Thanks for checking out the page! My name is Cory J. Udler. I am a writer/director. You may (or may not) know me from my "Incest Death Squad" trilogy of films, my movie "Mediatrix" or my short film that will be featured in the all Wisconsin horror anthology "Hole In The Wall" titled "Ed Gein: D.D.S.". You may know me from my work with legendary filmmaker Ted V. Mikels. I have written 3 of his last 4 films, including his latest "Paranormal Extremes".
This movie is my return to my "roots", if you will. The script was completed in 2 weeks, with pre production going on now. The goal is to shoot in March/April and release in Tulsa, Oklahoma on May 9th, as I am a featured guest at the Tulsa Comic Convention. The story of the "grindhouse" filmmakers, and others such as Roger Corman, is one of writing a script in a short amount of time and making a feature film for the drive ins in even LESS time. This is a true return to that way of making low budget exploitation films. If you are familiar with my work, you know that this will not only entertain, but will also probably make you sick at times. But it will always be entertaining!
What We Need & What You Get
I am looking for $3,000 to complete this movie from soup to nuts. The money will go towards the following. Transportation for cast and crew (gas ain't cheap!), food for everyone (as we will be shooting some VERY long days), special effects in order to really bring the impact to the screen, wardrobe (can't expect people to get covered in blood wearing their own clothes!). If there is any money left over at the end, that money will go towards printing of DVDs, stickers and any other promotional material to get the word out about the film. Our goal is $3,000, we will make the movie on less than that, but $3,000 will certainly insure a smooth and comfortable production!
The Impact
This will be my 5th feature film in as many years. I am the writer/producer/director/DP/editor/marketing guy, etc. I am also a new dad who wasn't sure if he would ever step back behind a camera. My true passion is filmmaking, and while my movies aren't everyone's cup of tea (or blood), my films are dreams that I work very hard to make come true. Not only for me, but for my cast and crew. We ALL live to do this. With your donation, not only will we make sure you are credited as an "executive producer", you can take pride in knowing that your donation has helped to fuel truly independent horror cinema and creativity. We appreciate anything you can do for us!
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can't contribute, you can still help us out! We are always in need of locations and we can always use word of mouth. With this project, I am trying to be a little bit hush hush about it, as I would like to spring it out of nowhere on the fans of my previous work. But, if you know someone who can contribute or would be interested, please send them this link! We are so grateful for anything you can do to help us out!