Short Summary
My name is Holly Van Voast and I have been using an original, topless, mustached entertainment character called Harvey Van Toast to promote my views on toplessness bias and also show select New York City arts scenes. It's been a social experiment like no other, inspired by people so few have seen! After doing hundreds and hundreds of appearances as topless mustached Harvey Van Toast in both private and public realms (over the past year and a half), I have been arrested over ten times and involuntarily hospitalized for something that has been legal for two decades in New York State, (once for six day!). (see Santorelli 1992 ruling on Google!) No woman does things like this as a stunt — it is far too stressful, and even dangerous! I have had more police attention than most criminals for completely legal behavior!
My devotion to these issues has led to me being evicted and although I have found friends to help me with living conditions, I also need funds to carry on what I do. I have already done more than anyone in history to normalize female toplessness in New York State, and I have documented the arts scene in New York like nobody else. I work in the spirit of those like Andy Warhol, Kurt Vonnegut, Sam Wagstaff, Lenny Bruce! I am a GLAM Award nominee for two years in a row for best nightlife photographer, and I wish to continue in the entertainment realm to make making history a fun original thing and not some dry City Hall demonstration event. I am now undertaking a standup comedy routine based on my incredible experiences over the past year and a half! I know this sounds like hyperbole... but these are all simply the facts!
Contributors will be helping a self-motivated artist to continue doing what she does best and allow her to write a book — called TOPLESS SHOCK SYNDROME — about the countless and unbelievable experiences she has had over the past year and a half. Thinking outside the box (and the bra) has real consequences and it's hard to get jobs when you are all over the web topless with a drawn on mustache! People just have a really hard time taking an activist seriously, unless they look serious, and my belief is that an activist can be entertaining. I need new hard drives too! Pictures and footage need storage space!
There is also a documentary that will be finished in February — TOPLESS SHOCK SYNDROME — THE DOCUMENTARY.
I need $8,000 dollars to buy camera equipment and to allow me the time to write a book, and focus on my other activities as Harvey Van Toast.
If you cannot contribute, please spread the word! My activities as Harvey Van Toast make people think and talk! Your contributions will make it possible for me to focus on things that I take very seriously — freedom, art, exposing others to new ideas and characters they have ever seen before!
Everyone who contributes anything will get a hand drawn and signed logo drawing! <3 No matter what the campaign says... I had trouble understanding everything!