You have demanded it. The Game Chasers DVD is here!
Now is your chance to own the first season of the Game Chasers on DVD! We will be getting DVD's professionally made by a real dvd pressing company. None of this cheap burning them at home crap for us! But what this means is that we need a lot of money upfront to pay for them to be manufactured. Our goal is $3,000. At that amount we will have enough to buy the number of DVD sets needed for the company we are using to bring the cost down. Meaning you save money by us doing it this way!
The DVD set will include:
- Every episode of season 1 RE-Edited with additional NEVER before seen footage! Some episodes being 2-3 minutes longer!
- Audio commentary for every episode, with tracks from 8-Bit Eric, Gamester81, and Pat the NES Punk to name a few!
- The PAX episodes re-edited into one big Pax special with new footage!
- An exclusive interview with the "Alright Guy"
- A HUGE outtake reel with never before seen interview footage and tons of nonsense
- A documentary - "We Should Do This With Video Games" The Story of Season 1
- making of featurettes!
- fear not, DVD's will be region free!
Stretch Goals/Bonus Features
A TON of work will be going into this DVD set. If the interest is high and we can get lots of pre-orders, I'll take some extra time to create even more bonus content!
If we hit $5,000
- a NEVER before seen Game Chasers episode made just for the DVD featuring places we went in season 1 but never made it on the show!
- The FIRST Halloween cartoon with commentary!
- A making of featurette for the cartoon!
if we hit $7,000
- Tons Tons and Tons of just random footage never before seen!
- a DVD exclusive interview with Dodongo!
- More gag reels, outtakes, and easter eggs!
if we hit $20,000
- DVD set will in include a bonus 3rd disc just for people who pre-ordered!
- EVEN MORE exclusive content
if we hit $27,000
- 10 games will be bought which value at $100 each and be randomly placed into the game combo packs. Games include Ducktales 2, Contra Force, and other games or that nature
if we hit $40,000
DODONGO will dawn the Tigger suit and shoot a DVD exclusive video of him doing his thing in Downtown Dallas...this ought to be interesting!!!
We will be offering FREE shipping to USA buyers only. Unfortunately with the recent increase in international shipping we will have to charge for shipping costs on all international orders.
Current episode re-edit extended length
Episode 1 - old length 14:17 new length 16:58
Episode 2 - old length 14:11 new length 17:03
Episode 3 - old length 12:50 new length 13:44
Episode 4 - old length 12:37 new length 14:15
Episode 5 - old length 15:23 new length 16:07
Episode 6 - old length 16:25 new length 16:45
Episode 7 - old length 15:19 new length 16:21
Episode 8 - old length 13:55 new length 16:09
Episode 9 - Update soon
Episode 10 - old length 19:11 new length 21:20
Other Ways You Can Help
Even if you can't get the DVD, you can still help! If you are a fan tweet, share on Facebook, and help spread the word!
Thank you!