We have surpassed our goal!!
Robert Meurer, Les Oreck, Carolyn
Virgil, Joey Kotfica, Steve Wise, Cate Caplin, Yolanda Mendiveles, Flo Selfman,
Bowersock, Joshua Finkel, Joyce Harris,
Linda Goldfarb, Michael Burkett, Heidi
Appe, Danielle Handel, Cameron Sczempka, MarkSinger1, LouAnn McLean, Elin Hampton, Rhoda Pell, Gary Hayashi, Janice
Roper, Karima Sundarji, Tammy Colson,
Kathryn & Arnold Rudnick, Kevin Saunders Hayes, T. Schiff, Terri Weiss, Sachi Oyama, Karyn Koven, Larry Harris,
Helena Webb, Kevin Yee, Steve Cuden, Ron Barnett, Mary Lois Comeskey, Meira Marom, Jessica Fortin Cecilia Lam, Ericaasinamerica, Thomas David, Samuel Maurer, Jkutz, Lila Rose
Kaplan, Brad Beaver, Jarrod Green,
Jarrett Byrnes, Eric Vanderwerff, Hdrollins, Naomi Kenner, Robert Intriligator,
Claire Darby, Cindy O'Connor, Ann Reid, SShanin, Mark Saltzman, Morgan Agnew,
Andrea Press, Rebecca Eiseman, Kerry Ryan, Paul Kim, Tom Birch, Richard
Blodgett, Matthew Kushner, Cort B Casady, Edward Auslender,
Robin Share, Linda Fisher, William Blodgett, Sam Kusnetz, Wendy
Shannon, and David Callander!!!
Two huge movie studios. Two of Americas brightest stars. One big secret. What they
had to do to keep 'Hollywood Confidential' in 1936.
The Max Factor Factor. Who knew the celluloid closet could become this
Written by Adrian Bewley (Book), Joe Blodgett (Music), and Chana Wise (Lyrics).
Max Factor Factor" was developed by the New Musicals Initiative for Celebration Theatre over the past
couple of seasons and now that Celebration has moved out of its theatre, we're
stepping in to produce this wonderful new musical this summer at the NoHo Arts Center in North Hollywood, CA. We've raised ALMOST the entire budget and are hoping to raise $5,000 through, any money we raise through Indiegogo above $5,000, we'll split 50/50 with Celebration Theatre!
July 26th- August 31st. 2014
@ The Noho Arts Center
North Hollywood, California
For those of you who don't
know us, here's a brief background. New Musicals Inc. is based in Los
Angeles. We develop musicals for producers all across the nation, and
occasionally we get a chance to be producers ourselves. In 2010 we
produced 40 is the New 15, and in 2012 we produced A Ring in
Brooklyn: a frickin' musical. Now in 2014 we're producing the
premiere of The Max Factor Factor.
Ovation award-winning
Michael Shepperd is onboard to direct, and we've hired a fantastic team of
designers and musical arrangers. Producers Scott Guy and Elise Dewsberry are at
the helm. The book is by Adrian Bewley, with music by Joe Blodgett and lyrics
by Chana Wise.
Producing great theatre is
expensive! We have already raised a large sum of money, but we need a final
$5,000 to make our production dreams a reality!
Your generous contributions will go towards:
* Set, sound, lighting, and costume design
* Union fees for our Actors and Director
* Marketing and Design
* Theatre rental at The Noho Arts Center
* Rehearsal space
* Props
* Musicians and Music Director
You will be helping fund the premiere production of this wonderful new musical! PLUS, any funds above $5,000 we raise through Indiegogo, we'll split 50/50 with the Celebration Theatre.
We love this musical.
It's fun, tuneful, fast-paced (VERY fast-paced in spots!), and it has a warm message
of hope handed down to us from silenced movie actors in the 1930's. They
would be very happy to see this musical, and we know you will too.
workshopped this musical from its very earliest days, when it was only an idea in the minds of the producers at the Celebration Theatre,
through the enthusiastic and thorough first draft, to the heart-stopping, spontaneous performance during Stages Musical Theatre Festival in
2013, to its current state of musical theatre perfection. The Max Factor Factor is a loving
testament to the American Musical artform, and perfect fare for a midsummer evening
in Los Angeles.
The Max Factor Factor
will be the third full production for the New Musicals Inc. We know how to make every donation dollar count and our association with the Celebration
community promises to make The Max Factor
Factor a successful and rewarding experience onstage and off!
To the right you can see
the collection of our various perks and offerings. Your donations through Indiegogo
are tax deductible. (NOTE: Donations will appear on your credit
card as "The Academy for New Musical Theatre," which is the
non-profit 501(c)3 parent organization of New Musicals Inc.)
We understand that
financial times are tough and not everyone can afford to make a huge
contribution. Please know that every little bit counts and gets us closer to
our goal. And, there are always additional ways to help out and get involved!
Please share this campaign on your Facebook page or email to a few of your
friends. We appreciate your support in any way that you are able to give.
We know it's easy to read this and think "Oh, yes, I want to help, I'll totally come back to this page and donate later, when I have more time..." But, this campaign is running for a very short period of time. If you'd really like to help make The Max Factor Factor a reality, please consider becoming an all-star donor NOW!
Thank you in advance for your contribution,
Scott Guy & Elise Dewsberry, Producers
The Max Factor Factor
New Musicals Initiative