The Complete Glitch Music Project
An ambitious and comprehensive project to collect, catalog, remix and and remaster the music from Glitch and preserve it in high quality formats for posterity. This project will result in four distinct collections:
• ‘Soundscapes of Ur’ (a double album, available on CD or download)
• ‘Glitch Variations’ (single album, download only)
• ‘Glitch Ringtones, Alerts & Sound Effects’ (download only)
• ‘Outtakes, Drafts & Works in Progress’ (download only)
![The Land of Ur world_map]()
'Soundscapes of Ur' (a double album, available on CD or download) is the largest and most important collection. It will be a double disc set of the ambient music from the various geographies of the world of Glitch. It will include a 20 page booklet full of art by Kukubee, and liner notes telling you about the people that played on the music, some of the weird instruments that were used, and a bit about the process. I like to think of it as an anthology of the folk music of Ur.
A second album, 'Glitch Variations' (single album, download only) will be full of the music you heard on special streets, in puzzles, in races and mini games — and various versions of the main theme. This album will only be available by download.
'Glitch Ringtones, Alerts & Sound Effects' is a comprehensive collection of the sounds, short themes (such as meditation variations, spinning wheel, etc.), music blocks and other audio signatures of the world of Glitch. Several of the most popular selections will be available in both high quality mp3 and m4r formats for use as ringtones.
‘Outtakes, Drafts & Works in Progress’ (download only) is a bonus collection of music that has not previously be heard, remixed in high quality mp3. Only available for supporters at the ‘Apprentice Heros’ level and above.
- Why an Indiegogo campaign?
There have been many requests to release the music of Glitch. I am more than excited at the prospect, but it will involve a lot of work. A successful campaign will help me to take the time and focus to see the project through. It will also help cover the cost of having the music professionally mastered, and printing the discs, cover art and booklets.
So many of us invested a lot of time in Glitch, made good friends, and felt a part of something special. I hope to make something for you to remember Glitch by, but also something that people who have never milked a butterfly will enjoy!
But the music is already made, isn't it ready to print?
Most of the tunes were either looped or divided into short sections that played randomly, so I'd like to give them beginnings and endings! The biggest job will be taking the songs that were broken up (over 4hrs worth!) and arranging them so that they flow naturally from beginning to end and sit (and fit) nicely on an album. Distill them, as it were, without changing their familiarity.
The music could benefit greatly from some fine-tuning of the mix, and it also needs to be professionally mastered.
- What can I get in addition to the four audio collections?
Updates and previews on the project: I will thank all contributors by email and touch base at least once a month with updates and mp3 previews.
Folded Feat Poster: Just like in Glitch, all contributors appear on a feats page according to your contribution. For an example, see the page from my favorite feat. For those receiving shipped items it will be folded and included in the package.
Crab T-shirt and print: I'm excited to be offering a couple Kukubee creations as perks: a "crab with headphones" T shirt as well as limited edition 11"x17" "crab with headphones" prints!
Real-Life Crab Musicblock: I've also teamed up with Mauk, a fellow Glitchen and guitar builder, to put together a real life musicblock. It will be a replica of the in-game musicblocks designed by Kukubee. They will be cut from white oak, stained and fitted with brass knobs. Inside there will be a music box mounted that plays the main theme from a paper strip that I will hand-punch with a sprite of your avatar printed on it. It'll look something like this:
![Crab Musicblock crab_musicblock]()
- When will the album be finished?
The target is April 2013. The ringtone package should be ready by January and will be made available to all contributors as soon as possible.
- Will all of my favourite tracks from Glitch be on this collection?
Not all my favorite tracks will be! Xavier wrote a couple of songs that were a big part of life in Glitch like the Rube Song, Hell Song, and the X music blocks. Unfortunately, publishing rights are complicated, so I can’t commit to having their tracks in the collection at the moment. All of these songs will be available somehow or rather -- so I'll keep you posted.
Brandon Brown, another composer and known in the Glitch community as beatfreq, is responsible for the BB musicblocks and is enthusiastic about having them be part of the collection!
There is no arrangement with indiegogo to facilitate this, but contact me directly and I'm sure we can work it out!
- I don't care about music, what else can I get to remember Glitch by?
Brent Kobayashi (aka Kukubee), the insanely talented and prolific art director at Tiny Speck who did most of the artwork for Glitch is putting a coffee table book together called the Art of Glitch. It's super expensive to print books and ship them, so he's started his own indiegogo campaign with some awesome perks including Glitch merch.
But I don’t have any money, can I still help?
Yes! Share the campaign with your friends: spread the word! Also if you want to grab some samples of what will be released, check out the Glitch download page!
- I heard you are a banjo player and barely know how to use the internet, how did you even get this together?
I basically copied and pasted everything Kukubee did and switched “book” for “album”, and “art” for "music". Thanks Kuke!