge $175 or more

$175 USD
A Director's Chair Back printed with the movie's logo just like the ones we will use on set for the cast and creators. Often the director and stars of the film will keep this piece of their chair to remind them of making the movie. Now you can too! *Chair not included.*
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Director's Canvas Chair Back
Estimated Shipping
October 2018
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pledge $185 or more

$185 USD
A Limited Edition lithograph print of the official “The Cast Away” theatrical poster, autographed by every member of the cast and creators.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Cast Away signed movie poster
Estimated Shipping
February 2020
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pledge $195 or more

$195 USD
Super Deluxe Collector’s Package aka Huge Crate of Loot! Best Deal!! Includes everything from the Deluxe Collector’s Package, plus even more booty. This Grab Bag of goodies also includes the Director's Chair Back, Movie Poster (unsigned), Giant Poster of Howard’s Island, & awesome treasures from the strange & wonderful studios of Wayne Reinagel.
Included Items
  • Deluxe Collector’s Package!
  • Super Deluxe Collector Package
  • The Cast Away movie poster
  • Howard's Island giant poster
  • Director's Canvas Chair Back
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Pledge $200 or more

$200 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in Los Angeles. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in LA.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $200 or more

$200 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in New York City. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in New York City.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $200 or more

$200 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in Chicago. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Chicago.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $200 or more

$200 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in London. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in London.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $200 or more

$200 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in Toronto. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Toronto.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $200 or more

$200 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in San Francisco. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in San Francisco.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $200 or more

$200 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in Austin, Texas. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Austin, Texas.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $200 or more

$200 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in Boston. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Boston.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $200 or more

$200 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in Paris. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Paris.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $200 or more

$200 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in Berlin. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Berlin.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $200 or more

$200 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in Rome. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Rome.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $375 or more

$375 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in Los Angeles for TWO. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Los Angeles.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $375 or more

$375 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in New York City for TWO. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in New York City.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $375 or more

$375 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in Chicago for TWO. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Chicago.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $375 or more

$375 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in London for TWO. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in London.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $375 or more

$375 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in Toronto for TWO. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Toronto.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $375 or more

$375 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in San Francisco for TWO. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in San Francisco.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $375 or more

$375 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in Austin, Texas for TWO. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Austin, Texas.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $375 or more

$375 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in Boston for TWO. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Boston.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $375 or more

$375 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in Berlin for TWO. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Berlin.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed

Pledge $375 or more

$375 USD
Advance Film Screening and Q&A in Rome for TWO. Before public release, the director and members of the cast will invite sponsors at this level to preview the final cut of the movie. After the movie, you are invited to attend an ask-us-anything Q&A session. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Rome.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Advance Film Screening and Q&A
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
Estimated Shipping
October 2019
0 claimed
Pledge $550 or more

Pledge $550 or more

$550 USD
Red Carpet Movie Premiere and Q&A in Los Angeles for Two. Two tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in Los Angeles. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Los Angeles.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Red Carpet Movie Premiere x 2
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $550 or more

$550 USD
Red Carpet Movie Premiere and Q&A in New York City for Two. Two tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in New York City. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in New York City.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Red Carpet Movie Premiere x 2
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $550 or more

$550 USD
Red Carpet Movie Premiere and Q&A in Chicago for Two. Two tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in Chicago. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Chicago.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Red Carpet Movie Premiere x 2
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $550 or more

$550 USD
Red Carpet Movie Premiere and Q&A in London for Two. Two tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in London. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in London.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Red Carpet Movie Premiere x 2
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
1 claimed

Pledge $550 or more

$550 USD
Red Carpet Movie Premiere and Q&A in Toronto for Two. Two tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in Toronto. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Toronto.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Red Carpet Movie Premiere x 2
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $550 or more

$550 USD
Red Carpet Movie Premiere and Q&A in San Francisco for Two. Two tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in San Francisco. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in San Francisco.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Red Carpet Movie Premiere x 2
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $550 or more

$550 USD
Red Carpet Movie Premiere and Q&A in Austin, Texas for Two. Two tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in Austin, Texas. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Austin, Texas.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Red Carpet Movie Premiere x 2
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $550 or more

$550 USD
Red Carpet Movie Premiere and Q&A in Boston for Two. Two tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in Boston. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Boston.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Red Carpet Movie Premiere x 2
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $550 or more

$550 USD
Red Carpet Movie Premiere and Q&A in Paris for Two. Two tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in Paris. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Paris.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Red Carpet Movie Premiere x 2
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $550 or more

$550 USD
Red Carpet Movie Premiere and Q&A in Berlin for Two. Two tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in Berlin. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Berlin.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Red Carpet Movie Premiere x 2
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $550 or more

$550 USD
Red Carpet Movie Premiere and Q&A in Rome for Two. Two tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in Rome. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Rome.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • Red Carpet Movie Premiere x 2
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed
Pledge $1250 or more

Pledge $1250 or more

$1,250 USD
Two VIP tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in Los Angeles. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. This VIP package includes Two tickets to the exclusive after-party also attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Los Angeles.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • VIP Red Carpet Premiere x Two
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $1250 or more

$1,250 USD
Two VIP tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in New York City. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. This VIP package includes Two tickets to the exclusive after-party also attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in New York City.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • VIP Red Carpet Premiere x Two
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $1250 or more

$1,250 USD
Two VIP tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in Chicago. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. This VIP package includes Two tickets to the exclusive after-party also attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Chicago.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • VIP Red Carpet Premiere x Two
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $1250 or more

$1,250 USD
Two VIP tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in London. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. This VIP package includes Two tickets to the exclusive after-party also attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in London.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • VIP Red Carpet Premiere x Two
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $1250 or more

$1,250 USD
Two VIP tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in Toronto. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. This VIP package includes Two tickets to the exclusive after-party also attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Toronto.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • VIP Red Carpet Premiere x Two
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $1250 or more

$1,250 USD
Two VIP tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in San Francisco. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. This VIP package includes Two tickets to the exclusive after-party also attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in San Francisco.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • VIP Red Carpet Premiere x Two
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $1250 or more

$1,250 USD
Two VIP tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in Austin, Texas. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. This VIP package includes Two tickets to the exclusive after-party also attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Austin, Texas.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • VIP Red Carpet Premiere x Two
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $1250 or more

$1,250 USD
Two VIP tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in Boston. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. This VIP package includes Two tickets to the exclusive after-party also attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Boston.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • VIP Red Carpet Premiere x Two
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $1250 or more

$1,250 USD
Two VIP tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in Paris. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. This VIP package includes Two tickets to the exclusive after-party also attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Paris.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • VIP Red Carpet Premiere x Two
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $1250 or more

$1,250 USD
Two VIP tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in Berlin. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. This VIP package includes Two tickets to the exclusive after-party also attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Berlin.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • VIP Red Carpet Premiere x Two
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $1250 or more

$1,250 USD
Two VIP tickets to the Red Carpet Movie Premiere of The Cast Away in Rome. This event will be attended by the cast and creators. This VIP package includes Two tickets to the exclusive after-party also attended by the cast and creators. You must provide your own travel and accommodations while in Rome.
Included Items
  • Screensavers
  • Production Journals
  • Shooting Script
  • VIP Red Carpet Premiere x Two
Estimated Shipping
January 2020
0 claimed

Pledge $12,500 or more

$12,500 USD
Be a Producer! Get all of the $195 level perks. Plus: You’ll be listed in the film credits & IMDB as an Indiegogo Producer. Perks to include Two scheduled set visits, lunch with director and cast, tours of the studio, a signed script and movie poster, and much, much more. Travel & accommodations not included.
Included Items
  • Signed script of The Cast Away
  • Cast Away signed movie poster
  • VIP Red Carpet Premiere x Two
  • Be a Producer!
0 claimed

Pledge $25,000 or more

$25,000 USD
Be an Executive Producer! Get all the $195 level perks. Plus: You’ll be listed in the film credits & IMDB as an Indiegogo Executive Producer. Perks to include Four scheduled set visits, lunch with director & cast, tours of the studio, Director’s Chair with your name, Two VIP Premiere tickets & much, much more. Travel & accommodations not included.
Included Items
  • Signed script of The Cast Away
  • Cast Away signed movie poster
  • VIP Red Carpet Premiere x Two
  • Be an Executive Producer!
0 claimed
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