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The Healing Story

Do you want health, happiness, love and success? This film will take you on a never seen before expedition.


The Healing Story

The Healing Story

The Healing Story

The Healing Story

The Healing Story

Do you want health, happiness, love and success? This film will take you on a never seen before expedition.

Do you want health, happiness, love and success? This film will take you on a never seen before expedition.

Do you want health, happiness, love and success? This film will take you on a never seen before expedition.

Do you want health, happiness, love and success? This film will take you on a never seen before expedition.

Britta Rating
Britta Rating
Britta Rating
Britta Rating
1 Campaign |
New York and Hamburg, Germany
$2,201 USD 12 backers
0% of $230,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal is more than a documentary. It is hope.....     (Deutsche Version unten)

NEW PERK. Stay healthy during the wintertime!

Get the Christmas Perk. Exclusive Log-In to the directors diary. See pictures, reports and videos online, until the movie is available.

“Make the world a better place. For you and for me…” It's as simple as that.  

You can make it happen! With your help, the worldwide filming of The Healing Story can begin. It is more than a documentary. It is hope!

" Seven years ago I had a very serious slipped disc in the neck area. I went through a long period of intense pain and was given very strong painkillers as well as tranquilizers. During a filming in West Africa, for a science-magazine,  I met a medicine man. Nothing helped before, except eventually a treatment by this man.I have heard many stories from friends and acquaintances that give new hope in cases where conventional medicine can do no more. Methods that have resulted in medication and surgical operations being unnecessary."

                 Britta Rating- Filmmaker of The Healing Story

This 90-minute documentary film will follow the journeys of individuals in their desperate search for health, happiness, love and success. This film will follow the real life stories of individuals for whom conventional medicine has nothing more to offer. People suffering a total burn-out, unable to lead a normal life, breast cancer, a couple who dream more than anything to have a baby, someone who has lost everything and someone who refuses to give up trying to find the love of their life.

The paths of these individuals, for whom conventional medicine has no hope, crosses that of Shamans, indigenous Medicine Men, a Qi Grandmaster, Hindu Priests and the Sardinian secret of human longevity. Science links the exciting and dramatic stories of these people. From neurobiology to epigenetics, ethnobotanics to quantum physics as well as the latest discoveries in water research. They all deal with the essence of our existence. The Healing Story connects two seemingly disconnected worlds. At the core of both of these worlds however is the fact that they both ultimately work with the flow of energy.

Get the Perk and show up for this project!

Herbalists, shamans, complimentary therapists, medicine men and scientists are already part of this project. During the research phase, important international contacts and charismatic and successful personalities were convinced to join us for this fantastic journey.

Protagonists involved in this project among others are:

Dandapani is a Hindu priest and speaker on self-development. An ex-Hindu monk under the guidance of one of Hinduism’s foremost spiritual leaders of our time Sivaya Subramuniyaswami. For ten years, he lived a life of serious personal discipline and training at the cloistered monastery of his guru in Hawaii. He works with a variety of individuals, companies and organizations around the world conducting training through workshops, retreats and exclusive coaching circles.

The renowned mind-body and health researcher, Professor MD Tobias Esch of The Neuroscience Research Institute, State University New York and Harvard Medical School. Prof. MD Tobias Esch is practicing, teaching and researching in Mind-Body medicine and Stress reduction. The concept is based on techniques e.g. of Tai Qi, Qi Gong, Meditation and Spirituality.

Prof. Dr. MD Matthias Heiliger. Is a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, endocrinology as well as energy and information medicine.

Stephanie Heiliger. SCIO Specialist (SCIO developed by a former NASA physicist. Prof. Dr. Nelson programmed several worldwide healing methods into the device.) 

Producer & Director: Britta Rating

Filmmaker /Hamburg-Germany.

My background is TV-journalism, short films and documentaries. In 2001, I released my first documentary feature. WDR- Die Story- „Die vierte Tote. Der Fall Nina Dreisbach. The project received widespread media attention like the ZDFdoku- reality series „Streetunivercity. Learning from the street“, in 2010/2011. In 2008/2009, I worked on a worldwide travel reality series „Mein Auslandstagebuch“, which aired on the channel Vox.  As well as for Galileo, a science-magazine. 

I have filmed in countries ranging from Australia to West Africa, USA, Ireland, Spain, and Turkey. I also created a variety of other projects including branding films, portraits of several artists and a street-dance-musical-project for young disadvantaged people.

Composer and Music production: Alexander van Bubenheim, Bubenheim Entertainment Group. Hollywood. L.A.

Alexander is an award-winning composer on the international music scene.  He has created sound designs and compositions for the movie trailer for "Lord of the Rings", Disney "Atlantis", "Terminator" and Imax Multimedia Shows. As well as for the feature film „Das Experiment“, among many others.

An expedition to seek the origins of all knowledge. From the medicine of the rainforests to Tibetan and Ayurvedic medicine in southern India, from the Taoist teachings of South Korea, to rituals, spirits, gods and ceremonies performed by native Americans and the ancient healers of Mali, West Africa and Malaysia.

Culminating at the research hotspots for neuroscience, epigenetics, waters and quantum physics. Between Boston and Japan.

*It is always possible that the locations will change during the production phase.

Until a finished film exists, one normally talks about three to four phases.

1. Development Phase: Researching the idea for the story. Searching for the protagonists. Finding the locations, casting, translating and visiting the various locations. Creating a script and storyboard.

2. Production Phase: Working through the different storyboards, bookings, filming, interviews, travel, equipment, team and finally music production.

3. Post-production Phase: Examining all the film footage, editing, graphics, color, sound, synchronization, subtitles, music production and soundtracks.

4. Opening Phase: Marketing, press, premiers and festivals.

At present, we are at the end of phase 1 and the beginning of phase 2. Your financial help will help us move forward. If we are successful, your money and backing will cover phases 2 – 4. The more money that is invested, the quicker and the more beautiful we will be able to make this film, and the faster you will learn more about healing methods from other cultural backgrounds and philosophy. 

The total cost of this film will be approx. 600.000  dollars. The amount of $230.000 is for the first steps. My goal would be, to raise even more than this through Indiegogo and to finance the rest with outside investors. In reality you are supporting two films with your contribution. The main film and the making-off which needs another camera, edit and extra Interviews. Parts of it you can see during the whole production phase  through the very special Perks: Directors-Diary or VIP Log in Breaking News. 

The challenge

The project will film with a crew of seven people. The logistics in terms of organization, travel and technical equipment are very complex. Last, but not least, this film is about people and we will be doing some of the filming in quite delicate situations. Most of the shamans, medicine men and grandmasters of this film have never stood in front of a camera before.

We will be working in extremely sensitive situations, in which it is impossible to calculate the exact number of filming days required. To fly with a special camera (cineflex) over the Amazon alone, costs $13.000.

Rainforest medicine, cleansing ones’ sins in a hidden area of India: What helps whom will transpire at the end of this journey. Something that heals everybody does not exist. Everybody’s healing is individual and is dependent on a variety of factors. Regardless of doctor, patient, medicine men or shamans everybody is in fact on the same journey and asking the same questions.

Why is this happening to me? Why are we on this earth? Where do we come from? Where are we going?

This film wants to turn the invisible visible and to give hope where hope has been lost. 

It is because I have seen so many times that this is possible, that I am so deeply passionate about this project. With your support, you could be part of a global rethinking of healing and medicine that reignites the powers of self-healing!

 Let us make it happen!

“You must be the change you want to see in the world”          M.Ghandi

We are the link between the past and the future. Let us change it!

With much love


How you can help besides donating:

Word of mouth is essential for crowd funding campaigns.  I need your help! After you pledge, tell your family and friends about the project. Tell your neighbors! Tweet about it! Facebook it! Social Media is a key marketing tool and could be a major factor in the success of The Healing Story!

Für unsere deutschen Unterstützer

Wer wünscht es sich nicht Gesundheit, Glück, Erfolg und die große Liebe?

Der Film nimmt den Zuschauer mit auf eine nie da gewesene Heilungs-Expedition. Zur Erforschung Jahrtausende alter Heilsysteme und Methoden, die hier nicht bekannt sind oder praktiziert werden.

Dank Ihrer Spende kann der Film überhaupt erst entstehen. Können die weltweiten Dreharbeiten zu The Healing Story erst beginnen. 

Er beginnt dort, wo die Schulmedizin an ihre Grenzen stößt, um altes Wissen für neue Krankheiten auszuprobieren. 

 Das unschätzbare Wissen Jahrtausende alter Heilungssysteme, wird in diesem Film erstmalig mit neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen verknüpft. Sie erfahren von Heilungskulturen und Möglichkeiten die sehr effektiv wirken können, hier aber nicht bekannt sind.

Krankheiten wie Krebs, Diabetes, schwere Depression, Rheuma, Morbus Chron, Bandscheibenvorfälle, Essstörungen, psychische Störungen- alles Krankheiten die mit den ganzheitlichen Methoden, die ich in diesem Film vorstellen will,  immer wieder  erfolgreich besiegt wurden. 

Ich habe als Regisseurin und Produzentin bisher vier Jahre in Recherche und mindestens 70.000 Euro in die Entwicklung des Filmprojektes investiert und dabei  selber verschiedenste Methoden ausprobiert. Methoden die harte Medikamente und Operationen unnötig machten.

In dem 90minütigen Kinofilm werden Schicksale auf der verzweifelten Suche nach Gesundheit, Glück, Liebe und Erfolg erzählt.  Die wahren Geschichten von „unheilbar“ kranken Protagonisten, die bis zur Lebensunfähigkeit an Burn-Out leiden, an Brustkrebs.  Demjenigen der alles verloren hat, einem Paar, das sich vergeblich ein Kind wünscht und einer der nicht aufgibt nach der großen Liebe zu suchen.

Die Wege  der Protagonisten, für die es keine Hoffnung mehr in der konventionellen Schulmedizin gibt, kreuzen sich mit denen der Schamanen, indigenen Oberhäuptern, einer Qi-Großmeisterin, hinduistischen Priestern und dem sardischen Anti-Aging-Geheimnis der über Hundertjährigen.

Die spannenden und dramatischen Geschichten der Protagonisten werden mit Pionieren der Wissenschaften vernetzt.  Von Neurobiologie, Epigenetik, Ethnobotanik, Quantenphysik bis Wasserforschung. Sie alle bewegen sich bis an die  Randgebiete unseres Seins. The Healing Story vernetzt zwei unvereinbar scheinende Welten miteinander. 

Bisher an Bord sind...

.... Pflanzenheiler, Schamanen, Komplementärmediziner, Medizinmänner und Wissenschaftler.  Diese kulturübergreifenden Kontakte habe ich in der Recherchephase geknüpft. Dabei konnten sehr charismatische und erfolgreiche Persönlichkeiten für dieses Projekt gewonnen werden.

Darunter Hindupriester und Ex-Mönch Dandapani und  Mind-Body-Mediziner und Gesundheitsforscher Prof. Dr. Esch u.a. tätig für das Neuroscience Research Institute, State University New York und Gastprofessor der Harvard Medical School. Sowie Prof. Dr. med. Mathias Heiliger, Komplementärmediziner der Salusmed und Stephanie Heiliger, Scio Spezialistin.

Wohin geht die Reise?

Eine Expedition zu den Ursprüngen des Wissens über Regenwaldmedizin, Ayurveda aus Südindien, die taoistische Lehre praktiziert in Südkorea, zu Ritualen, Geistern Göttern und Behandlungen der Ureinwohner Amerikas und Westafrikas. Das Anti-Aging  Geheimnis der über Hundertjährigen wird auf Sardinien erforscht.

(Es ist während der Produktionsphase immer noch möglich, dass sich Orte  und Protagonisten verändern)

In welchem Stadium befindet sich das Projekt?

Bis ein Film entsteht spricht man von drei bis vier Phasen.

1. Entwicklungsphase (Recherche und Idee der Story, Suche der Protagonisten und Drehorte, Casting. Übersetzungen, Locationbesichtigungen/Reisen)

2. Produktionsphase (Ausarbeitungen der einzelnen Dreh’s, Buchungen, Dreharbeiten, Interviews, Reisen, Equipement, Team, Musikproduktion)

3. Postproduction Phase (Sichten des gedrehten Materials, Schnitt, Grafiken, Bildbearbeitungen, Vertonung, Synchronisation, Untertitelung, Musikproduktion des Soundtracks)

4. Veröffentlichungs Phase

Marketing, Pressearbeit, Premieren und  Festivals

Bisher befinden wir uns am Ende von Phase 1 und Anfang Phase 2.

Dafür spenden Sie bei diesem Aufruf. Sind wir erfolgreich und noch mehr, fließen Ihre Gelder automatisch in Phase 2-4 ein. Je mehr gespendet wird, umso schneller und schöner kann gedreht werden.

Was kostet der Film?

Die Gesamtsumme des Films liegt bei 600.000  Dollar.

Davon möchte ich gerne 230.000 Dollar durch Indiegogo finanzieren und den Rest durch andere Investoren.

Die Herausforderung

The Healing Story wird mit einem siebenköpfigen Team gedreht.  Der Film ist sehr aufwändig von der Organisation, den Reisen, dem technischen Equipment, der Logistik. Und nicht zuletzt haben wir es mit Menschen zu tun, die sich in einer schwerwiegenden Situation befinden. Die meisten Schamanen, Medizinmänner und Großmeister dieses Films standen noch nie vor einer Kamera.

Wir bewegen uns also durchgängig auf sehr sensiblem Terrain, dass mit knapp kalkulierten Drehtagen nicht zu realisieren ist.

Allein ein Kameraflug über den Amazonas kostet 10.000 Euro.

Gibt es eine Garantie auf Heilung?

Regenwaldmedizin, Abwaschung der Sünden an einem versteckten Ort in Indien? Was bei wem hilft wird sich zeigen. Denn Allheilmittel gibt es nicht. Jede Entwicklung bzw. Heilung ist individuell und hängt von ganz unterschiedlichen Faktoren ab. Aber sowohl Patienten und Ärzte, Medizinmänner und Schamanen begegnen denselben Fragen auf ihrer Reise.

Warum geschieht das mir? Was ist unsere Aufgabe auf dieser Erde? Woher kommen wir? Und wohin gehen wir?

Weil ich schon so oft gesehen habe, dass diese Methoden in schwerwiegenden Fällen funktioniert haben, liegt mir dieses Projekt so am Herzen. Und Sie tragen dazu bei, ein globales medizinisches Umdenken zur Reaktivierung der Selbstheilungskräfte auszulösen!

Wir sind der Link zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft.


Britta Rating

Wie Sie uns sonst unterstützen können:

Erzählen Sie von dem Projekt "The Healing Story"! Wir brauchen Ihre Hilfe. Kopieren Sie den Indiegogo Link und schicken ihn an Freunde und Bekannte. Teilen Sie ihn in Ihren Netzwerken wie facebook und twitter.

Special Thank You to those who supported this project so far for the Trailer and this page

Camera: John-Henry Marcell

Editor: Mark Broszeit

Music &Sounds: Alexander van Bubenheim, Bubenheim Entertainment L.A.

Soundstudio: Tom Steinbrecher

Soundstudio: Lara Wills

Speaker: Suzannne Süßenbach

Speaker: Marco Nussbaum

Grafics: Lasse Renneberger

Footage: Dandapani

Lay-Out and Design: Esther Gummig

Translations: Fiona Brown

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Choose your Perk

Be on board

$30 USD
Get the boardingpass download plus on board supporter-credit on the page.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
1 out of 300 of claimed

Pioneer Perk

$50 USD
Who is donating in the first week, will get a pioneer-credit in the digital film-diary on the front page and later in the film book.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
3 out of 400 of claimed

Christmas-Gift- Perk

$100 USD
Get a christmas gift certificate for Log in to the directors online-diary. See what progress the film is making.Get close informations about cast, crew and sets. Get first hand news about special healing methods. Update every 2/3 weeks. We send a download
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
1 claimed

Healthy Head-Design

$100 USD
Get two designer beanies. Warm and stylish. (please add for Germany 10$ for other countries $20).
0 claimed

Breaking News from the Set

$170 USD
VIP Log in for the director’s online-diary. Keep updated every 2/3 weeks with short videos. News and pictures of the cast, crew and sets. You get deep insights of what goes on behind the scenes. Supporter credit in the film.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 claimed

VIP Christmas Perk

$200 USD
Get a christmas gift certificate for the VIP Log in for the director’s online-diary. VIP Log in for the director’s online-diary. Keep updated every 2/3 weeks with short videos. News and pictures of the cast, crew and sets. You get deep insights of what goes on behind the scenes. Plus supporter credit in the movie.We send a download
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
1 claimed

Lucky Charms

$250 USD
We will send you happiness in the form of a powerful souvenir. You send us your wish and we will pass it on at the location. Lucky charms that can only be found at remote film locations. Plus all downloads. (for shipping please add $20)
0 out of 200 of claimed

Exclusive Canvas Print

$500 USD
Extraordinary photos will be shot during filming and a limited edition will be printed on canvas to be presented at an exhibition some time later (Plus all above downloads.(for Germany add 10$ for other countries $20).
1 out of 20 of claimed

Preparing Conference + Dinner

$1,000 USD
Be involved in a team conference in Hamburg. Get a close impression of the necessary preparations before the first take. Discuss with the team. Plus a dinner with the director at Atelier F. Plus all above downloads.
0 claimed

Team Dinner New York

$1,000 USD
Join the director and the team for one evening in New York. You can get a close impression about the work and challenges for this extraordinary documentary. Plus all downloads.
0 claimed

Film Premiere in Hamburg

$1,000 USD
2 tickets for the film premiere in Hamburg including Hotel accommodation. (travel/flights not included). Plus all downloads.
0 claimed

Associate Producer

$10,000 USD
Be part of the team for one day. Join the crew and cast. Experience the challenges during production. Your name will appear in the credits as an Associate Producer. Plus 4 tickets to the film premiere in New York or Hamburg and 4 tickets to the Afterparty. (Accommodation and travel/flights not included)
0 claimed

Adventure Perk

$20,000 USD
Join the team for 2 days at one of the spectacular global sets. (travel/flights not included). Experience all the magic and excitement of realizing a documentary. Enter a secret world. Get close impressions of healing methods in different cultures. Plus dinner with the Team. Whatever the surrounding allows. Be part of the making-of. With an interview of your impressions. Plus 4 tickets to the film premiere in NY or Hamburg and exclusive Afterparty.
0 claimed
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